

Monte Generoso山顶的新餐厅为原酒店(建于20世纪早期)所在的这片场地增色不少。项目位置非常特殊:它位于俯瞰北侧悬崖的小高原上,这是一块有300-400米陡峭落差的巨大岩石。令人印象深刻的岩石结构是建造“岩石花朵”(stone flower)般建筑的决定性因素——这是一个带有独特“花瓣”的八角形建筑。圆形的花冠在东面为沿着山脊的景观台留出了空间。
The new restaurant on the top of Monte Generoso graces the spot where an early twentieth-century hotel once stood. The location is extraordinary: a small plateau overlooking the precipice on the north side of the mountain, characterised by a mighty rock with a steep 300-400 metre drop. The impressive rock formation was the deciding factor for creating the “stone flower” – an octagonal building with individual “petals”. On the east front this circular crown provides the space for an observation deck that follows the ridge of the mountain.
▼位于山顶的餐厅概览,overview of the restaurant on the top of the mountain
▼白雪覆盖的山体环境与岩石上的花朵,mountains covered by snow and building designed at the concept of stone flower
每个组成部分(或“花瓣”)的分布共同形成了一组五层高的塔楼,它们略微向外突出并在上层再次聚合。建筑使用钢筋混凝土结构,覆盖灰色天然石材并间接穿插光滑的分隔带。这些看似独立的塔楼通过巨大的玻璃面相互连接,玻璃面拥有朝向外部景观的全景视角,南侧是环绕米兰周边的Po Valley,北侧是Lugano湖与阿尔卑斯山。有轨车站所在的首层是宽敞的入口区域,拥有连接室内外的入口通道。展室可通过入口通道进入,内部信息板展示着Monte Generoso的历史和现有建筑的模型及Mario Botta绘制的平面及草图。
The arrangement of the individual components (or “petals”) creates a group of five-storey towers that project out slightly, to close again on the upper floors. The bearing structure is in reinforced concrete clad in grey natural stone with alternate smooth and split bands. The seemingly self-contained towers are interconnected by large glazed surfaces that afford 360° panoramic views – of the Po Valley around Milan to the south and Lake Lugano and the Alps to the north. On the level of the rack railway station (ground level), a spacious entrance area with an entryway connects the exterior with the interior. The exhibition room, which can be accessed via the entryway, is home to information boards with the history of Monte Generoso and a model of the current building with plans and sketches drawn by architect Mario Botta.
▼每个“花瓣”略微向外突出并在上层再次聚合,individual “petals” project out slightly, to close again on the upper floors
▼在有轨车站所在的首层,宽敞的入口区域拥有连接室内外的入口通道,on the level of the rack railway station (ground level), a spacious entrance area with an entryway connects the exterior with the interior
▼立面上灰色天然石材穿插光滑的分隔带,facade in grey natural stone with alternate smooth and split bands
The service rooms are located on the first floor, a conference room that seats up to approximately ninety people is on the second floor, and the upper two floors contain a self-service restaurant (with access to the large terrace) and a refined upscale restaurant. The result is a powerful, distinctive, geometrical building in contrast, and therefore in dialogue, with the natural features of the surrounding landscape.
▼室内餐厅空间,interior restaurant area
▼空间拥有朝向外部景观的全景视角,space with panoramic view
▼天光洒下的楼梯空间,stairs with light shines from the top
▼场地平面,site plan
▼首层平面,ground plan
▼三层平面,second floor plan
▼四层平面,third floor plan
▼五层平面,fourth floor plan
Fiore di pietra (stone flower), Monte Generoso, Switzerland
Project: 2013
Construction: 2015-2017
Client: Ferrovia Monte Generoso SA
Civil Engineering: Studio d’Ingegneria Luigi Brenni
Useful area: 2500 m² (of which 2140 m² new + 360 m² existing) Volume: 9’200 m³ (of which 8’000 m³ new + 1’200 m³ existing)