来自 ASLAHighlands Retreat |Design Workshop, Inc.
Biophilia, a theory suggesting that humans thrive in environments where the physical, emotional and cognitive effects of nature are in evidence, is made manifest at Highlands Retreat, a family refuge set within the protective canopy of a mature aspen forest in a high alpine valley. Using the surrounding environment as the impetus for design, the landscape architect’s sensitive site planning reflects a deference to the nuances of seasonal change and the whims of a mountainous environment. A healthy montane forest ecosystem teems with a rich palette of native grasses, forbs, and wildflowers, setting the stage for an environmentally sensitive design, one that proffers both a sense of adventure and peace to the owners and their guests. A collaborative effort combining the creative talents of the landscape architect and architect, Highlands Retreat presents a refreshing vision of holistic mountain design, one that draws inspiration from its setting by dissolving the barrier between interior and exterior. Outdoor living spaces merge almost imperceptibly with forest and meadow, imbuing the home with a sense of peace, permanence, and resilience.
▲高地住宅坐落在一片 10 英亩的起伏场地上,周围生长着茂密的山杨树。侧面的陡坡距离山谷底部有几百英尺高,坡上覆盖着颜色鲜艳的红色砂岩,从这里可以看见 Hayden 山峰的景象。Highlands Retreat. The 10-acre property is notable for its undulating topography, and a dense aspen forest. Side slopes rising hundreds of feet off the valley floor and striated with bands of red sandstone frame views to Hayden Peak.
这片 10 英亩的场地坐落在一处由冰川形成的狭窄的山谷深处,起伏的地形、令人惊讶的陡峭侧坡(平均坡度超过 20%),以及茂密又茁壮的山杨树、云杉和冷杉森林构成了其最显著的特征。北向和南向的山坡距离谷底有数百英尺高,坡上覆盖着颜色鲜艳的红色砂岩,其间散布着大片的常绿森林和山杨树。自然的历史展开于每个角落,将 1.4 万英尺高的山峰、突出的岩层以及随季节变化的光线和肌理逐一呈现在我们眼前。
场地位于“山地生命保护区”(Montane Life Zone)内,这是一个海拔在 7000 至 9500 英尺(约 2134 至 2896 米)之间的多样化生态系统。经过过滤的阳光、凉爽的气温和陡峭的山坡使积雪从 9 月一直保持到春末。肥沃的碱性土壤与堆积的落叶结合在一起,在整个夏季都能保持大量的水分,从而为茂盛的山杨树林和丰富的深层林下植被提供支持。蕨类植物、产浆果的灌木和包括耧斗菜、羽扇豆、天竺葵和缬草在内的各类本地野花则为候鸟和本地野生动物提供了美食。
审慎的土地分析提供了对场地条件的宏观了解,地面实况调查则显示出存在于既有景观中的重要且微妙之处。现场勘查工作有意地在不同季节和一天中的不同时段中进行,以便全面细致地观察场地中的光线和阴影、雪与风以及影响全年宜居性的极端温度。根据分析的结果,设计团队一致决定将房屋选址在现有草地的北部边缘:该区域不但拥有迷人的景致,且地势相对平缓,可以将 1.4 万英尺(4267.2 米)高的 Hayden 山峰一览无余。在除此之外的其他位置建造房屋,都需要移除大量树木并大面积地铲平土地。同时,该场地的地势能够使房屋隐蔽于附近的溪流和县道,从而保持从公共走廊望向天然山脊线的视野的完整性。
入口车道顺应了场地的自然轮廓,以优雅的姿态蜿蜒向上,跨越了 70 英尺(约 21 米)的垂直高度。从道路的每个转弯都可以欣赏到附近杨树林纷繁而优美的景致。通过划分土地层级,该方案在全年的可达性、维持土地坡度以及尽可能保留现场树木之间取得了绝妙的平衡,并且通过现场埋桩进一步维护了道路边缘数英尺范围内的树木,节约了建造昂贵的挡土墙的成本。循环利用的沥青材料是从附近的县道拆除项目中回收而来,为到达路径增添了乡村特征。
清晰明了的室内外生活体验是本设计的核心所在。尺幅宽阔的大门被巧妙地缩进于墙内,为室内和室外的休闲区域提供了透明且有效的连接。石质的篝火坑设置在斑驳的杨树树荫下,从这里可以欣赏到 Hayden 山峰变幻莫测的美景,在晚上则可以作为聚会的中心。
虽然住宅的选址在引入景观和保留树木方面都被证明是成功的,但由于它坐落在一个向东倾斜的地形上,这为建筑的两个卧室侧翼的定位带来了额外的挑战。鉴于房屋的占地面积跨域了 15 英尺(约 4.6 米)的自然坡度差异,景观设计师需要打破“随挖随填”的传统模式,以减少对场地的显著干扰。在住宅的西端,主卧室被植入一个既有的已开发区域,可以望向如露天剧场般的树荫密布的环境。位于东侧的客房一翼与森林边缘相邻,在逐级下降的坡地的映衬下展现出树屋一般的氛围。为了实现这一效果,设计团队与建造商合作将施工范围限制在建筑周围的一处狭窄的带状区域。
