Charles Kaisin快闪店

2020/11/05 12:21:50
项目坐落于布鲁塞尔中心商业区,是比利时设计师Charles Kaisin在自己的工作室中进行的一次快闪式展陈设计。
Brussels, 2020 – The Belgian designer, Charles Kaisin inaugurated, a pop-up store at his creation studio located at 38 Quai du commerce in Brussels, Belgium.
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Charles Kaisin是首位使用卫生纸作为室内装饰,并以快闪店的形式展出自己的作品的设计师。利用超过5000米的绳索将18000卷卫生纸编织在一起,覆盖了整间工作室的墙壁与天花板。在疫情危机之下,很多家庭出现对卫生纸供应短缺的恐惧心理,设计师以此为灵感,将卫生纸作为对抗疫情的象征性元素创作出本项目。这些厕纸卷是比利时家乐福在第一次居家隔离期间捐赠的。Charles Kaisin快闪店展出结束之后,这些卫生纸将重新分配给慈善机构。从乐观的方面来讲,居家令使Charles Kaisin快闪店获得了充分的准备时间,项目旨在向人们展示出创造力是凌驾于恐惧之上的。
A first for the designer who opened his total look pop-up store studio made out of toilet paper rolls. 18,000 rolls of paper rolls cover entirely the walls & ceiling. The rolls are braided together using over 5,000m of rope. Following the health crisis, the designer decided to use toilet paper as a symbolic element in reference to the fear of a shortage for many households. The toilet paper rolls were donated by Carrefour Belgium aMer the first lock-down. These will be redistributed to charities once the pop-up closes. This period of confinement made it possible to prepare for the opening of the store and to let creativity take precedence over fear.
▼室内概览,overall of the interior
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▼整间工作室被卫生纸覆盖,the whole studio was covered in toilet paper
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工作室内设有Charles Kaisin作品的精品店,商品包括:眼镜、餐具、珠宝、书籍、椅子、长凳,等……虽然这些只是设计师包罗万象的作品中的冰山一角,但却是第一次以快闪店的方式集中展出。这家快闪店将一直营业到疫情结束。
The boutique was set up within the design studio. Glasses, tableware, jewelries, books, chairs, benches,… a limited collection of objects designed by Charles Kaisin in a surprising universe. This is the first time that many objects have been brought together in one place. The pop-up store will remain open until the end of the pandemic.
▼展出作品,collection of objects designed by Charles Kaisin
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Photographer: Nicolas Lobet
Charles Kaisin
Charles Kaisin
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