

Haifa University is built on the projection of a ridge of Mount Carmel that looks over the bay of this Mediterranean city. The site chosen for the Student Center building overlooks a deep valley as well as the bay and has a steep topography. Its upper part abuts the scenic road that extends through the entire campus, ending at the site. In order not to interfere with the view, the building’s roof had to be set below the level of the scenic road.
▼建筑鸟瞰,aerial view
The design of the building aim to fulfill two main goals: integration of the building into the natural surrounding landscape on one hand, and functional clarity on the other hand. This clarity was achieved by separating the two main activates: the Dean of Students offices and the student union into two wings with differing characteristics of space, volume and operational organization.
▼屋顶平面图,roof plan
▼教务办公区和学生区被分别设置在建筑的两翼,the Dean of Students offices and the student union into two wings
The Dean of Students wing is a two- storey rectangular prism, perpendicular to the lines of the topography and jutting out into the vista. Its roof acts as an extension of the scenic road with an observation deck at its end. The Students Union wing is a semi buried four- storey stepped structure shaped like a fan with its long glazed façade facing the view. The upper floors contain the offices while the lower floors the public activities. The garden roofs of the terraced wing blend with the adjacent topography of the mountain.
▼向远处伸展的办公区翼楼,view to the Dean of Students wing extending towards the landscape
▼建筑外观,exterior view
▼办公区下方的空间被用于公共活动,the upper floors contain the offices while the lower floors the public activities
▼户外街道平台,external stepped street
▼从室内望向楼梯,view to the staircase from interior
▼从室内望向户外平台,view to the terrace from interior
▼首层活动空间内部,activity space interior view
Between the two wings an external stepped street was designed to enable unroofed descent and external entries into the various floors. The stepped street is homage to the traditional terraced buildings characteristic of the city of Haifa. The inner stairway of the building run beneath and parallel to the outer stairways and connects the lobbies of the four floors.
▼外部街道的设计致敬了海法城市中常见的传统阶梯式建筑特征,the stepped street is homage to the traditional terraced buildings characteristic of the city of Haifa
▼屋顶观景平台,viewing platform
The finishing materials for the building express the relationship between the two wings that comprise it. The floating Dean’s wing is designed with metal cladding while the earthy terraces walls are built of exposed concrete. The floating wing roof and the external stepped street leading to the terraced gardens are paved with wooden deck. The terraces extend underneath the floating wing and vanish into the topography, unifying both wings into a singular comprehensive architectural composition.
▼“悬浮”的办公楼覆盖以金属饰面,the floating Dean’s wing is designed with metal cladding
▼平台的墙壁由裸露的混凝土构成,the earthy terraces walls are built of exposed concrete
▼户外平台与山体相连,the terraces vanish into the topography
▼屋顶平面图,roof plan
▼入口层平面图,entrance level plan
▼-1层平面图,plan level -1
▼-2层平面图,plan level -2
▼-3层平面图,plan level -3
Project Name : Haifa University Student Center
Location : Haifa University, Israel
Use : Student Center
Site Area : ㎡ : 11000
Bldg. Area: ㎡ 6200
Gross Floor Area : ㎡ 1000-1300
Architects – Chyutin Architects Ltd.
Team- Bracha Chyutin, Michael Chyutin, Ethel Rosenhek, Joseph Perez
Photographs- Amit Giron