黄渤海新区拥有长达超过 100 公里海岸资源。近年来,大型工业港口的不断建设发展,中小型水产养殖业的沿海无序蔓延,海岸逐渐被工业和城市建设侵蚀,城海分离。同时,随着逐年严峻的全球气候挑战,临海岸线面临着风暴潮加剧、海平面上升带来的诸多潜在自然灾害。
2022 年随着黄渤海新区的成立,本地政府正在积极为这一片区的海岸线发展寻求新时期以未来品质为导向的滨海发展策略。2022 年 6 月,烟台黄渤海新区自然资源和规划局开展了烟台开发区国际海滨岸线概念方案国际咨询,选出了 KCAP B.V.、夏邦杰建筑设计咨询有限公司和雷瓦德景观规划设计有限公司共 3 家入围单位。最后,KCAP 团队凭借全域视角、多专业融合的规划理念,以“山-海-城”一体多维品质岸线动态开发模型的“烟台花园海岸”方案中标。
KCAP 从全域整体规划的视角出发,以生态为底,将山海城视作生命共同体,避免快速城市化带来的山海分离,有机融合发展滨海城市和海岸线。
KCAP was awarded first prize in the competition for the International Coastline Conceptual Design for the Yantai Economic and Technological Development Zone in China that took place in June. Objective was to transform the underused coastal area bordering the city of Yantai into a vibrant, international urban district with a beautiful natural coastline. KCAP’s vision, Yantai Seafront Garden, spans several scales and is rooted in the city’s evolution from North-eastern China’s historical open gateway to an Economic Development Zone.
a central axis connecting the sea, rail station and the harbour
In our view, a coastline is never just a simple “line” but a system that encompasses all the elements around it. In the case of Yantai, this means a multidimensional approach was needed that includes the city, mountains and coastal landscape,” says Ya-Hsin Chen, Associate Partner at KCAP.
▼“烟台海岸花园”总图,the master plan of Yantai Seafront Garden
The redesigned coastline had to be extensive, an integral part of the existing urban space. It should also be inclusive, respect the existing while at the same time being innovative and geared towards active lifestyles. And, as with any long term planning strategy, it should be adaptable. The planning and management of a project on this scale is always a dynamic process, and every step forward is a pre-set and triggers the next actions and projects.
▼随着时间生长的海岸线,thecoastline that grows with time
生态为基 山海共栖
Key to the proposal is restoring the coastal areas, by returning the artificial coastline and production facilities (i.e. fish ponds) to nature, and implementing measures that protect it from erosion while creating new ecological habitats. The plan aims to rebuild the connection between the mountains and sea. By creating continuous natural areas, the ecosystem will be restored, which will foster biodiversity. The scheme also promotes the development and transformation of Yantai into a community based in ecology, and aims to prevent abrupt, ad-hoc urbanization which could lead to further fragmentation of the natural areas.
▼盐沼湿地鸟瞰,bird view of salt marsh wetlands
在持续风化、风积等作用下,自然力组建形成崖壁型基岩岸线、礁石型基岩岸线、河口泥质岸线、海岸砂质岸线四种自然岸线,并形成不同形态的潮间带生态系统。由于人类活动不断向海索地,大量岸线及潮间带被改造为填海造陆的硬质岸线和养殖围堰。现状依旧保留自然状态的岸线仅剩 23%。
Yantai Seafront Garden comprises a planning strategy for the entire area, as well as a set of detailed spatial frameworks. KCAP created an overall scheme for a 95 km long stretch of coastline, with 27.3 km2 consisting of coastal space. Within this larger territory, there is extra focus on an 18 km key design area. KCAP drafted in-detail designs for a section of approximately 1 km2 within this 18 km area.
The planning area includes four distinct ’habitats’: the zone between the mountains and city, which will be deployed for water containment; the actual urban centre, set up as a sponge city; the coast, conceived as a resilient tidal area; and the sea itself. "To ensure that the development of both city and coastline are safe ánd ecologically founded, we adopted a strategy of shoreline restoration, protection and fortification, and a triple protection strategy – offshore, in the tidal zone and with a coastal dike," explains Ruurd Gietema, Partner at KCAP.
