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Optima Camelview 住宅项目丨美国亚利桑那丨Floor Associates,Inc.

2021/01/06 19:27:39
Vertical Oasis: Verdant Sustainability in an Arid Climate|
Floor Associates, Inc.
Optima Camelview 住宅项目是一个优秀的设计实践案例:突破性的研究、整体化的设计和集体性的愿景共同创造出一种真正可持续的、沉浸式的景观体验。
这座住宅综合体位于亚利桑那州斯科茨代尔市中心,共包含 700 个住宅单元。超过 50 万平方英尺(约 46451 平方米)的绿色屋顶覆盖着全部 7 个楼层,呈现出令人惊叹的观感。每个住宅单元都拥有可适应沙漠环境的私人花园露台。街道层的公共空间创造出独特的透明感,使建筑与周围的城市环境相融合。
Optima 是首个在干旱环境中采用大面积和浅层绿色屋顶系统的项目。它在技术和管理方面无疑带来了诸多挑战,但景观设计师凭借合作研究和创新性的设计将这些问题逐一解决。项目取得的巨大成功使其设计概念得到了有力的证明,并获得了包括 LEED 黄金级认证在内的一系列可持续奖项。
Optima Camelview is a beautiful case study example of best design practices, where groundbreaking research, integrated design and collective vision came together to create a truly sustainable and immersive landscape experience.
The 700 unit condominium complex, located in downtown Scottsdale, AZ, has over 500,000 SF of green roofs enveloping every layer of the seven-story building. The effect is stunning. Every unit has its own private, desert adapted, garden terrace. The street level public space creates a unique sense of transparency and integration with the surrounding urban environment.
Optima was the first project of its kind to utilize an “extensive” or shallow green roof system in an arid environment. This presented a number of technical and logistical challenges, which the landscape architects addressed through collaborative research and innovative design. The overwhelming success of the project has provided a strong proof of concept and the project has received numerous sustainability awards including LEED Gold Certification.
Optima Camelview 住宅项目丨美国亚利桑那丨Floor Associates,Inc.-12
▲沙漠类型学:概念性的景观规划。该项目的景观概念从大自然中汲取灵感。亚利桑那州拥有葱郁的高地、开阔的冲击平原、原生树林以及深入地下的沙漠棕榈峡谷。这些天然形成的景观类型被用作本项目的组织原则。Desert Typologies: Conceptual Landscape Plan. The landscape concept draws from Nature’s design. In Arizona, we have high verdant mesas, broad alluvial plains with bosques of native trees and recessed desert palm canyons. These naturally occurring landscape typology was adopted as the project’s organizing principal.
Optima Camelview 公寓楼项目是一个杰出的设计实践案例。在该项目中,景观设计师将研究、美学、功能性和可持续性结合起来,在亚利桑那州斯科茨代尔市中心创造出一处令人赞叹的景观。在这座以自然美和环保意识著称的城市里,该项目不仅恰当地融入了周围环境,更成为了其中最为独特和显著的存在。
项目拥有 17 英亩(约 68796.56 平方米)的景观平台,超过了 13 英亩的场地总面积。
这一非常具有技术含量的跨越式住宅区由 11 座相互连接的花园塔楼构成,超过 50 万平方英尺(约 46451 平方米)的绿色屋顶跨越了综合体的所有楼层,为其所在的区域营造出惬意的休闲环境。
Optima 项目获得了包括 LEED 黄金级认证在内的多个可持续发展奖项。绿色屋顶在环保和可持续发展方面、尤其是在高密度城市环境中的作用均得到了详细记录:
– 提供蒸发降温
– 为空气补氧
– 减少大气颗粒物
– 显著减少雨水径流
– 缓解热岛效应
– 减少城市噪音
– 为野生动物创造栖息地
– 降低 20%的整体耗能
– 延长整个屋面系统的使用寿命
– 降低长期的运营和维护成本
– 减少基础设施需求
Optima 项目是首个在真正干旱的环境中使用“大面积”浅层绿色屋顶系统的项目。场地中 5 英寸(12.7 厘米)深的可用土壤层为设计团队带来了许多技术和管理方面的重大挑战。虽然这种屋顶系统曾应用于气候更加凉爽的环境中,但在西南部的沙漠地区还从未有过使用的先例——它要求土壤的深度至少达到 24 英寸(约 61 厘米),这样才能保持足够的土壤湿度和温度,使植物得以在恶劣的环境下生存。
– 不同植物类型(包括本地植物、沙漠植物、观赏植物、吸引性植物、多肉植物等)
– 土壤类型(有机土壤、沙质土壤、淤泥)
– 表层覆盖物(沙漠砾石、风化花岗岩、有机覆盖物)
测试种植床被抬高并放置了玻璃板,用来模拟预先设定的屋顶条件。结构模型复制了公寓北面、东面和低楼层的室内光照条件。土壤探测器和监测仪记录了每种系统组件组合方式的环境变量,包括施水量、排水量、土壤湿度和温度以及周围环境条件等。植物的生长和健康状况得到了为期 18 个月的密切监测。
Optima Camelview 项目的成功,为将绿色屋顶技术融入干旱的城市环境提供了一个兼具技术性与美感的概念研究范例。借助广泛的传播和发表,基于该项目产生的研究和技术将持续为世界各地具有相似环境背景的案例提供宝贵的参考资料。
Optima Camelview 住宅项目丨美国亚利桑那丨Floor Associates,Inc.-50
Private Green Roof Terraces at Each Residence: Counter to public perception, sustainable arid landscapes can be lush, colorful and visually stunning.