▲自然中的家:这是一个为多代同堂的家庭设计的山间度假居所。家庭成员对自然都有着深刻的认识,他们希望创造一个现代的西式宅邸,同时拥有无缝衔接的室内外生活体验。A Home in Nature. A multi-generational family’s desire for a four-season, mountain retreat revealed a deep appreciation for nature and a desire to create a contemporary Western homestead with a seamless indoor-outdoor living environment.
▲美的旅程:一条蜿蜒的车道跨越 70 英尺高的陡坡,在每个转弯都可以欣赏到附近杨树林纷繁而优美的景致。在未设置挡土墙的情况下,该方案在全年的可达性、维持土地坡度以及尽可能保留现场树木之间取得了绝妙的平衡。An Artful Journey. A serpentine driveway alignment negotiates a steep 70’ slope, each turn revealing layers of intricacy and beauty in the surrounding aspen forest. Absent of retaining walls, the design strikes an artful balance between year-round accessibility and minimal tree removal.
▲回收的材料:现场的桩基修正了规划中的车道路线,使靠近车道边缘的树木得以保留。循环利用的沥青材料是从附近的县道拆除项目中回收而来,为到达路径增添了乡村特征。Reclaimed Materials. On-site staking amended the proposed driveway alignment, preserving trees close to the drive’s edge. Recycled asphalt, reclaimed from adjacent county road upgrades, was used to reinforce the site’s rural character.
Site Planning. Maximizing the valley’s limited solar exposure and strong winds, the team sited the home at the northern edge of an existing meadow where it was hidden from an adjacent stream corridor and county road, and under the ridgeline viewshed.
▲保护场地:在施工之前和过程中,项目团队采取了重要措施来保护既有的植被。公用设施沿着交通动线布置,并利用围栏来划定施工范围,施工团队也在不同位置重新打上了桩基。Protecting the Site. Before and during construction, critical measures were taken to protect existing vegetation. Utilities were placed along circulation routes, fencing defined disturbance limits, and contractor staging relocated at various points of construction.
▲模糊的界限:简单却精致的室内外生活体验是本设计的核心所在。草坪环境尤其吸引人,因其创造了住宅中唯一能够望见 1.4 万英尺的 Hayden 山的视野,并且无需大量移除树木。
Blurred Boundaries. Inherent in the design is the cultivation of a simple yet sophisticated indoor-outdoor living experience. The meadow setting was particularly appealing because it offered the property’s only view to 14,000’ Mt. Hayden without requiring significant tree removal.
▲原始之美:装有卷帘门的通道连接了住宅与车库,并且框选出山杨树林如绘画般的蓬勃景象。庭院里的树木呈网格状整齐分布,茂密的蕨类植物和本地灌木则为之增添了柔和的感觉。Beauty in the Ordinary. A breezeway with a rolling door links the home and garage, framing a painterly vignette of columnar aspen trees. A grid of trees line the courtyard, softened by a dense planting of ferns and native shrubs.
▲框定的视野:花园探索了景观与建筑之间的和谐对话,利用自然的窗口、空间连接和远景。对传统的山区环境进行了现代诠释。Framed Views. The garden explores a synergistic dialogue between landscape and architecture, utilizing natural openings, spatial connections, and distant vistas to forge a modern interpretation of a traditional mountain environment.
