据说,西班牙小吃(tapas)的出现既是一种必然又是一种贪图便利的创新:酒保会在提供啤酒及雪莉酒的时候,在杯口盖上一个茶碟防止苍蝇飞进去。很快他们发现在茶碟上放一点小点心既能够吸引回头客又能减缓顾客醉酒速度,可以再多喝一杯。Como Taperia是对巴塞罗那Poble Sec或马德里La Latina区域内经典而流传百年的站立式小吃酒吧的致敬。这些餐厅空间都非常紧凑、音乐轰鸣声音鼎沸,顾客可能都没有坐下的地方,非常适宜交流和营造一种亲密舒适的氛围。
▼小吃酒吧空间概览,interior view of the tapas bar
设计师采用的材料和色彩设计策略来源于一个特别的参照对象:Jardins de les 3 Xemeneies 和它为喧嚣的Poble Sec提供背景的三个砖砌烟囱。这是巴塞罗那Traction, Power and Light Company(一家在西班牙加泰罗尼亚地区提供照明及电力设施的加拿大公共事业公司)20世纪早期建造的发电站的仅存遗迹,当地人将原来公司的电力生产称之为La Canadiense。在加拿大开设小吃酒吧,这段过往历史为探索这一地区本土化气息提供了一条途径,让Como真正成为一个现代化的实体空间,向我们热爱的西班牙致敬。
Our access point to the materiality and colour strategy came from one particular reference, Jardins de les 3 Xemeneies, and its three brick chimneys that backdrop the bustling Poble Sec–the only remains of an early 20th century power station built by the Barcelona Traction, Power and Light Company ( a Canadian utility company that operated light and power utilities in Catalonia, Spain) locally known as La Canadiense for the old company’s Canadian electricity production. Opening a tapas bar in Canada, this history acted as a leeway into exploring the vernacular of this neighbourhood, allowing Como to become a contemporary materialization–an homage to all we love about Spain.
▼内部空间以西班牙tapas bar为设计概念,the space is inspired by Spanish tapas bar
▼吧台坐凳,bar seat stool
▼座位区域,seating area
设计的剩余任务就是保持空间简单而有趣,让其它很出彩的灵感点在这一背景下脱颖而出,如能让人想起Miro的钴蓝色强调装饰和以Jean Arp的作品为出发点的艺术品。
The rest was an exercise in keeping things simple and fun and letting a few other cool points of inspiration stand out against this backdrop like the punches of cobalt blue reminiscent of Miro and the art program taking Jean Arp’s work as a point of departure.
▼钴蓝色的强调装饰,punches of cobalt blue
▼内部艺术品,art program
所有的这些元素一同形成了一个富有吸引力而迷人的地方,让人们可以与朋友和心爱的人共享休闲小吃和小酌几杯,一同高呼“Arriba, abajo, al centro y adentro!”(举杯向天,举杯敬地,碰杯庆祝,一饮而尽)
All these elements culminate in an inviting, charming spot to connect with friends and loved ones for a few unfussy snacks and drinks: Arriba, abajo, al centro y adentro!
▼设计细节,design details
▼轴测,axonometric drawing
▼室内立面,interior elevation
Como Taperia by Ste. Marie Art and Design,
Vancouver, Canada
Completion date-2019