

Peckham餐厅的情侣主理人Amy Corbin和Patrick William最近又在皇后大街的拱桥下开了一家名为Smokey Kudu的别致鸡尾酒吧。新店的菜单包括15种具有南非风情的鸡尾酒、如干肉条等特色小吃和具有异国情调的优质酒饮。这一次,他们依然选择了长期合作的A-nrd工作室来负责酒吧的室内设计。
Amy Corbin and Patrick Williams – the couple behind hit Peckham restaurant Kudu – opens a chic cocktail bar under the arches by Queens Road station called Smokey Kudu. Their menu includes 15 different cocktails with subtle South African influences, a few snacks such as biltong, and premium exotic liquors. Long time collaborator A-nrd studio has curated the interior design of the venue.
▼拱形空间下的高挑吧台,high bar under the arch
Sleek and intimate, Smokey Kudu revolves around a central horseshoe bar with a sky-high back bar set against an arched mirror geometrically framed with dark oak wood. The bar design draws inspiration from early 19th-century continental train station cafes featuring a brass over-head with glistering glass display and an Italian rose stone countertop with scallop edge in contrasting marbles.
▼酒柜细部,wine cabinet details
▼酒杯及玻璃吊灯局部,wine cup and glass droplight
▼吧台周围的座位细部,details of the seats around the bar
green velvet compartments and deep maroon marble table tops
▼桌面和菜单细部,details of the table and menu
Green velvet booths with deep burgundy marble-topped tables are set against burnt umber walls humbly showing the textures of old bricks and arched metal structures. Low tinted mirrors and hand-glazed tiles in a diamond configuration are adding a sparkle to the cosy seating area. To complete the look an almost 2-metre high Murano glass chandelier, hand sourced in the Venice region is hanging in the centre of the arch glaring a warm light to the venue.
▼酒饮及桌面细部,wine and table details
▼灯具细部,lighting details