Central Courtyard. Landscape and architectural forms are reinterpreted with a palette of regionally-sourced materials. Under a dappled canopy of loose aspens, a stone firepit serves as a centerpiece for evening gatherings.
▲沉浸的体验:可移动门窗和玻璃墙促进了室内和室外的连接,增强了景观与建筑的相互融合。Immersive Experience. Movable and transparent walls facilitate sinuous connections between indoors and out, validating the fusion between landscape and architecture.
Regeneration. Despite its dense, high canopy, the aging forest was littered with unhealthy trees. Mimicking the restorative power of natural wildfires, the landscape architect specified aggressive clearing of diseased and dying trees, allowing precipitation and sunlight to reach the forest floor.
Defining Space. Low stone walls extend outward from the home, creating an immediate visual engagement with the distant meadow and forest. Delineating the boundary between cultivated and restored areas, walls retain and preserve areas of native landscape.
▲野花草坪:多样且复杂的生态系统由丰富的有机土壤组成,其间充斥着草类、非禾本草本植物以及野花,为细致谨慎且对环境敏感的设计方案提供了舞台。Wildflower Meadow. A diverse and complex ecosystem of rich, organic soils teeming with grasses, forbs, and wildflowers sets the stage for a carefully crafted and environmentally-sensitive design.
▲场地敏感性:恢复性的景观设计方法反映了其高海拔的环境,采用对环境敏感的可持续战略,重新建立了本土植物群落,改善了野生动物的栖息地。Site Sensitivity. The restorative landscape approach reflects its high-altitude environment with context-sensitive and sustainable strategies that re-establish indigenous plant communities and enhanced wildlife habitats.
Nestled deep within a narrow, glacially-formed valley, the 10-acre property is notable for its undulating topography, dramatic and steep side slopes with grades averaging above 20%, and a dense and healthy forest of aspen, spruce, and fir. North and south-facing hillsides rise hundreds of feet off the valley floor, their slopes a mix of vividly-colored bands of red sandstone interspersed with swaths of evergreen forest and aspen. Natural history unfolds at every turn, revealing distant views to 14,000’ peaks, prominent rock formations, and seasonal displays of textural light and color.
The property lies within the Montane Life Zone, a diverse ecosystem found between 7,000’ and 9,500’. Filtered sunlight, cool temperatures, and steep slopes retain snow from September until late spring. Rich alkaline soil combined with a buildup of leaf litter hold significant moisture throughout the summer, supporting a lush Aspen forest and rich understory of deep organic matter. Ferns, berry-producing shrubs, and a variety of native wildflowers including columbine, lupine, geranium, and valerian provide a veritable banquet for migratory birds and indigenous wildlife.
Chancing upon the property during a summer visit, the family made it their goal to build a home there, the aesthetic of which would blur the boundaries between built and existing landscape and appeal to multiple generations for years to come. With an eye toward preserving the site’s natural features, the landscape architect and architect worked in tandem to create a design whose imprint would be light on the land and fully vested in the future of the surrounding environment.
Initial design conversations between design team and client revealed a deep appreciation for the cultural integrity inherent in the natural patterns of classic Western compounds. Design explorations focused on synergistic relationships between landscape and architecture, utilizing natural land patterns, spatial connections, and distant views to create a modern interpretation of a traditional Western compound. From the outset, the landscape architect embraced the concept of protecting the immersive experience of the forest setting. As a result, the rhythmic pattern of home and garden within an overarching canopy of aspen forest contributes the greatest value towards achieving the client’s ultimate vision.
While rigorous land analysis provided a thorough understanding of macro-level site conditions, ground-truthing revealed important subtleties inherent in the existing landscape. Site reconnaissance efforts, purposefully conducted at different times of day and season, provided insights on the effects of light and shadow, snow and wind, and temperature extremes that would influence livability throughout the year. As a result of this analysis, the team collectively agreed to site the home at the northern edge of an existing meadow, a location that was especially appealing because of its relatively flat terrain and unobstructed view to 14,000’ Hayden Peak. At any other location, significant tree removal and extensive site grading would have been required. Additionally, in this location, the home is concealed from the adjacent stream and county road, preserving the integrity of the undeveloped ridgeline viewshed from a public corridor.
