

▼建筑外观,appearance of the architecture
Like other mega cities, smaller sixe developments at the highest price per sqm. Are feasible only with growing numbers of self storage facilities. Some developments choose to include smart storage, smart locker as part of common facilities. REDD is providing a free standing, flexible storage solutions for all developments.
▼建筑面朝东部的高速公路,过往车辆行人皆可看见,the overall shape was studied to be large signage and visible to both inbound and outbound traffic
▼正立面如同大型广告牌,the front façade literally became a large billboard visible to half a million drivers every day
▼建筑由堆叠的纸箱组成,the architecture is a composition of stacks of cardboard boxes
▼建筑外部包覆透明材料,the storage with a layer of transparent wrapping material
As one of the first established self storage business in Thailand, this first flagship facility have to be much more than functional. The external design boldly tells stories that can be perceived as a (drive by) glance. The architecture is a composition of stacks of cardboard boxes, with a layer of transparent wrapping material, giving a hint a storage facility. ‘Red’ is the main façade color as well as the brand identity, and project name. Red color emphasizes strong visual identity, while the hue is adjusted to give a touch of Thainess.
▼红色强调一种强烈的视觉识别,red color emphasizes strong visual identity
▼从地面望建筑,view from ground to architecture
Facing Eastern expressway, the overall shape was studied to be large signage, visible to both inbound and outbound traffic. The front façade literally became a large billboard, visible to half a million drivers every day, providing another business opportunity for clients.
▼一层的咖啡间,cafe room
▼快递区域,express areas
▼建筑采用混凝土柱和后张拉楼板,the building is constructed with concrete main columns and post-tension floor slabs
The building is constructed with concrete main columns and post-tension floor slabs. All external surfaces are wrapped with metal sheets profile. This make the building light to allow for the weight of stored items. Sufficient insulation is provided that the building does not need air conditioning, so the building consume very little energy.
▼外表面由金属型材包覆,all external surfaces are wrapped with metal sheets profile
▼使用优质隔热保温材料无需空调,sufficient insulation is provided that the building does not need air conditioning
▼红色用在品牌标识和项目名称上,red is the color of the brand identity and project name
Landscape design is mainly functional. The building ground is filled with instructions as users has to be able to operate all functions without staff support. Architects create efficient design by turning functional signage into design feature.
▼建筑物地面充满了各种指示,the building ground is filled with instructions as users has to be able to operate all functions without staff support
▼首层平面,first floor plan
▼二层平面,second floor plan
▼三层平面,third floor plan
▼四层平面,fourth floor plan
▼屋顶平面,roof plan
Complete Year: 2018
Built Area: 9,966 SQ.M.
Project Location: Rama9,Bangkok, Thailand
Photographer: BeerSingnoi
Lead AR: Mr. RatiwatSuwannatrai
AR Team: Mr.KittapongMaphunthana
Mr. Natthawat Rakkiratikun
Interior Designer: Ms. WannapatJenpanichkarn
Lighting Designer: FOS Lighting Design
Budget: 100M THB
V&P EXPAND METAL: Expand metalFaçade
SJJ Group: Metal sheet Façade and roof
KONE: Elevator
Steel Storage: Self storage system
L&E: Light Figure
A&G Engineering: Aluminum Door & Window