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加州风情融入东海岸传统的格林威治住宅改造丨美国康涅狄格丨Mike Moser

2022/11/09 16:10:52
一座20000平方英尺的格林威治庄园内部,融合了加州的凉爽和东海岸的传统。起初,这对位于加州Brentwood的夫妇打算搬迁到康涅狄格州的格林威治,他们要求东海岸的新家要“明亮和白色”。但他们的室内设计师,在两岸工作的Mike Moser为他们指明了方向:"这是一个传统的格林威治房子,"他解释说。"你不能让它变成白色,否则会让人觉得它还没有完成。它需要更多层次。"
Inside a 20000SquareFoot Greenwich Estate That Blends California Cool With East Coast Tradition.At first, the Brentwood, California–based couple, who were in the process of relocating to Greenwich, Connecticut, requested “bright and white” for their new East Coast home. But their interior designer, Mike Moser, who works bicoastally, set them straight: “It’s a traditional Greenwich house,” he explains. “You can’t leave it white or it’ll feel unfinished. It requires more layers.”
考虑到该房产的规模,房产总面积为20,000平方英尺,这意味着需要更多的层次,尽管业主最初的兴趣是用有限而精致的色调打造一处住所。这个房子需要为它的新住户,即对冲基金的所有者Alicia Tranen和她的丈夫,以及他们的三个孩子进行一些更新。餐厅里的“欢乐满人间”式超大挂件就是一个很好的例子。另一个例子是书房。
Considering the size of the property—20,000 square feet in total—that meant a lot more layers, albeit with an eye toward the homeowners’ initial interest in crafting an abode with a limited, and refined, palette. The home needed a few updates for its new tenants—hedge fund owner Alicia Tranen, her husband, and their three children.Case in point is the“Mary Poppins–like” over-scaled pendant in the dining room. Another example is the den.
Moser preserved the integrity of the architecture throughout the home by redoing the floors, installing new windows, and updating the moldings. He added wallpaper in rooms like the den and powder bath for extra coziness, mixed contemporary decor with found furnishings (including lots of ’70s French rattan), and relied on more carefree touches (think alabaster shell sconces and braided molding) to ensure the property felt one-of-a-kind for the family.
Although the stately facade was left untouched, the large entry proved to be a challenge, thanks to its low ceilings and wide expanse. The primary bath proved to be another trickily cavernous space. The solution? Make it smaller and, therefore, more intimate. And perhaps it’s just that sort of subtle yet surprising shift that makes the house truly stand out.The home is grand but still feels warm and youthful.
加州风情融入东海岸传统的格林威治住宅改造丨美国康涅狄格丨Mike Moser-11
加州风情融入东海岸传统的格林威治住宅改造丨美国康涅狄格丨Mike Moser-12
加州风情融入东海岸传统的格林威治住宅改造丨美国康涅狄格丨Mike Moser-13
加州风情融入东海岸传统的格林威治住宅改造丨美国康涅狄格丨Mike Moser-14
加州风情融入东海岸传统的格林威治住宅改造丨美国康涅狄格丨Mike Moser-15
加州风情融入东海岸传统的格林威治住宅改造丨美国康涅狄格丨Mike Moser-16
加州风情融入东海岸传统的格林威治住宅改造丨美国康涅狄格丨Mike Moser-17
加州风情融入东海岸传统的格林威治住宅改造丨美国康涅狄格丨Mike Moser-18
加州风情融入东海岸传统的格林威治住宅改造丨美国康涅狄格丨Mike Moser-19
加州风情融入东海岸传统的格林威治住宅改造丨美国康涅狄格丨Mike Moser-20
加州风情融入东海岸传统的格林威治住宅改造丨美国康涅狄格丨Mike Moser-21
加州风情融入东海岸传统的格林威治住宅改造丨美国康涅狄格丨Mike Moser-22
加州风情融入东海岸传统的格林威治住宅改造丨美国康涅狄格丨Mike Moser-23
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