

The building located on Daxing Campus of Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture (BUCEA) is a small-scale public building. The major problem was the change in functions. The building would be used as the auxiliary commercial facilities for the dwelling area in the early period of campus construction and converted into a multi-function building upon substantial completion of the campus. In this regard, different assumptions were proposed: multi-function hall, exhibition hall, activity center, indoor gym etc.. For this, we took the free conversion of functions as the starting point for the design concept and formulated the following design keynotes: 1st floor: column-free; combination with unit modules; favorable conditions for functional conversion by electrics and equipment; easy-to-remove and recyclable materials for the internal interlayer; addition of energy-saving and environmental-friendly facilities.
▼综合楼整体鸟瞰,aerial view of the complex building
▼综合楼外观,overview of the complex building
According to the design keynotes, we proposed a square plane of 60m×60m arranged with 10m×10m, while each unit is composed of one central skylight and four-slope roof.Based on the above, in combination with the energy-efficient requirements, several important measures were proposed before the current model was eventually formed.
▼由10米×10米单元排列形成的60米×60米的正方形平面,每个单元由中间的一个天窗和四坡屋顶组成, a square plane of 60m×60m arranged with 10m×10m, while each unit is composed of one central skylight and four-slope roof
Measure 1: since it was a single-storey building, the insulating layer for the roof was a hard nut. For this, on the four-slope roof, we designed one additional concrete layer of a reversed four-slope roof as well as hid the beam of 2m high between the two roofs.
▼单层的建筑东立面外观,east facade of a single-storey building
▼四面坡的屋顶上又增加了一层砼的反向四面坡屋顶,one additional concrete layer of a reversed four-slope roof was added on the four-slope roof
▼2米高的大梁隐藏在两层屋顶之间,the beam of 2m high is hiding between the two roofs
▼立面近景,close view to the facade
▼入口区域,entrance area
Measure 2: one verandah was arranged outside the building to shelter the exterior windows as well as provide a semi-exterior space for shops and activities of students. The verandah also functioned as a support for the large-span beam. To enrich the exterior elevation, the verandah was treated to cut off the exterior units upon rotating the axial net. The building is of a RCC structure. To express the geometric logic relation of the building, concrete was applied on the roof and cut surface, while the wooden exterior wall was used inside the cut.
▼建筑外侧设置了一层外廊,为外侧的大窗户提供了遮阳,同时也为店铺和学生活动提供了一个半室外空间,one verandah was arranged outside the building to shelter the exterior windows as well as provide a semi-exterior space for shops and activities of students
▼外廊及檐口细部,detail of the verandah and eaves
Measure 3: the central skylight was opened for ventilation.
▼室内多功能厅-中间天窗采用可开启的方式以便通风,multi-functional hall-the central skylight was opened for ventilation
▼夜景,night scenes
▼总图,site plan
▼首层平面图,ground floor plan