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2021/02/20 10:40:58
由 Farrells 建筑事务所设计的坚尼地城泳池已投入使用三周年。泳馆由一个 50 米的室外泳池、室外嬉水池、两个分别为 25 米及 50 米的室内暖水泳池和按摩池所组成,并设有户外绿化休憩区供游客歇息欣赏美景。
Completed at 2017, the pool complex includes a 50-metre outdoor pool, an outdoor leisure pool, indoor and outdoor jacuzzi, a 50-metre indoor pool, and an indoor training pool. It also incorporates an outdoor public plaza sheltered beneath the tip of the building’s iconic roof.
新泳馆位于坚尼地城海傍,紧邻西维多利亚港,泳池的建成激活了坚尼地城历史街区逝去的活力,并有助于填补项目周边稀缺的公共休憩空间。“我们在坚尼地城已施工近十年了,完成了地铁站及其附属基础设施的建设。”Farrells 董事 Stefan Krummeck 评论道,“这是香港最令人兴奋和最具特色的地区之一,我们通过这个具有动态建筑形式的泳池设计,为坚尼地城社区打造崭新的社区门户。”
Built on a derelict lot beside West Victoria Harbour, the pool has helped rejuvenate a forgotten corner of otherwise vibrant Kennedy Town, and historic district not far from Hong Kong’s city centre. Also it infills a new public leisure space in this high dense area. “We have been working in Kennedy Town now for nearly a decade, completed the metro station and its infrastructure” commented Stefan Krummeck, a director at Farrells. “This is one of the most exciting and characterful districts in Hong Kong, and we sought to contribute to that by designing this pool as a new community hub with a dynamic architectural form.”
Site is adjacent to the Victoria Harbour
▼三角型场地 The UniqueTriangular Site
项目场地位于一个被主要交通干道所环绕的三角型地带,非常瞩目,但该处土地在 90 年代被收回后一直处于废弃的状态。
The building owes its distinctive shape to the unique triangular site which had become a derelict land since 1990’s, so it is aimed to build a landmark building on this important site, thus regenerate the whole neighbourhood area. Inspired by a shell while also looking like a spaceship, the building is sympathetic to the main road and tram entrance to Kennedy Town, serving as an icon for the community.
The entrance is located at the corner of the waterfront promenade and Sai Chang Street, and the entrance hall is a clear glazed entrance which allows people to enjoy the view of historic tram passing by. Guests can take the lift or escalator to the first floor swimming pool, jacuzzi and changing room where they can enjoy the views of Victoria Harbour and Belcher Bay Park by standing by the swimming pool. The outdoor and indoor swimming pool is separated by a moveable curtain wall. During summer the indoor swimming pool can be opened up and integrated with the indoor pool to become one seamless space.
Enjoy views from outdoor swimming pool platform
Building is adjacent to the main road
▼泳池入口 Entrance of the swimming pool
由于坚尼地城泳池分两个阶段开发,彼此之间有 4 年的间隔,因此锌的选用将会有效地弥补原来分成两期,跨度六年的建造周期所造成新旧建筑外观不一致的问题。一旦金属立面达到其最终且稳定的铜绿,新旧锌覆层之间的初始色差将变得不明显。
The form of the sweeping zinc clad roof responds to the building’s context: the orientation of the outdoor pool maximises views of Victoria Harbour and the outlying islands, while shielding swimmers from the noise and pollution of the main bus and tram routes to the east.
Like other natural materials such as copper and bronze, zinc possess self-healing properties in which the raw material reaches an ultimate patina through oxidization over time and exposure to weather. Whereas copper turns from a brown to green tone over time, natural zinc turns from silver to a warm and matte grey finish. Hence, any damage that exposesthe rawsurface will repair itself over time.
As Kennedy Town Swimming Pool was developed in two phases with a 4 year gap in between, the initial color difference between the new and old zinc cladding will become unnoticeable once the material reaches its ultimate and stable patina.
Outdoor swimming pool
室内池的天花和墙身材料选择以轻巧、中空和透光为主要考量,加上抗高度太阳能。墙身使用了隔层玻璃和高效 PVB 膜,天花使用了隔热的 PTFE 物料,带来良好的室内采光和恒温效果。同时可开有充分的窗户使室内空间自然通风,减少了对空调的依赖。
Key criteria for the selection of materials for the facade and roof were light in weight, ability to span the pool hall, transparency, and performance against solar gain. Laminated glass with a high performance PVB layer was chosen for window walls while insulated PTFE membrane was used for the roof skylight, flooding the indoor pool hall with pleasant, diffuse natural light. Operable windows allow for natural ventilation of indoor spaces, reducing reliance on air conditioning.
Indoor swimming pool
▼夜幕下的游泳池 Night View
▼夜间鸟瞰 Bird’s Eye View at Night
▼立面图 Elevation
建筑/Architect – Farrells
机电顾问/M&E consultant – Aecom (Phase 1), Parsons Brinckerhoff (Phase 2)
结构顾问/Structural engineer – Aecom (Phase 1), Parsons Brinckerhoff (Phase 2)
估算顾问/Quantity surveyor – WT Partnership
总包商/Main contractor – Paul Y Engineering
业主/Client – MTR Corporation
运营商/End user – Leisure and Cultural Services Department (Hong Kong Government)
一期用房(室外泳池)Phase 1 accommodation (outdoor pools)
50 米室外泳池 Outdoor pool (50-metre)
室外儿童嬉水池 Outdoor children’s leisure pool
按摩池 Jacuzzi
办公室 Offices
入口大厅 Entrance hall
更衣室 Changing rooms
临时用房 Temporary accommodation (lifeguard rooms, storage)
二期用房(室内泳池)Phase 2 accommodation (indoor pools)
50 米室内泳池 Indoor secondary pool (50-metre)
25 米室内训练池 Indoor training pool (25-metre)
按摩池 Jacuzzi
户外休憩场所 Outdoor sitting-out area
临时用房转为永久用房 Decanting of temporary uses to permanent accommodation
一期竣工/Phase 1 opening date – 11 May 2011
二期竣工/Phase 2 opening date – 7 February 2017
建筑面积/Gross floor area – 11,782 m2
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