▼生态水策略概念,Eco-Water Strategy Concept
山海融城 花园海岸
▼城市组团和产业发展板块示意图,urban cluster and industrial development block diagram
- 充分尊重自然地貌的可持续生态城市
- 交通:自由开放 活力通达
- 岸线风貌:多彩魅力岸线
- 城市发展:多元集群串联
- ▼潟湖社区,the Lagoon Community
魅力湾区 共栖港湾
在整体发展框架下,方案再聚焦于 18km 重点岸线——黄石国际人才湾,打造美丽岸线和高品质滨海城市生活,共塑吸引人才、促发创新、记录历史的魅力港湾。
Within the larger framework, there was specific focus on an 18 km key design area because of its potential. Being the most open, green gateway, it can act as a driving force for the overall development.
▼不同特色与功能的三大门户,3 clusters with different features and functions
A 区:国际交流湾
作为本次方案的重要节点,定位为最开放的绿色门户,以城岸互动带动黄石人才港湾的整体发展,拥有整个湾区开发最活跃城市和景观空间。在 1 平方公里的详细设计范围中,由三大特色分明的组团构成,包括共栖人才港、潮汐社区、潟湖社区。
Here, in Huangshi Talent Bay, various public and social gatherings can take place, different lifestyles interact, and landscapes merge. Within this development, the team gave special attention to the design of one singular area: International Communication Bay. Within this 1 km2, detailed-landscape design area, 3 clusters were defined: the Talent Port, the Tidal Community, and the Lagoon Community.
▼从左至右依次为 :共栖人才港;潮汐社区;潟湖社区,from left to right:
Talent Port;Tidal Community;Lagoon Community
Talent Port is a distinctly urban cluster. It includes a host of public functions, to be built along a central axis connecting the rail station and the harbour. Central feature is the International Communication Center, which is surrounded and supported by various landscaped public spaces like the Expo park, an open-air events space.
▼局部原有养殖水塘被改造为活跃的城市浴场,some existing aquaculture ponds have been transformed into vibrant urban swimming pools
In designing the Tidal Community, we drew closely from nature. We recovered the natural tidal zone by removing the road and artificial shoreline, and used the tidal movements to create salt marshes instead. By deploying the area’s natural strengths, we were able to extend the landscape, creating a transitional zone between the village and wetlands, which serves both as a unique seafront park and as an ecological habitat.
▼湿地公园雨天景象,rainy view of the wetland park
The Lagoon Community is set in a shoreline landscape dominated by newly created, desalinated lagoons; these offer room for swimming and socialising, but also have an ecological function. The urban centre offers a range of nature-based experiences and serves as a leisure centre for all of Huangshi Talent Bay.
▼潟湖社区鸟瞰,bird view of the Lagoon Community
B 区:文化荟萃苑
C 区:潮水创新地
▼潮水创新地鸟瞰,bird view of the Tidewater Innovation Center
“We feel that Yantai Seafront Garden clearly illustrates our vision on integrated design. KCAP has created a planning strategy that not only respects local and natural assets, but actually considers the sea, the coastline, the mountains and the city as one. The project explores the possibilities and solutions of coastline development on different scales and themes, advocating a multi-level, sustainable approach,” says Ya-Hsin Chen. “Our aim is to integrate the landscape concept, nature conservation, a sustainable water system and urban development. Combined, these serve as the foundation for a high quality environment for both human and natural life.”
KCAP Architects & Planners:Ruurd Gietema, Ya-Hsin Chen, Fangfei Liu, Aijing Sun, Jing Gan, Qian Xiao, Juliana Giraldo, Ilva Mishtaku, Kotryna Kozlovskaja.
水系统专业顾问:德国 PADDI 环境咨询
Location: Yantai, China Mainland
Client: Yantai Economic and Technological Development Zone Construction and Transportation Bureau
Year: 2022
Status: Competition (first prize)
Program: Spatial framework and planning strategies for 95 km coastline; 18 km key coastline area urban design; 1 km2 detailed design with a main focus on landscape design
Urban planners: KCAP
Collaborators: Ecological consultant: LYQW Ecological Technology Co., Ltd.; Hydrological consultant: PADDI Environment Consulting