Glenstone by
PWP Landscape Architecture
点此查看格伦斯通博物馆的建筑项目,link to Glenstone by Thomas Phifer and Partners
▲总平面图。site plan.
▲树林停车场:游客们到达后可以将车辆停放在由美国梧桐、红橡木和白橡木组成的树林中。该树林具有可渗透性,可以过滤车辆中的污染物并减少地表径流。Parking Groves: Visitors are invited to arrive and park in bosques of sycamores, red oaks, and white oaks. The parking groves are permeable, filtering pollutants from vehicles and reducing surface runoff.
▲在入口大厅检票后,游客们徒步穿过多年生的原生草地到达展亭。After checking in at the Arrival Hall, visitors traverse a native perennial and grass meadow on foot to reach the Pavilions.
▲进入展亭后,迎面映入眼帘的是一个令人惊奇的湿地花园。Upon entering the Pavilions, visitors first encounter a surprise wetland garden that orients their experience from within the museum.
▲展亭鸟瞰图,由Michael Heizer所创作的雕塑艺术品“Compression”位于最显眼的位置上。Aerial view of the Pavilions, “Compression” by Michael Heizer is shown in the foreground.
▲春天来临后,展亭周边的草地上缀满了鲜花。The pavilions within the flowering meadow in spring, growing on structure at this location.
▲在游客在进一步体验博物馆的景观空间之前,弯曲的步道桥引导着他们穿过山涧,欣赏原博物馆建筑内的展览,A curving site bridge allows visitors to cross a ravine and visit the Gallery before continuing further into the landscape.
▲卡德洛克石阶通向林间小径,在小径上行走,游客被艺术和自然环绕。Carderock stone steps lead to the woodland trail where art and nature surround visitors.
▲人工湿地上的木板路。Timber boardwalk over constructed wetlands.
▲原生草地上由理查德·塞拉设计的名为”Contour 290″的雕塑。Richard Serra’s “Contour 290” in the native meadow.
▲由托尼·史密斯设计的名为“Smug”的雕塑。”Smug” by Tony Smith.
▲由杰夫·昆斯设计的名为“Split Rocker”的雕塑。”Split Rocker” by Jeff Koons.
▲树林停车场冬景。Parking Grove in winter.
▲水院中栽满了睡莲、鸢尾花和灌木丛。Peak bloom in the water court.
▲水院的种植规划概念图。Water court Planting concept diagram.
▲经过湿地边缘和干砌石墙的过滤,径流被收集在池塘中以用于灌溉。Wetland edge and a dry stacked stone wall filter runoff that is collected for irrigation and held within the pond.
Over the last 15 years, the landscape architect worked collaboratively with teams of design professionals, artists, ecologists and a non-profit foundation to transform 230 acres of planned residential-subdivision plots into an integrated experience of rolling topography, native meadows, wetlands, singular architecture, and site-specific sculpture. The site exists within a formerly rural landscape of agriculture and the undulating topography of the Potomac River Valley. Over the last century, suburban enclaves transformed this area into an assemblage of small one-to-five-acre plots that weakened the ability to perceive the natural morphology of the region. When the owner acquired the property, it had been graded to receive single-family subdivision houses; a topography of level plateaus and engineered slopes between them. In addition to the original property, more than a dozen suburban home sites were added to the project and have been transformed, knitting together formerly disparate, resource intensive suburban estates into one ecologically and socially productive landscape defined by watersheds.
Glenstone creates a new kind of museum experience where visitors are engaged in the landscape from the moment they arrive, encouraging them to set aside everyday concerns. Restoring the land itself as well as the people, plants and animals that inhabit and traverse the site, Glenstone embodies the ability of designed landscapes to sustain both culture and the natural environment. The new landscape design integrates walking paths, bridges and restored meadows and woodlands. More than 6,000 trees of 55 native species have been planted across the grounds, bringing the total installed at Glenstone to over 8,000. Approximately 33 acres of existing lawn and pasture land have been developed into sustainable meadows with a range of indigenous flora. The Pavilions’ Water Court is richly planted with water lilies, irises and rushes, creating a dynamic landscape that changes throughout the seasons. The visitor entrance is framed by dry-stack stone walls constructed by a master craftsman with stone sourced from a nearby quarry.
The landscape design and implementation emphasize a systems approach to water management, reforestation, meadow regeneration, and landscape maintenance. Significant time was spent on horticultural and ecological design. Over 400 existing specimen trees were transplanted on site, meadows were both constructed and restored and existing water bodies were ecologically renewed to filter runoff and to create improved habitat for a range of native plants and animals. The re-use of the existing trees is representative of the project’s goal to be innovative and sustainable in its construction and management. Through careful coordination in documentation and observation on site, trees ranging in size from five-inch to 30-inch caliper were moved, stored, and replanted. Since all the largest caliper trees came from the site itself, they were adapted to the site conditions and its soils. Most of the 8,000 additional planted trees were smaller caliper and thus highly adaptable. Grading, planting, and storm-water management strategies were conceived as parts of an integrated landscape system so that Glenstone requires less water and energy to maintain. The meadows slow and direct runoff to bioswales and detention ponds and do not require supplemental irrigation. The meadows do require considered management, but not frequent maintenance.
Site wide, rain water is collected and re-used for irrigation. The lawn area that situates the Gallery and the private residence slopes toward the largest pond on site. Irrigation runoff is filtered through the stone wall on one side of the pond and the planted wetland edge on the other. Roof runoff from the Gallery is directed to this pond which supplies water to the irrigation system. At the Pavilions, roof runoff and meadow surface drainage is collected in three below-grade cisterns. The site maintenance regime now consists of an all-organic program, leading to a net positive impact on the environment.