

成立于1994年的Birrificio Italiano是意大利手酿啤酒的先锋品牌。1996年它于伦巴第开放了首家小型酿酒厂,并凭借酿酒师Agostino Arioli高超的技艺和创造力迅速成为了全球最成功和最知名的酒厂之一。
Birrificio Italiano is a pioneering reality in the Italian handcrafted beer scenario. Founded in the 1994 and opened to the public in 1996 it was the first microbrewery in Lombardy and it became soon one of the most successful and worldwide known realities, thanks to the creativity and the technical talent of the brewer Agostino Arioli.
▼酒吧外观,exterior view
Birrificio Italiano酒吧透过四面宽阔的玻璃窗朝向米兰中央车站旁边的Ferrante Aporti大街,这里的建筑造型十分简洁,将游客们引向一种具有北欧气息的大都市氛围当中。
The new Birrificio Italiano faces, through four big windows, via Ferrante Aporti, just near the Milan Central Station, a street where the buildings austere charm bring the visitors into a nordic and metropolitan atmosphere.
▼入口处铺设着1930年代的手作米兰水磨石地板,the 1930s original Milanese terrazzo floor of the entrance
▼一个能够传达出啤酒独特灵魂的当代化场景, a contemporary scenario where the research for a beer that has its own character can be told
A place out of time that wants to evoke the warm atmosphere of some old bar where people used to meet each other in a convivial and domestic way. Every single material is chosen in order to create a contemporary scenario where the research for a beer that has its own character, its own soul, can be told. The wooden chairs’ different tones reflect the many shades of beers’ colours and two big red neon chandelier show their peculiar names.
▼座位区,seating area
▼红色霓虹吊灯则展示出各种啤酒的名字, two big red neon chandelier show the peculiar names of the beer
▼座位细部,detailed view
Just in front of the entrance, on the 1930s original Milanese terrazzo floor, the bar counter is the real focus point of the space, where the beer is served and its story is narrated. The bar height is intentionally lower than usual to encourage the conversation between visitors and to avoid any kind of barrier with the bartender. Warm light s evoke the beer colours and create a cozy atmosphere where people feel comfortable.
▼吧台区域,bar counter area
▼吧台的高度被有意地降低,以鼓励顾客之间的对话和交流,the bar height is intentionally lower than usual to encourage the conversation between visitors
▼吧台细部,detailed view
▼温暖的灯光使人联想到啤酒的色泽,warm light s evoke the beer colours and create a cozy atmosphere
▼从街道望向酒吧内部,interior view from the street
Project Name : Birrificio Italiano
Type: Bar/ Restaurant
Client : Birrificio Italiano
Completion Date: October 2017
Floor Area : 120 sqm
Location : Via Ferrante Aporti 12, Milano, Italy
Photo Credits : Alberto Strada