

The new Church replaces the old Porsgrunn church which was lost in a fire in 2011. The new Church is a “Resurrection Church” that, through light, seeks optimism and new belief in the future after the fatal fire.
▼教堂外观,exterior view
The new Porsgrunn Church is built of porcelain
Production of porcelain was the main industry that the city of Porsgrunn was built on. The project was proposed built in porcelain, in all its surfaces inside and outside, to link the project to the city’s identity and history. The porcelain tiles are homogeneously white through the material. The white is intended to expression a noble, clean and exalted expression. It’s also a representation of the old white wooden church that burned.
▼教堂的立面以全白的瓷砖包覆,the porcelain tiles are homogeneously white through the material
In the new Porsgrunn Church, geometry is a theme
The old Church in Porsgrunn was, in classical tradition, based on a clarified mathematical module of squares of 4,8 x 4,8m, as well as half modules of 4,8 x 2,4m. Exactly bases on these old modules, the new church was developed. This gave the new building proportions, scale and relationship to the cemetery that reflected the sizes of the old church. The church building consists of eleven main volumes assembled to surround the church room. These volumes are the Church’s load-bearing structure. Between them it spans beams that carry all the different roofs. There is a total of 24 independent and self-draining roofs in the building.
▼教堂包含11个主要的体量,围绕着核心区域分布,the church building consists of eleven main volumes assembled to surround the church room
The Church tower is the building’s most prominent volume and marks the church in the vast landscape space around Porsgrunn and Skien. The tower’s angle of inclination of 3.3 degrees has given the slope to all the rest of the church’s volumes. Volumes are made dense, without openings to emerge as massive. This with inspiration in the ancient Egyptian obelisks which are located on the 1800-century tombs around the Church. This is an attempted to create a dialogue between the past and the future, with geometry as a tool. The simple geometries are motivated by representing something universal, timeless and eternal where precision in transitions and “zero-points” has been central to express the gestalt of the building. This has also set major demands on building works and details during the construction period.
▼高耸的教堂塔令教堂成为标志性的存在,the Church tower marks the church in the vast landscape space around Porsgrunn and Skien
▼体块布局受到了位于教堂附近墓地的古埃及方尖碑的影响,the massing was inspired from the ancient Egyptian obelisks located on the tombs around the Church
The various volumes are completed at different heights that express the importance of the functions they accommodate. The tower is highest and express that the building is a Church, viewed from the whole city. Secondly, the choir follows as the second-highest, further twin towers containing Chappell, and then the six side volumes containing, among other things, the sacristy and the organ. At the back is the lowest and least important volume that contains technical spaces.
▼建筑侧立面,the side facade
Structure of the new Porsgrunn Church
All the geometries in the main volumes are drawn in such a way that they mathematically go together, forming a rhythmic structure that runs through the entire Church building. The structure creates space between the volumes, allowing daylight flowing into the Church room. The motivation for the structure is to achieve an interaction between expressions, construction and the functions within the Church. The Church room is thought to be perceived as sitting outside, under a large roof worn by large massives. The structure is designed to facilitate all the function’s placed strategically, and easily accessible, around the Church room. In this way, the trivial functions are anonymous, but still accessible, from the sacred Church room.
▼教堂主殿,the Church room
▼体量之间的空隙使阳光得以进入教堂内部,the space between the volumes allows daylight flowing into the Church room
▼神圣的教堂空间,the sacred Church room
All Church’s main volumes are self-supporting steel structures. They have great constructive capacity and form a rigid system which are stabile in two directions. Between the main volumes its spanning beams that carry all the roofs. The beams are highlighted in both the church’s exterior, and in the Church interiors. It has been an intention, in the design, to express the bearing as a reminder of the physical reality we surround ourselves with, the earthly.
▼空间细节,interior view
Materials of the new Porsgrunn Church
From the outset, all the Church’s main volumes have been thought accompanied by soft, organic building parts made from oak. Doors, suspended ceilings, non-bearing walls and furniture are all made from oak, and in combination with genuine wool fabrics. This to point out a contrast between what does not carry and the bearing, the resistant and the unresistant. Furthermore, the wood is also chosen to give the church a warm touch along with the otherwise cool abstract porcelain surfaces.
▼空间内搭配以柔软且有机的橡木元素,all the Church’s main volumes have been thought accompanied by soft, organic building parts made from oak
▼天顶视角,ceiling view
Artistic decoration of the new Porsgrunn Church
除了作为艺术品本身的教堂,唱诗班主殿的内部还设有高度超过五英尺的装饰物,由数百块烧制的釉面砖构成,描绘了天使进入主殿的过程。带状元素指示着天空,光线透过天窗照耀在唱诗班空间上方,使神圣的典礼成为教堂的核心。装饰物的制作者为挪威艺术家Espen Dietrichson和Marie Buskov。
The Church itself is thought of as a work of art, in addition, the choir is adorned with an over five feet of high embellishment consisting of several hundred pieces of burnt glazed porcelain. The decoration depicts an angel entering the Church room. The frieze relates to the sky over, through a skylight that brings light down over the choir and puts the sacred actions in the centre of the church room. The porcelain-frieze is made by Norwegian artists Espen Dietrichson and Marie Buskov.
▼主殿的装饰物由数百块烧制的釉面砖构成,the artwork in the choir consist of several hundred pieces of burnt glazed porcelain
▼从室外望向装饰,view from outside
Building process of the new Porsgrunn Church
The construction of Porsgrunn Church represents a several years long, and unique process. The precision of the project would be impossible to implement without the unusual personal dedication of both planners, entrepreneur and contractors. In the execution it has been necessary to put away the Norwegian standard for building tolerances. Contractors and craftsmen have been capable to build the architect drawings for the project with great precision in a way that is unusual in Norway today.
▼教堂概览,exterior view
Main Architect – Espen Surnevik
Collaborating Architect – Trodahl Architects
Project type: Church (Den Norske kirke / Church of Norway) – evangelical Lutheran/ Protestant
Location: city-Porsgrunn , district-Telemark country – Norway
Client: Porsgrunn kirkelige Fellesråd (The Church municipality of Porsgrunn)
Size/Area: Hight-34m, Width-23,6m ,Length-37,2m, Area-960sqm (brutto)
Project period: spring 2015- autumn 2019
Project cost:Ca 50 mill NOK (4,5 mill EUR)
Structural engineer/Rådgivende ingeniør bygg: A.L.Høyer Skien AS
Ventilation engineer/Rådgivende ingeniør VVS: Erichsen & Horgen AS
Electro engineer/Rådgivende ingeniør elektro: Malnes og Endresen AS
Landscape Architect/Landskapsarkitekt : sivilarkitekt espen surnevik as
Interior Architect/Interiørarkitekt: sivilarkitekt espen surnevik as
Clients representative / Byggherrens representant:wsp-Tønsberg
Acoustic engineer/Rådgivende ingeniør akustikk: Multiconsult
Fire engineer/Rådgivende ingeniør brann:Erichsen & Horgen AS
Artist: Espen Dietricson and Marie Buskov
Main Contractor/Hovedentreprenør:Tor Entreprenør AS
Ventilation/piping/VVS: BRAVIDA
Electro/Elektro: Elektro4
Photo: Rasmus Norlander