The name of each city has a meaning behind it. We try to show the name of the city in form, leaving a romantic name card for the city of Ningbo as its original meaning–quiet water waves.
Surrounding Conditions
这是一个位于宁波市中心的沿河空地,紧邻琴桥与奉化江,具有很大的城市可视角度。此地常年作为地面停车场使用。而随着周边停车压力的增大,以及补足三江六岸城市风貌的需求,规划于此新建一座 24 米高 132 车位的机械停车楼。
This is a river-side open space located in the center of Ningbo. Closing to the Qinqiao and Fenghua River, it has a great view of the city. This place is used as a ground parking lot all year round. With the increased pressure of the surrounding parking, and complement the needs of the three-river-six-shore cityscape, It is planned to build a 24-meter high mechanical parking building with 132 parking spaces here.
▼西南视角鸟瞰,Southwest Birdview
▼东南视角鸟瞰,Southeast Birdview
The task given to us by Party A is to design a facade for it. But in fact, it is more than just a facade. Standing on the Qin Bridge not far from the venue, you can have a panoramic view of the Fenghua River and the lush green belts on both sides of the bank. We hope to add some quietness and comfort to this rapidly modernized city skyline.
▼区位分析,site analysis
Building or Structure
Parking buildings are normally exposed to appear in a bare mechanical form, more like a structure, and often appear more negatively in cities. And we hope to make a few attempts so that it can communicate with the city. Not only provide functions, but also have some spiritual attributes: It is PURE, like a white light in the rapid iteration of the city, free. And it is free of impurities. It is ELEGANT, with the continuously changing arc shapes the intention of “wave”, which means the sound of the bridge, the river and the river, and the name of the city. It is TRANSPARENT, showing the internal structure and the mechanical momentum to the city.
▼东南角透视夜景,night view of the southeast corner
At night, the whole building will gradually light up. With the light breathing slowly and the visible mechanical operation, you will truly feel the “life” of a building.
▼西南角透视,Southwest perspective
We deal with façade slightly in different directions: On the east side, the Qin Bridge and the Fenghua River. The wave frequency and waveform have changed greatly. The golden metal plate is cut into a welcome gesture of “unveiling”. Over the tree, there is also an open transparent window to show the inside mechanical operation.
▼东立面,east facade
On the south side – Facing a medium-speed urban roads, medium-scale arcs are used on south facade to improve recognition. The uniform facade treatment has also become a qualified background for the adjacent trees.
▼南立面, south facade
On the west side, north side – The façade of the adjacent residential area is made of white aluminum plates, which not only eliminates the influence of light pollution, but also takes into account the cost. The perforated facade is as close as possible to the visual experience of waves.
▼街道一角,viewing the project from the street
▼西北立面,Northwest facade
▼车辆出入口,Vehicle entrance
Material and structure
在建成效果与成本的平衡下,我们大胆地选择了扩散型 PC 板(聚碳酸酯实心板)。这是一种半透明的新型材料,易于造型,并能呈现出磨砂玻璃般的质感。为了保持连续弧面的纯净感,我们也设计了一种全新的构造连接方式,将板块水平缝隙减少到几乎为零。既满足了幕墙的安全性需求,又能消除外露固定杆件对立面的影响。
In the balance of construction effect and cost, we boldly chose the diffused PC board (polycarbonate solid board). This is a new type of translucent material, easy to shape, and can present a frosted glass-like texture. In order to maintain the purity of the continuous arc, we also designed a new structural connection method to reduce the horizontal gap between the plates to almost zero, not only to meet the security requirements of the wall but also to eliminate the exposed fixing rod opposite effect.
▼立面采用扩散型 PC 板(聚碳酸酯实心板),facade made of thediffused PC board (polycarbonate solid board)
同时,针对多弯弧 PC 板块的形变问题,我们也借助有限元受力分析,寻找其内在薄弱点。在建设方的全力配合下,经过现场多次的推敲调整,最终确定了板块加固方案。
As for the deformation problem of the multi-curved PC plate, we also use finite element analysis to find its inherent weakness. With the full cooperation of the construction party, the plate reinforcement plan was finally determined after many on-site scrutiny and adjustments.
▼构造简图,construction diagram
另外,因于狭小的场地限制,室外空间基本都为车道所占据。我们设置了弧角雨棚完成 PC 板至地面的过度。雨棚转圜落地,亦作为 PC 板的防撞保护。
In addition, due to the narrow site restrictions, the outdoor space is basically occupied by the driveway. Thus, we set up an arc angle canopy to complete the transition from the PC board to the ground. The canopy also serves as a crash protection for the PC board.
▼停车楼标识,Parking sign
▼立面细节,detail of the facade
Unrealized Hanging Gardens
Just as every project will leave some regrets, we once hoped to build a roof viewing platform with a wide view of the river, intertwined with the riverside landscape at the foot, and bring a three-dimensional public riverside space for the public.
项目于 18 年定案,经过材料比选、深化设计,并在疫情期间奋力成长建设,验证了原生的设计,回应了新材料、新构造的挑战。其间,业主、建设、设计三方在一个共同目标下的高效配合,所呈现的效果还是令人满意的。这一项目也给了我们信心:在城市发展的新阶段,无论项目大小,社会与公权力对高品质城市更新项目是有着更明确的需求共识与实施动力的。
The project was finalized in 18 years. After material comparison and selection, deepening of the design, and struggling to grow and construct during the epidemic, the original design was verified and the challenge of new materials and new structures was responded to. In the meantime, the efficient cooperation of the owners, construction, and design under a common goal produced satisfactory results.
▼夕阳下的琴桥停车场,Qinqiao parking garage in the dusk
▼总平面图,master plan
项目设计 & 完成年份:2018 年设计 & 2020 年完工
建筑面积:3300 平方米
PC 板供应商:宁波众鼎塑料有限公司
Project name:Qinqiao parking garage
Design year & Completion Year:2018 Design & 2020 Completion
Leaderdesigner:Xu Zhenpeng、Zhao Ying
Team:Li Fengxiao、Guo Wenyu、Zou Fei
Project location:Ningbo, Zhejiang
Gross Built Area:3300 sqm
Photo credits:Li Wei/ Ningbo Urban Construction Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd./Wanda/Sitarch
Partners:Ningbo Urban Construction Design and Research Institute Co., Ltd.
Clients:Ningbo Haishu Development and Construction Investment Group Co., Ltd.
Brands:Hangzhou Xizi iParking Co., Ltd. / NingBo Zhongding Plastic CO.,Ltd. / Xi’an Aircraft Industry Decoration Co.,LTD