Maximizing the site’s limited solar exposure and mountain view corridors meant that the home should orient from east to west across the developable area. Using this configuration, a modest gable-roof centralizes the home’s primary living areas around an entry courtyard and family outdoor living room. Floor to ceiling windows and doors bring the outdoors in, visually linking individual rooms with the surrounding aspen forest. A secondary axis runs perpendicular to the spine of the home, capturing the garage, kitchen and loggia with an open-air breezeway. The resulting “t” footprint creates a level entry courtyard while effectively retaining the adjacent slope.
The entry drive follows the natural contours of the site, its serpentine alignment gracefully negotiating over 70’ of vertical change, each turn in the road revealing layers of intricacy and beauty in the surrounding aspen forest. Striking an artful balance between year-round accessibility, slope retention, and minimal tree removal, the landscape architect’s grading plan was further refined with on-site staking to maximize tree preservation within several feet of the road edge, and avoid costly retaining walls. The rural character of the arrival experience is reinforced with an application of recycled asphalt, a by-product of an adjacent county road demolition project.
An arrival sequence, choreographed to introduce the woodland setting into the cultivated landscape, begins at the entrance court where a sensual and fluid relationship between architecture and landscape is immediately evident. A hand-carved stone fountain located at the convergence of two paths and framed by a grid of trees, forms a sculptural focal point within the garden. Beyond the low stone walls, a painterly vignette of columnar aspen trees unfolds, light and shadow enhanced by the flickering and trembling of leaves in the overhead canopy. A glimpse of restored wildflower meadows and distant forest through the front door ground the home in its setting, while a mass of flowering native shrubs flanking a set of gracious stone steps provide an entry sequence that is highly sophisticated, yet regionally appropriate and comfortably understated.
Inherent in the design is the cultivation of a crisply defined indoor-outdoor living experience for family and friends. Gracious, oversized doors cleverly retract into walls, granting a transparent and effective connection between indoor and outdoor entertainment opportunities. A stone firepit, sited under a dappled canopy of aspen trees, engages fleeting views of Hayden Peak and serves as a centerpiece for evening gatherings.
While the siting of the home proved successful for capturing views and limiting tree removal, its orientation on east-sloping topography created additional challenges for the two-bedroom wings that flank the primary volume. Because the building footprint spans fifteen feet of natural grade change, the landscape architect was challenged to think beyond typical cut and fill scenarios to reduce notable site disturbance. On the home’s west end, the master bedroom is carved into an area of existing disturbance with views that penetrate a wooded amphitheater-like setting. In comparison, the guest bedroom wing located on the eastern side, engages with the forest edge, evoking a treehouse-like feeling as natural grade falls away. To achieve this effect, the design team worked with the contractor to limit construction to a narrow band around the building.
As is common in forest ecology, a significant portion of aspen trees were reaching their maturity, while bands of dead tree trunks saturated the forest floor, stunting new aspen growth. To mimic the restorative power of natural understory wildfires that occurred historically in this valley, the landscape architect specified aggressive clearing of deadfall and invasive species, allowing for light and moisture to penetrate the canopy and the ground plane, fostering healthy regeneration and new growth.
To limit unnecessary disturbance, the landscape architect worked in collaboration with the civil engineer and contractor to place utilities, fire suppression tanks, and wastewater filtration systems along circulation routes and areas cleared of deadfall. Construction activities were tightly restricted to planned disturbance areas with field-stake construction fencing.
The planting design takes its cue from the surrounding high mountain environment. Layers of single plant species build upon one another to create a lush and textural palette in areas close to the home, further out, context-sensitive and sustainable strategies reestablish indigenous plant communities and enhance wildlife habitat. Together, with successional plantings of young aspens and a native grass and wildflower seed mix, areas of disturbance were undetectable within a single growing season. The landscape architect’s sensitivity toward land development and design permitted the home to settle within its natural environment, setting the stage for an enduring and remarkable family retreat.