Groundbreaking research and creative construction techniques are changing the industry and public perception of what defines sustainability for urban arid environments.
Optima Camelview 住宅项目丨美国亚利桑那丨Floor Associates,Inc.-55
▲沙漠台地和峡谷:Optima 项目反映了附近山脉和峡谷的形态,垂直叠加的私人住宅平台内设有水平的景观层,形成微气候的多样化混合体,并在 13 英亩的场地上成功地营造出 17 英亩的景观。
Desert Mesas and Canyons: Reflecting the form of nearby mountains and canyons, Optima has horizontally layered landscape strata, within the vertically layered private residence terraces, creating a diverse mixture of microclimates, for a total of 17 acres of landscape on the 13 acre site.
Optima Camelview 住宅项目丨美国亚利桑那丨Floor Associates,Inc.-58
▲内部庭院:Optima Camelview 是一个颇具美感的设计实践范例,它结合了突破性的研究、创新性的设计解决方案以及协作式的工作方法,创造出一种真正可持续且沉浸式的景观体验。
Interior Courtyards: Optima Camelview is a beautiful case study example of design best practices, where groundbreaking research, innovative design solutions and a collaborative process were brought together to create a truly sustainable and immersive landscape experience.
Optima Camelview 住宅项目丨美国亚利桑那丨Floor Associates,Inc.-61
▲随季节变化的植被材料:通过大量的实地研究和测试,项目团队开发出一种动态的植被材料搭配方案,可令植物在浅层(5 英寸)的绿色屋顶中茁壮成长——这一点是基于严格的建筑结构设计而实现的。
Seasonally Dynamic Plant Materials: Based on extensive field research and testing, a dynamic plant material palette was developed that would thrive in the shallow (5” deep) green roof soil profile, dictated by the strict architectural structure design.
Optima Camelview 住宅项目丨美国亚利桑那丨Floor Associates,Inc.-64
▲LEED 黄金级认证,绿色与可持续:高架平台上的蔓生植物营造出层层叠叠的观感,让原本宽阔而开放的建筑群看上去更具亲切感。在维持葱郁外观的同时,Optima 项目也实现了高度的可持续性,获得了包括 LEED 黄金级认证在内的多项环保认证。
LEED Gold: Verdant and Sustainable: Trailing groundcovers on the elevated terraces create a cascading planting effect, bringing an intimate feeling to the otherwise large and open complex. Although lush in appearance, Optima is highly sustainable and has received numerous environmental accreditations including LEED Gold certification.
Optima Camelview 住宅项目丨美国亚利桑那丨Floor Associates,Inc.-67
Central “Desert Palm Canyon” Typology: The Central Palm Canyon Courtyard is located below grade and reflects riparian typology of the natural palm canyons found throughout the Sonoran Desert of southern Arizona. The courtyard is open to public access.
Optima Camelview 住宅项目丨美国亚利桑那丨Floor Associates,Inc.-70
Resort Style Pools Reflect Modern Architectural Design Aesthetic: Two simple pools were designed to reflect the form, materiality and restraint of the modern architectural forms.
Optima Camelview 住宅项目丨美国亚利桑那丨Floor Associates,Inc.-73
Integrated Urban Edge with no Surface Parking: The site is designed with no surface parking, in order to maximize land utilization, minimize urban heat island effects and to fully engage the project within the adjacent urban pedestrian context.
Optima Camelview 住宅项目丨美国亚利桑那丨Floor Associates,Inc.-76
▲场地中分布着具有纪念意义的公共艺术作品。作为斯科茨代尔公共艺术区的北部终端,Optima 的整个街道层都向公众保持开放。
Monumental Public Art Throughout 10 Care Public Open Space: Monumental Public Art pieces are integrated throughout the public open spaces. Optima serves as the northern terminus of Scottsdale’s Public Art District and the entire street level has open public access.
Optima Camelview 住宅项目丨美国亚利桑那丨Floor Associates,Inc.-79
▲花丛中的桥:在 Optima Camelview 项目之前,在沙漠气候中建造浅层的绿色屋顶系统是具有风险且未经验证的做法,它涉及到技术和管理等方面的巨大挑战,包括维持热量、湿度和长期维护的问题。Bridge in Bloom: Prior to Optima Camelview, shallow depth (5” soil profile) green roof systems were a risky and unproven option for desert projects, because of serious technical and logistical challenges, including heat, moisture and long term maintenance concerns.
