

An increasing trend in alpine context is the accessibility of mountain peaks. The demand for challenging projects within the alpine environment has significantly increased, along with the need for ultramodern cableway technology. In alpine environment, the connection between architecture and the natural element is a stronger than in other contexts, and therefore also the relevance of each intervention in relation to the environment.
▼博物馆坐落在海拔3040m的山地上,the museum is located at 3040 meters above sea level
In this context, relevant architecture assumes a symbolic role, as one of the most effective marketing tools for defining regional identities and for projecting their resonance to the world. The ability to lead an accurate analysis of local features, detecting problems and translating potential challenges into inspiring outcomes, is a mandatory process for ‘authentic’ architecture. Successful architectural projects become ‘landmarks’, dynamic engines essential for the recognition value of a region and its local economies. Increasing interest from the media and reports on architectural highlights confirm and support this trend. Tourism resorts in the Ötztal Alps benefit enormously from the reach generated by contemporary landmarks.
▼博物馆由9个以山间坡道相连的独立混凝土体量构成,the result was nine free concrete chambers connected by ramps and located in the mountain
Our approach strives to achieve innovative, site-responsive architecture. We handle each assignment as a unique challenge, requiring tailor-made solutions. Our definition of ‘genuine’ architecture is arising from a thoughtful analysis of local specific characteristics, connecting and evaluating the environmental impact of the intervention and replying to it with a responsible gesture.
基于可持续的设计宗旨,设计团队通过跨学科的交流实现了高度创新的设计方案与施工方案,并且兼顾了能源优化与材料的选择问题。在007 Elements博物馆中,富有戏剧感的自然环境被充分引入到建筑内部。宽阔的窗面带来山谷的壮观景色,同时冰河路、冰Q餐厅、Ventertal及Rettenbachtal谷地形成视觉上的连接——这些都是电影《007:幽灵党》的实际取景地。声学舞台的建造则进一步增强了这种感官和视觉体验。
Our approach to architecture believes in sustainable responsibility: we require highly innovative solutions in design and engineering, as well as energy optimisation and thoughtful choice of materials. To achieve this goal we favour an interdisciplinary exchange. With 007 Elements, the desire to realise a project with impressive architecture was present from the start. We were willing to incorporate the dramatic natural environment in the interior spaces. Wide openings selectively frame spectacular views, establishing visual connections to the film locations of Spectre: the Glacier Road, the ice Q Restaurant, the Ventertal and Rettenbachtal Valleys. The acoustic staging enhances this sensorial and visual experience. Design criteria precisely regulated in other building typologies, such as structural and physical requirements, had to be newly developed for this extreme location. Designing at high altitude is an adventurous journey. Curiosity and a passionate approach were our driving forces.
▼“枪管”舱体入口,Barrel of the Gun
设计团队希望创造一个富有冲突性的空间,以此来展示出007电影中的多面场景。最初, 团队从007电影艺术指导Ken Adam的作品中寻找灵感。为了以最佳方式呈现出装置和道具中所蕴含的哲学,团队还与博物馆策展人Neal Callow(最近四部007电影的创意及艺术总监)以及Tino Schaedler(创意公司Optimist Inc的设计总监)进行了激烈的讨论与交流。团队从一开始便拒绝使用制冷或制热系统,为的是让高山上的空气直接渗透进博物馆内部,从而使观众对这座位于3040m高山上博物馆产生难以忘怀的印象。
While designing the architecture for 007 Elements, we wanted to create ambivalent spaces, where to experience the multifaceted realities of James Bond. Initially we were looking for inspiration in the work of the Bond Production Designer Ken Adam.To best embody the philosophy of the installation’s contents, curated by Neal Callow (Creative and Art Director on the last four Bond films) and Tino Schaedler (Head of Design at creative agency Optimist Inc.), we kept an intense and open exchange-process. Our initial idea to exclude heating or cooling systems was to let the natural element and the alpine climate permeate the interiors, to make sure that visitors inside would not forget where 007 Elements is located, on a 3040m high mountaintop.
