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De Plek 酒吧

2018/12/13 13:06:20
The former Chapel of Sint-John in the Cathedral of Our Lady in Antwerp is rebuild into a meeting place for churchgoers and tourists. The bar, designed in a contemporary gothic style, serves as central greeting and reception space. Eye-pleasing and functional.
▼从教堂看向酒吧,view from the Cathedral
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The entire design and furniture has plenty of gothic and thematic references to the inside of the Cathedral: chapels, annexes, porches, cross ribs, vaulted ceilings, objects of art, … The buttresses and arches are translated in the carpentry structure. Therefore it gives the impression being turned inside out: sculptured on the outside, lining on the inside.
▼酒吧吧台概览,overview of bar
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All woodwork is done in French Douglas Fir, the European version of the Oregon Pine – in which the original floor was made. All furniture (tables, chairs, bar) is custom made.
▼扶壁柱和拱通过法国道格拉斯冷杉的木结构表达,the buttresses and arches are translated in the carpentry structure made of French Douglas Fir
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The bar rises up from the floor, as do the towers from the cathedral. The serving apertures in the bar are shaped after the windows of the Cathedral. Gothic with a twist: four-leaf clover, a curved triangle and a pentagon. The color blue is to be found in the stained-glass window inside the Cathedral.
▼三种变形后的哥特式窗:四叶草形、曲线三角形和五角形,three types of Gothic window with a twist: four-leaf clover, a curved triangle and a pentagon
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▼吧台内侧覆以蓝色涂层,blue lining on the inside of bar
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▼从吧台内部向外看,view from the inside bar
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▼酒吧吧台模型,physical model
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▼平面图,ground floor plan
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▼剖面图A,section A
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▼剖面图B,section B
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▼酒吧平截面与竖截面,plane section and vertical section diagrams
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▼酒吧平截面与竖截面色彩示意图,color analysis diagrams of plane section and vertical section
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Photographer: Jochen Verghote
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