知末案例   /   教育空间   /   中学   /   现代中学

维克多港中学丨Hames Sharley 事务所

2021/05/04 08:30:20
Located 80km south of Adelaide on the Fleurieu Peninsula, Victor Harbor High School is the first state high school to comprehensively employ principles of personalised learning into the design of its senior school campus. The formality of the traditional classroom is replaced with a more open, socially interactive, wireless technology environment comprising of flexible spaces, student commons, learning streets, courtyards and piazzas. The learning environment will be one where students and teachers can socialise, exchange thoughts and ideas and acquire information either sitting at a desk, lounging on a sofa, on the carpet or on a bench under a tree.
▼校园概览,general view
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秉持“不落下每一个学生”的重要理念,维克多港中学致力于创建能够根据每个学生的需求而调整的信息化的“多面型”学习环境、倡导以学生为中心的学习方法,并杜绝“亨利·福特生产线”式的传统流水线式教学。 要实现以上这些目标,“技术”成为了一个关键性的部分:基于纸张的教学方法需要逐渐转向以计算机、无线网络以及数字IT信息传输为主的模式。
As the social and economic benefits of ensuring that no student is left behind become obvious, the teacher’s classroom is giving way to an information ubiquitous, multi-faceted learning environment tuned to address the needs of each individual student. The Information Revolution and student-centred approach to learning are replacing the traditional ‘Henry Ford production-line’ method of teaching. The driver of this new approach is a flexible, open learning philosophy where a more collaborative environment encourages cross communication between students and teachers alike. Technology forms a key part of this approach, with teaching methods shifting from paper-based learning to computers, wireless networks and digital IT information transfer.
▼新置入的教学设施,the new facilities
维克多港中学丨Hames Sharley 事务所-8
建筑设计 | Building Design
The roof forms culminate in a large butterfly roof over the Resources Building
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The function of the building and the layout relationship between the spaces, informs the overall design of the building. While essentially modular based, the different areas come together to form a single senior school campus encapsulating a series of internal courtyards. The integration of outside space, is designed as directly accessible and usable. It adjuncts to the internal learning environment.
Cascading roof planes reference the Victor Harbor coastline and speak a language of hierarchy between the various spaces in the new facilities. The roof forms culminate in a large butterfly roof over the Resources Building that addresses the piazza as the centre piece to the senior school.
维克多港中学丨Hames Sharley 事务所-18
The entrance to the new facilities is defined by a courtyard that projects out from the main building towards George Main Road and serves not only as the school’s Sculpture Courtyard but presents the opportunity for the school to create its own public identity.
The integration of outside space, is designed as directly accessible and usable
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Where skillion roofs occur, high-level windows and louvres have been incorporated in order to take advantage of both natural northern and southern light. An important consideration was the provision of daylight and natural ventilation within the buildings and the ability for staff and students to monitor and control their environment.
The outside space adjuncts to the internal learning environment
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The formality of the traditional classroom is replaced with a more open and socially interactive environment
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Where skillion roofs occur, high-level windows and louvres have been incorporated
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Outdoor learning opportunities and maximum flexibility have also been critical design considerations. Paved and landscaped courtyard areas within the building enclosure will provide students and teachers the opportunity to work outside, to relax, have lunch or spend their free time in attractive outside environments, screened off from the rest of the school and the public. The building’s clean lines and contemporary forms are intended to reflect innovation and the new age. They present the school as a progressive, state-of-the-art educational facility at the forefront of world trends in education.
维克多港中学丨Hames Sharley 事务所-43
Hames Sharley事务所与当地教育和儿童服务部门以及顾问团队合作,致力于在新设施中贯彻生态可持续发展(ESD)原则。良好的环境质量提供了积极的工作环境,同时能够减少能源的消耗和浪费、鼓励资源的再利用——这反过来也对学校和整个社区的发展起到了积极的促进作用。
Together with The Department of Education and Children’s Services and the consultant team, Hames Sharley recognized the benefits of incorporating ecologically sustainable development (ESD) principles within the new facilities. Good environmental qualities provide a positive work environment for pupils and staff alike therefore reducing energy consumption and waste, and encouraging the reuse of resources. This in turn benefits both the school and the wider community as a whole.
▼教学空间,learning spaces
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The building’s clean lines and contemporary forms are intended to reflect innovation and the new age
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▼气候控制示意,climate control
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