

约克大学站的设计主题类似于最初在伦敦金丝雀码头和西班牙毕尔巴鄂地铁站进行的探索:其设计考虑了周围的公共空间以及它们与城市的联系,并利用自然光线将乘客直观地从入口引向下方的到达平台。车站坐落在大学校园的中轴线上,与著名的Vari Hall相邻,造型独特的屋顶为大学提供了新的“门面”。
▼车站拥有一个机翼般的醒目顶篷,the station has a striking aerofoil roof canopy
York University Station develops themes first explored in underground stations for Canary Wharf in London and the Bilbao Metro in Spain: its design considers the surrounding public space and connections to the city, and uses natural light to intuitively guide passengers from the entrance down to the platforms. Located on the central axis through the campus, alongside the prominent Vari Hall, its striking roof canopy provides a new ‘front door’ for the university.
▼车站外观,exterior view
车站被Harry W. Arthurs广场的公共草地环绕,其外观采用了较为谨慎的设计手法。建筑体量沉入景观之中,其入口被设置在圆形剧场的底部,并由机翼般的醒目顶篷带来荫蔽。顶篷的内侧面覆盖以高度抛光的金属,反映出人们在下方的活动。
The station’s presence within the green setting of the Harry W. Arthurs Common is discreet. The building is sunk into the landscape, with the entrance placed at the base of a landscaped amphitheatre, where it is sheltered beneath a striking aerofoil roof canopy – the underside of the canopy is highly polished metal, reflecting the movement of people beneath.
▼建筑体量沉入景观之中,入口被设置在圆形剧场的底部,the building is sunk into the landscape, with the entrance placed at the base of a landscaped amphitheatre
▼俯瞰车站大厅,aerial view to the central hall
The double-height ticked hall is glazed on every side and filled with natural light. Its exposed diagrid coffered roof structure is supported by V-shaped columns, which maximise the open area.
▼户外楼梯,outdoor stair
▼双层高的大厅完全由玻璃围合,the double-height ticked hall is glazed on every side
▼室内细部,detailed view
地铁通过三座桥到达车站,乘客可选择扶梯、升降梯或楼梯到达站台层。桥下的人行道由烟幕玻璃墙环绕,该墙壁是项目团队与艺术家Jason Bruges合作设计,能够随着光线而呈现跳动的图案。
The trains are reached via three bridges, which lead to a choice of escalators, elevators or a staircase to platform level. Below the bridges, the walkways are surrounded by glazed smoke screens that pulse with light and were designed in collaboration with artist Jason Bruges.
▼进站主楼梯,main entry stair
▼进站流线,circulation area
▼站台层,platform level
设计遵循多伦多绿色建筑标准(Toronto Green Standards),实现了完全的自然通风,只有在极端条件下才需使用机械支持的隧道通风扇。为了减少建筑物的能耗,设计尽可能地使用了产自本地的材料。此外,建筑的出入口是通用的,升降电梯并未零散地放置,而是被整合在主要的进站流线当中。由于场地旁边既有建筑带来的限制,车站的占地面积十分有限,这也为施工带来了极大的技术挑战。尤其重要的一点是,施工团队需要保证不对校园及其周边社区的日常生活造成干扰。
▼站台层升降电梯,lift on the platform level
Designed to comply with Toronto Green Standards, the building is entirely naturally ventilated, with mechanical back-up from the tunnel ventilation fans only in extreme conditions. To reduce the building’s embodied energy, locally sourced materials are used wherever possible. In addition, access is universal, with lifts integrated into the main entry sequence rather than placed separately. Due to the constraints imposed by the existing buildings next to the site, the station footprint is extremely compact and involves the resolution of significant engineering challenges in its construction, particularly in limiting the impact of construction on the daily life of the University community.
▼夜间外观,exterior view by night
Appointment: 2009
Completion: 2018
Client: Toronto Transit Commision
Collaborating Architect: Adamsons Associates
Structural Engineer: Arup
Quantity Surveyor: Hanscomb