

Maritime火车站曾是欧洲最大的货运火车站,位于布鲁塞尔Tour & Taxis工业区中。建筑师将这里改造成为了一座室内城市,包含办公购物等不同功能,并且提供了大量的公共空间供人们休闲使用。新的Maritime火车站是一片位于钢铁屋顶之下的城区,是一座永远不会下雨的城市。
Gare Maritime, once Europe’s largest railway station for goods on the Tour & Taxis site in Brussels, has been transformed into a covered city with a mixed program of working and shopping and plenty of public space to relax. Under impressive steel roofs Neutelings Riedijk Architects designed the new Gare Maritime as a city district; ‘a city where it never rains’.
▼项目概览,overall view of the project
Public gardens and squares
The old station from the beginning of the 20th century consists of three largerand four smallerhalls. Under the existing roofsof the side aisles, twelve new pavilions have been added to accommodate the new program. They create a new structure of boulevards and street, gardens and squares, that follows the existing urbancontext and the building structure in a natural way, like a true city.
▼保留屋顶下宽敞的步行道,spacious walking street under the existing roof
▼如城市一般的空间,space like a city
Sarah Blee
▼可供公众活动使用的公共空间,space for public events
▼宽阔的室内空间,spacious interior space
▼胶合木为空间的主要材料,space mainly constructed in CLT
▼木制楼梯间,wooden staircase
are Maritime is an important contribution to the sustainable development of the Tour & Taxis site and the Kanaalzone in Brussels.
▼可持续策略分析图,sustainable strategy analysis
▼设有太阳能单元的玻璃立面,glass facade with solar cells
▼分解轴测图,exploded axonometric
▼总平面图,site plan
▼局部平面图,partial plan
▼剖面细部,detailed section