

Project overview
▼四馆西北鸟瞰,aerial view from northwest
Huaian, a historical and cultural city in China, was once the capital of canal transport. The city pattern is dumbbell-shaped. The main city in Northwest and the ancient city in Southeast are connected by Xiangyu Avenue. In 2008, the government decided to build a new eco-business district in the middle of the“ dumbbell”. In the same year, the “Four Pavilions” took the lead in locating on the northeast side of Xiangyu Avenue in the new district, along the millennium Li-canal , with a land area of 5.44ha and a total building area of 86500㎡. The main functions are urban plan exhibition halls, libraries, cultural galleries, art galleries and their supporting rooms. The site is a rectangle parallel to Xiangyu Avenue, 350 meters long and 160 meters wide. It is divided into two relatively independent parts: the northwest Urban Museum land and the southeast Cultural Museum land. The plan calls for a unified retreat of the four pavilions to form a 60-metre display of the main features of Xiangyu Avenue. As the first large sized project there, how can we lead the style and features of the new district, echo the context of the old city and form local affinity?
▼区位分析图,location analysis
设计难点 | Difficulties
The integration of generality and individuality: As a multi-pavillions joint building, it should not only highlight the overall atmospheric simplicity, but also take into account the diverse needs of individuals.
The integration of history and modernity: it is necessary to conform to the new town fashion, inherit the ancient city context, and echo traditional architecture with modern architectural language.
The integration of practicality and symbolism: giving consideration to functions and images, responding to different functions of libraries by means of multiple symbols, and increasing local affinity.
The integration of architecture and environment: not only to form landmarks, but also to set aside landscape green veins and visual corridors for adjacent blank plots.
▼形态生成示意,design process
Morphological manipulation
To combine real images with virtual ones: The functions of each hall have different requirements for natural lighting and ventilation, such as the foyer, art salon, creative room, reading room, concert hall, exhibition hall, etc. The facade is corresponding to glass curtain wall, stone blinds, large-area solid wall and so on, in order to seek the combination of virtual and reality, and different from each other.
▼城市博物馆, Urban Plan Museum
▼文化馆,Culture Museum
▼文化馆立面局部,Culture Museum facade
▼文化馆西北立面,northwest facade of the Culture Museum
▼图书馆外观,library exterior view
▼图书馆立面如层层书页,the library facade refers to the shape of pages of a book
▼图书馆立面虚实相生,solid and void of the facade
Context inheritance: With modern technologies such as large span, large cantilever, wide and narrow staggered joints and dry-hanging honeycomb stone, it echoes the quadrangular courtyard on the sloping roof, eaves gray space, hook joints of clear water wall, eaves rafter closure and so on which are existed in the historic buildings of the old city.
▼图书馆下沉庭院,the sunken courtyard of the library
▼文化馆庭院,Culture Museum courtyard
▼美术馆边庭,Art Museum foyer
▼图书馆中庭楼梯,stair in the atrium of the library
▼图书馆中庭,library atrium
地方象征:“四馆”整体造型的灵感源自 “漕运之都”淮安最具特点的漕舫,城市博物馆灵感来自厚重的古城楼,音乐厅的造型由12片“花瓣”组成,象征淮安市花月季绽放。
Local symbol:Huaian is the capital of canal transport. The inspiration of the overall shape of the “Four Pavilions” comes from Huaian’s Most Characteristic Caofang. The inspiration of the Urban Plan Museum comes from the heavy ancient Gate Tower. The shape of the concert hall is composed of 12 “petals”, which symbolizes the blooming of Huaian’s roses.
▼从里运河看四馆立面,view to the “Four Pavilions” from the canal
▼城市博物馆灵感来自厚重的古城楼,he inspiration of the Urban Plan Museum comes from the heavy ancient Gate Tower
▼音乐厅象征淮安市花月季绽放,the shape of the concert hall symbolizes the blooming of Huaian’s roses
Landscape infiltration: By lowering the central part of the building, the pavilions are separated into courtyards, supplemented by various grey spaces, to achieve indoor and outdoor integration, and to infiltrate into the open space of the surrounding cities, leaving a landscape green vein and a vision corridor for the adjacent areas to be developed.
▼场地景观鸟瞰,aerial view to the site
专业配合 |
Professional Cooperate
Cantilever outdoor space: In order to obtain more outdoor landscape space and increase the infiltration of indoor and outdoor space, the building combines with outward inclined wall, layers of balconies, roof gardens and gray space are set up, 80 meters long reinforced concrete structure, cantilever up to 12 meters.
▼图书馆大露台,terrace of the library
▼庭院与屋顶花园,courtyard and green roof
▼图书馆不同标高的阳台,balconies with different height
Organic integration of equipment and devices: Concert hall for example, the plane is nearly rectangular, about 10 meters high, large-scale heating and ventilation equipment is needed on both sides, so the plane is integrated into a circle, combined with equipment ventilation, part of the outer wall is covered with louvers, and then generated 12 inclined walls, as if blooming rose petals.
▼音乐厅夜景, Concert Hall night view
The Fifth Facade: Using those parts of inclined roof higher than flat roof, the roof shaft and machine room are skillfully designed, and then the roof equipment and pipelines are shielded by light shading frame to ensure the beauty of the fifth facade.
▼夕阳下的运河与四馆,the canal and pavilions in the sunset
细部设计 |
Detail design
Wide and narrow staggered seams: Exhibition hall, concert hall, library and other external walls are mainly solid walls. Inspired by the wide and narrow joints of the clear-water brick wall of Zhou Enlai’s former residence in Chuzhou, the stone is 1350 to 1800 in length, dry-hanged with 150/300/600 three widths and staggered by one third. In order to ensure the simplicity of large solid walls, especially the safety of extroverted walls, dry-hanging honeycomb stones with light self-weight and large block surface are used.
▼宽窄错缝干挂蜂窝石材,dry-hanged stone facade
Stone louvers: Reading rooms and studios adopt the combination of “stone louvers” and glass curtain wall, taking into account the functions, vision, image and energy saving. The honeycomb stone slab is spliced into 300 wide *450 deep through-long column members, and then arranged transversely according to 1050 center distance, with the width of the window about 750.
▼“石材百叶”和玻璃幕墙的结合,the combination of “stone louvers” and glass curtain wall
Under the eaves: The bottom of the “stone louver” is vertically closed to the glass curtain wall, just like the effect of the bottom of the eaves of the traditional sloping building, which makes the space under the eaves of this modern cultural building have some inheritance of Context.
▼外挑的“石材百叶”底部垂直收至玻璃幕墙,the bottom of the “stone louver” is vertically closed to the glass curtain wall
结语 | Epilogue
From the design to the completion of the project, we hope that the “Four Pavilions” will be like a “cultural carrier” sailing into the cultural life of millions of households and leading a new future of Huaian.
▼首层平面图,ground floor plan
▼二层平面图,first floor plan
▼四层平面图,third floor plan
▼五层平面图,forth floor plan
▼屋顶平面图,roof plan
项目设计&完成年份: 2007&2017
项目总负责人: 王文胜
作者: 史巍
Project name: Huaian urban plan museum, library, culture museum and art museum
Designer: TJAD
Company website:
Design year & Completion year:2007&2017
Chief Project Officer:Wang Wen sheng
Leader designer & Project manage: Shi Wei
Project location: Huaian, Jiangsu province
Gross Built Area (square meters): 86500㎡
Photo credits: Ma Yuan, Shi Wei, Wang Fen
Client: Huaian New Town Investment Development Co., Ltd.
Author: Shi Wei