

▼学校上空全景图,panoramic view over the school
Hokota South Primary School is a combination of seven nearby primary schools. In order to achieve “flexible and multi-purpose learning space for cultivating talents contributing to the international community”, besides ordinary student classrooms, it is equipped with Multimedia Learning Exchange Center, outdoor classrooms, Cooking classroom, N-COUNT, handicraft classroom, painting rooms, music classrooms, medical rooms, student communication rooms, dining rooms, language classrooms, etc. High-standard international primary school with comprehensive functions. High standards of disaster prevention, earthquake prevention, crime prevention design, to create a safe and comfortable learning environment for children. The school is situated on a hill with a wide view of the outdoor playground. The teacher’s office is facing the outdoor playground. The students’ condition can be observed in front of the window.
▼室外操场视野宽阔,教师办公室正对室外操场,the school has a wide view of the outdoor playground and the teacher’s office is facing the outdoor playground
Depending on the potential connections between different classrooms, it can be flexibly used according to your needs. The roof is designed according to local light angle and curved surface to better accept natural light and complete natural ventilation of classrooms on both sides through the sunny courtyard in the center of the building.
▼屋面根据当地光照角度采用曲面设计,更好地接受自然光照,the roof is designed according to local light angle and curved surface to better accept natural light
Sunshine courtyard and outdoor classroom, students show here, the whole school students can watch through the window. The outdoor classroom on the second floor will connect the third, fourth and fifth grades with the outdoor classroom through the outdoor balcony, so as to promote the exchange and communication of students across grades.
▼阳光庭院作为室外教室,sunshine courtyard acts as outdoor classroom
▼建筑借助连廊朝向室外场地开放,interior spaces open to the outdoor playground through outdoor corridor
▼二楼室外教室将三,四,五年级通过室外阳台与户外教学空间相连接,the outdoor classroom on the second floor connects the third, fourth and fifth grades with the outdoor education space through the outdoor balcony
The area is entrance of the building, where students store shoes, umbrellas and other items. Students gather here during campus activities. It is also an activity area for parents to participate in activities. This area belongs to semi-enclosed room. Except for students going to and from school, this area is enclosed and cannot be accessed by foreigners.
▼教师职员入口及服务窗口,teachers’ entrance and service window
▼建筑物的入口处用于储存鞋子雨伞等物品的封闭空间,entrance of the building and the enclosed area where students store shoes, umbrellas and other items
In the first grade classroom, the blackboard adopts the design of damp lifting, the height can be adjusted freely, and the direction of digital TV can also be adjusted freely.
▼配备有阻尼升降设计黑板的一年级教室,first grade classroom with damp lifting blackboard
Multimedia center area, each school year group can be easily used, students can read aloud, chat, network access information, and have lunch. The push-pull door on the west side can be opened when used, and the area can be closed to prevent noise diffusion. It can be used as a multi-functional open hall.
▼多媒体中心区域供各学年组使用,multimedia center area for all school members
The student laboratory, the table is specially designed by the designer, the table and the pool can be moved separately, the manual screw lock can be arranged under the table, inside table legs are provided with wheels, and the outer side is the normal table leg. Due to the material, the table is heavy and the primary school student cannot move, but the adult can easily move by lifting the outer table legs.
▼学生实验室内的桌子由设计师专门设计,桌子与水池可分开移动,tables in the student laboratory is specially designed by the designer, the table and the pool can be moved separately
▼料理教室,cooking room
The school clinic, which is located in the most prominent position on the front of the building, can observe 270 degrees outdoors and provide timely medical support.
▼医务室,school clinic
There are two public hand-washing pools in each school year area.
▼公共洗手池区域,public hand-washing pools
▼夜景,night scene
▼平面规划图,master plan
▼一层平面图,first floor plan
▼多媒体中心处剖面,section of the multimedia learning exchange center
主创及设计团队:益子 一彦&三上建筑事务所
摄影版权:崛内 広治
客户:鉾田市市长 岸田一夫
Project name:Hokota South Primary school
Design: MIKAMI Architects
Design & Completion Year: Feb.2016~Mar.2017&Aug.2017~Jan.2019
Leader designer & Team: Mashiko Kazuhiko&MIKAMI Architects
Project location: Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan
Gross Built Area: 9308.19㎡
Photo credits: Kouji Horiuchi
Clients: Mayor of Hokota City Kishida Kazuo