连州,一个群山环绕的小城,初来的访客已很难从略显灰暗的城市中看到她曾经的辉煌,但很容易被小街小巷里细腻的街道生活,简单质朴的生产作业方式和各种美味的食物所打动。连州摄影博物馆座落于连州旧城中山南路,连同中山北路、建国路、城隍街一带,沿线基本保持原有民国时期的城市风貌,是市区内仅存较为完整的一片历史文化街区,连州人亲切的称这里为“老街”,一个保有无数记忆的地方。在这里,一边是年久失修的斑斑驳驳的老屋和不断从老城撤离后留下的落寞,另一边是林立的各个年代建筑门窗阳台墙体奇异的组合,和里面已难得一见的各式前店后坊 – 弹棉花炸麻油制白铁皮的热热闹闹,强烈的差异和冲突让人着迷。作为一个外来者,连州国际摄影年展已经奇迹般连续了13年,被公认为中国最具专业水准的摄影节。她的博物馆建设是连州老城复兴计划的重要发生器,也是向老城的一次致敬。
▼博物馆鸟瞰图,bird view of the museum
Lianzhou, a small city locates in the northern mountain area of Guangdong, has witnessed the miraculous 13 consecutive years of Lianzhou International Photography Festival, one ofthe most important photographic artevents in China. Construction of the photography museum is considered as the generator of the old downtown’s revitalization plan, and at the same time, a tribute to the city’s past. Lianzhou Museum of Photography (LMoP) was chosen to build in South Zhongshan Road, which local people cordially called “Old Street”, a place full of localtraditions and memories.The original site is an old candy warehouse which has been the main venue for the last 12 photo festivals.
▼博物馆外观,external view of the museum
LMoP is comprised of two interlocking buildings, one preserved existing 3-story concrete-frame building, and one U-shape new building constructed on the spot of two demolished wooden structure buildings. Acomposed façade-roof canopy of the newbuilding shapes the roof skyline of the museum, fully respecting the urban fabric of theold town. Below the successively foldedslopes of the canopyarea series of galleries, inter-linked by outdoor corridors, and staircases, with exhibitions and public events taking place under one roof. The preserved building and the new U-shape extension create a rich vertical variation of the interior of the building. The U-shape gap garden in-betweenkeepsa distance and necessary contrast between the two structures.
▼从老城区进入博物馆,建筑由新旧两部分组成,enter the museum, which is comprised of an existing building and a new building, from the old town
▼U型室外庭院,U-shape gap garden
▼屋顶下方丰富的灰空间,various spaces under one roof
The architect tries to break down the institutional and commemorative tradition of the museum into a three-dimensional exhibition tour that is co-existed with the old city’s morphology.Fragmented sceneries of the old city and everyday life have been juxtaposedto the experience of a journey of the serious and abstract modern photographic art, but sometimes sarcastic contemporary photographic art.On top of the façade-roof canopy, an open-air theater with a V-shape section sits right above the main exhibition hall, in connection with a steel terrace cantilevered from the preserved building’s flat-roof, forming the climax of the entire spatial tour of the museum.
▼开放的入口广场,the entrance square is completely open
▼户外连廊和楼梯串联起不同空间,outdoor corridors and stairs combine different spaces
▼从连廊上可以看到老城区的景色,look back to the old town from the corridor
▼连接展厅的坡道,the ramp to the showroom
▼新建成的主展厅,newly constructed main exhibition hall
▼保留建筑内的展厅,exhibition hall in the preserved building
▼办公室和图书馆,office and library
▼屋顶剧场,roof theater
Almost all of the construction materials come from local. Exterior surface of the continuous façade-roof canopy is composed of gray shingle collected from demolished old houses in urban and rural areas nearby mixed with local dark schist called the West Bank stone, which is also used on the ground floor and the supporting walls of basement level. A collection of wooden windows collected from the demolished warehouse building has been implanted to canopy structure. Facades of newly constructed exhibition boxes feature of traditional “white iron” (galvanized steel) skin mixed with old gray brick wall segments, inter-connected with concrete corridor’s and staircases armed with black steel railing panel.
▼建筑立面采用来自当地的黑色片岩和灰瓦,与周边城市环境相融合,local dark schist and gray shingle are used on the facade, being harmony with the city
▼新建展厅外墙采用白铁皮和灰砖墙体组合,嵌以回收的木制格子窗,新旧融合,galvanized steel and gray brick combined on the outside wall of the new building with recycled wooden grate
The only non-local industrial product, delicate soft and translucent PVC corrugated tile, is used on the inner surface of the thick and rustic façade-roof canopy.It brings a hint of warmth beyond the neutral-color architectural background (a basic requirement for photographic presentation)and, with LED lighting behind, provides a gentle soft light to the entire sheltered, and even indoor exhibition spaces.
▼屋顶内表面采用半透明PVC波纹瓦,为内部空间提供柔和光线,translucent PVC corrugated tile used on the inner surface of the thick canopy, providing soft light to the museum
▼夜景,光照下不同材质呈现出丰富的效果,night view, different materials showing various effects under illumination
▼轴测图,axonometric drawing
▼分解轴测图,exploded axonometric
▼总平面图,site plan
▼一层平面图,first floor plan
▼二层平面图,second floor plan
▼三层平面图, thirdt floor plan
▼四层平面图,fourth floor plan
▼屋顶平面图,roof plan
建筑师:源计划建筑师事务所 O-office Architects
项目地点: 中国连州
标识:another design
Architect:O-office Architects
Pricipal:He Jianxiang & Jiang Ying
Project Architect:Dong Jingyu
Design Team:Chen Xiaolin, Lin Licong, Zhang Wanyi, Deng Mincong, Wang Yue, Huang Chengqiang, He Wenkang, Yin Jianjiang, Zeng Ze, Peng Weisen
Structural Consultant: Wan Shuqi
M.E. Consultant: Jing Lue M.E. Ltd.
VI Design:another design
Location: Lianzhou, China
Completion: Dec. 2017
Photographer:Chaos Z, Marco Chen
Main Materials: “white iron” (galvanized steel), West Bank stone, PVC corrugated tile