Optima Camelview 住宅项目丨美国亚利桑那丨Floor Associates,Inc.-81
Extensive Field Research / Test Bed Diagram: To address these concerns, the landscape architect developed a series of prototype planting beds to test the viability of the various system components to determine the optimum system for Arizona’s harsh desert environment.
Optima Camelview 住宅项目丨美国亚利桑那丨Floor Associates,Inc.-84
▲MSWN 绿色屋顶系统测试:项目团队地面层上方建造了一系列测试种植床,并对构成绿色屋顶系统的每个部分进行不同的组合,包括植物、土壤、表层覆盖物和灌溉方式等。在最终设计和施工前,这些测试床经过了 18 个月的监测期。
Green Roof System Testing at MSWN: An extensive series of above ground test beds were established with varying combinations of each component of the greenroof system including plants, soils, topdressings and irrigation protocols. The tests were monitored for 18 months prior to final design and construction.
Optima Camelview 住宅项目丨美国亚利桑那丨Floor Associates,Inc.-87
▲绿色和可持续:距绿色屋顶平台的首次安装已过去了十年。Optima 作为斯科茨代尔市的地标性建筑将继续发展和成长,并激励整个地区的大批开发项目将可持续战略作为其设计中不可或缺的一部分。Green and Sustainable: It has been ten years since the initial installation of Optima’s green roof terraces. The project continues to thrive as a Scottsdale landmark and has inspired numerous other developments throughout the region to integrate sustainable strategies into their designs.
Vertical Oasis: Verdant Sustainability in an Arid Climate
Optima Camelview 是设计最佳实践的光辉典范。景观建筑师将研究、美学、功能和可持续性相结合,在亚利桑那州斯科茨代尔市中心创造了一个令人惊叹的景观。在一个以其自然美景和对环境意识的承诺而闻名的城市,这个项目恰到好处,并立即脱颖而出。
Optima Camelview 拥有 17 英亩的景观露台,超过了总面积 13 英亩的场地面积。
整体景观概念的灵感来自于周边地区的自然生态。屋顶种植了周围山区常见的干旱植物,如 palo verde 和仙人掌。环境在较低层次过渡到更丰富的种植,有原生的豆科植物和铁木树的“bosques”。峡谷般的感觉通过凹陷的中央庭院的线性形式得到加强,并包括水池和反射池,让人联想到河岸绿洲,同时还提供了自然冷却效果的额外好处。
这个高度技术性的上层结构社区由 11 个相互连接的住宅花园塔楼组成,在整个建筑群的各个层面上整合了超过 50 万平方英尺的绿色屋顶,为当地环境提供了一个受欢迎的喘息机会。
Optima 获得了众多可持续发展奖项,包括 LEED 金级认证。
– provides evaporative cooling
– re-oxygenates the air
– reduces airborne particulate matter
– dramatically reduces stormwater runoff
– mitigates the heat island effect
– reduces urban noise
– creates habitat for wildlife
– provides a 20% reduction in overall energy costs
– increases the life cycle of the overall roofing system,
– lowers long-term operating and maintenance costs
– reduces infrastructure requirements
Additionally, every unit has its own private green roof terrace providing physical and psychological benefits to residents.
Optima was the first project of this scale to utilize an ‘extensive’ or shallow green roof system in a truly arid environment. The available 5” soil profile presented a number of serious technical and logistical challenges for the design team. While this approach has been successfully employed in cooler climates, there were no comparable precedents in the desert southwest where it’s typical to have at least 24” of soil depth in order to maintain adequate soil moisture and temperature for plants to survive harsh conditions.
Groundbreaking Research
To address these concerns, the landscape architect organized a collaborative research team including graduate students from Arizona State University’s School of Sustainability along with regional horticulturists to develop prototype test beds to determine a best system approach to ensure successful design.
A series of elevated test beds were established to systematically test the viability of each component of the green roof system including:
– various plant types (native, desert adapted, ornamental, attractors, succulents)
– soil type (organic, sandy, silt)
– topdressings (desert pavement, decomposed granite, organic mulch)
– irrigation systems (drip, spray, subterranean) as well as irrigation protocols (frequency, duration, time of day)
Test beds were elevated and glass panels were placed to replicate the proposed rooftop conditions. Structures were mocked up to replicate shade conditions for the north, east and lower interior exposures. Soil probes and monitors recorded the environmental variables for each combination of the system components, including water application and drainage, soil moisture and temperature and ambient conditions. Plant growth and health was closely monitored over an 18-month period.
The results of this research were used to determine the right balance between form and function in the final design as well as the ongoing operations and maintenance of the project. This approach was groundbreaking for this application in an arid environment and led to a highly water efficient, low maintenance and aesthetically beautiful design.
The remarkable success of Optima Camelview has provided a beautiful proof of concept case study for the integration of green roof technologies into an arid urban environment. The project has been widely published and the research and technologies developed by the design team continue to inform similar projects throughout the world.
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