▼内向式的空间序列能够进一步刺激感官,为参观者带来沉浸式的体验,spatial sequences have been planned as mainly introverted spaces, to allow the senses to sharpen up and fully commit to the Bond world
007 Elements是一个电影式的场馆,比起传统的博物馆来说,它的体验更接近于电影本身。设计团队希望打造一个与众不同的展览空间,使当下的现实和未来的虚拟世界能够相互交融。内向式的空间序列能够进一步刺激感官,从而让参观者完全沉浸在詹姆斯邦德的世界当中。
007 Elements is a cinematic installation, the experience is closer to a film than a museum in the traditional sense. Its location at 3040 meters above sea level, the breath taking natural scenery and the dramatic climate changes make the whole setting unique and spectacular. We wanted to create an exhibition reality differing from usual installations, a place where opposites can coexist, where contemporary reality and futuristic, virtual worlds could merge. Spatial sequences have been planned as mainly introverted spaces, to allow the senses to sharpen up and fully commit to the Bond world.
▼指挥室,Briefing room
▼宽阔的窗面带来山谷的壮观景色,wide openings selectively frame spectacular views
Our first design proposal was a two-storey concrete cube, piercing the ridge, projecting on both sides beyond the abyss, with exhibition spaces connected by suspended bridges. Then the geological circumstances led to several alternative solutions. Various studies, exploring spectacular approaches near the cable car station, proved to be not suitable for the existing ensemble at the summit. Following the philosophy of the creative concept, we developed new ideas. In the final design, we developed the concepts ‘inside the mountain’ and ‘iceberg principle’. Nine free concrete chambers were the result of this process, connected by ramps and located in the mountain. The path through the exhibition unfolds through slightly inclined, almost unnoticeable descending levels, an alternation of sophisticated spatial sequences: sloping-narrow, dark, wide-bright-extroverted, real-virtual, slender-high, compact-stretched, polygonal, cylindrical and so on. At the end of this journey, a steep stunning mountain panorama suddenly stands at the visitor’s feet.
▼科技实验馆,Tech Lab
▼行动大厅,Action Hall
▼放映室,screen room
A reduced material’s selection — concrete, steel and glass — was an essential component of the design concept. We chose a raw, minimalist and bare setting, hosting and contrasting with high technology, timeless and innovative elements, able to withstand extreme temperature fluctuations. Exhibition rooms and furnishings are made of precast-concrete. Oversize stainless steel doors emphasize the transition spaces through the chambers, while perforated black steel panels, used for suspended ceilings and acoustic claddings, enhance the soundproofing. We created contrasts of light and dark.
▼室内空间,interior view
▼原始、简约而裸露的环境与博物馆内充满科技感和创新感的展览形成一种戏剧化的对比,a raw, minimalist and bare setting, hosting and contrasting with high technology, timeless and innovative elements
▼遗产展馆,Legacy Gallery
▼建造过程,construction phase
At an altitude of 3040 meters, we have been dealing with permafrost. This unstable soil, a frozen rock conglomerate in perpetual adjustment to temperature fluctuations, is a challenging foundation to build on. As with the Gaislachkogl Cable Car Stations and the ice Q restaurant, we have again employed naturally ventilated foundations. Cuffs adjusting to the movements of the rock conglomerate flexibly connect the concrete cubes. The project faced significant construction obstacles. Geological fault lines, the exposed location on the peak and the extremely short building span created huge challenges. The crew could not work for more than a few weeks at a time, therefore the people-crew on site had to work on rotation shifts. During the construction phase, the weather turned out as one the worst winters in the last 15 years, snowfall started in July, while in winter, storms and massive snowfall prevented us from getting vehicles to the site, so we ended up having to fly the concrete in by helicopter. The structure reaches a volume of ca. 8.500 m3 and the exhibition surface counts approximately 1200 m2.
▼3D模型,3D model
▼场地平面图,site plan
▼首层平面图,plan level 1
▼二层平面图,plan level 2
▼剖面图1,section 1
▼剖面图2,section 2
▼剖面图3,section 3
Location: Sölden, Tyrol, Austria
Completion: spring 2018
OMO Team: Christoph Neuner, Andreas Norz, Robert Wibmer, Harald Brutscher
Photographer: Christoph Nosig, Kristopher Grunert, Schreyer David, Rudi Whyhlidal