

随着大众的审美升级,证件照这件事已经不像往常一样“凑合”了,也应运而生了一个为用户专门拍摄证件照的品牌——小象馆, 我们也为小象馆做了最新的空间设计。
With the aesthetic upgrade of the public, the document photo has not been as ID function as it used to be. It also gave birth to a brand that specially photographed the ID photo for the user – the elefoto. We have just finished the project for elefoto space.
▼小象馆外观,exterior view
在“寸土寸金”中“闪转腾挪” | CIRCULATION
这种全新的业态和服务方式也带来全新的设计挑战,照相馆的流程比传统的餐饮,零售要复杂好多倍,预约客人、路过访客、化妆、试衣、拍摄、等候,每个区域都有顾客,造型师和摄影师等内部员工的动线,往往是几十个人在200平米的区域内穿梭, 一个巧妙互不干扰的动线,能直接提升所有人的行为体验。
▼动线示意,circulation diagram
This brand new service format brings completely new design challenge. The process of taking photos in such store is much more complicated than traditional F&B or retails. Customers, visitors, makeups, photographers and other employees all squeeze and move in such small area. A good circulation that does not interfere with each other, could directly enhance everybody’s experience.
▼一层室内概览,1F interior view
▼接待台和休息区,reception and seating area
▼收银台细部,detailed view
The less obtrusive while strong functional guide information placed everywhere in the space. It is very friendly to customers who come to the store for the first time. In this way, customers can quickly understand what they need to do at the lowest cost, so that they have a more active experience. At the same time, we set up a series of little design to help customer kill time when they need to wait for the next step in the certain area to enhance the general experience. For example, a simple mirror in the right place could allow customer to practice how to smile before photo shooting.
▼兼具功能性和装饰感的导视系统,the guide system combines function with an
aesthetic feeling
The elefoto has an IP of “astronaut”, so we proposed a new style – mild future-retroism. Therefore, in every corner of the space, there are some retro small devices, but after the secondary reconstruction of the design, it has a sense of futuristic, some like a time machine, and some like a space capsule.
▼复古又焕发未来感的装置,installations with a style of mild future-retroism
用设计为用户创造小惊喜 | SURPRISE
During the whole Store Identity upgrading process, we try to propose more and more interesting details in every single store. Like the SPACE flagship store in Beijing, a few details brought extraordinary surprise of experience. The existing building originally contained a hollow
. Because of a certain design coincidence, both the reception counter on the first floor and photo producing space on the second floor are next to this hollow well.
▼二层修片区,2F interior view
▼中空空间被设计为简易的传送装置,a simple conveyer system is installed in the existed
We have made a nuanced table for customers’ makeup removing process. The display of the makeup removers, the place to dispose the garbage and other details were well-designed to help the customers easily maintain the whole area tidy and clean, giving the following customer a nice and fresh impression. By the way, because it is nice and also functional, many shop assistants would like to have one at home.
▼化妆区,make-up area
▼等候区,waiting area
photo studio design diagram
品牌更需要通过设计传递专业 | PROFESSIONAL
Although it is the “web influencer ” photo studio under the consumption upgrading era, the elefoto is based on its outstanding professional ability since it’s open, which is why, the daylab studio was paying more attention, in the style of design, on delivering the message of its profession and the taste, rather than piling up dazzling “popular elements” to cater to female consumers.
▼更衣区和修片区,cabinet and
retouching area
▼准备区和墙面标识细部,preparation area and guidance detail
The fans of the elefoto are the first group in the country to have good sense of aesthetics. The large amount of decorative materials in the traditional design, the eye-catching colors, and the high-quality sense of the decoration patterns cannot enhance the brand value, which is also not accepted by the Daylab team. In terms of design, we believe the principle of “introverted taste”, using low-saturation brand color and meticulous detail to impress customers, which is very popular among this group of users.
▼楼梯间窗景,window scenery
▼平面图,floor plans
▼剖面示意图,sectional diagram
面积:250 sqm.
Category:Photo Studio design
Area: 250 sqm.
Status:Design Completed and Constructed