

Appreciation towards
for providing the following description:
NERVE= n. 神经;勇气
vt. 鼓起勇气
NERVE= n. (1) Nerves are long thin fibres that transmit messages between your brain and other parts of your body.
(2) Courage
Vt. To encourage sb to be confident
In this high-pressure era,
Mental health disorder has become a serious and extremely costly global health problem.
We can’t continue to ignore it.
「Do you have the nerve…?」
Do you have the nerve?
Do you have the nerve to face the reality?
Do you have painful nerves?
根据世界卫生组织的统计,全世界有将近五亿人受到精神疾病的影响,每40秒就有一人死于自杀。精神健康障碍已成为严重而又耗资巨大的全球性卫生问题,影响着不同年龄、不同文化、不同社会经济地位的人群。在中国各种精神障碍的终身患病率是17.5%, 将近每5个人就有1个患者。
患有精神/心理疾病的患者,比普通人的寿命平均短高达20年,除了自杀之外,造成如此悲剧的其中一个主要原因,是他们没有受到平等治疗的权利和被尊重的对待。—- 比疾病更可怕的,是社会认知的落后,和对人权的践踏。
For a very long time in history, heart disease, AIDS, cholera, etc. were dreaded diseases, almost synonymous with death. But today, the death rates of these diseases have been reduced by over 70%. A twentyish patient carrying AIDS virus is still very likely to live till his sixties and seventies or even longer. And the cause of his death might be geriatric complications instead of AIDS. The success in curing these diseases is attributable not only to the medical technologies progress but also to the popularization of social recognition, high-priority attention, and early detection. However, progress in psychological/mental illness treatment has been relatively slow because of various misunderstandings, ignorance, neglect, extremely late detection, and even social discrimination and mockery.
The World Health Organization estimates that there are nearly 500 million people living on their tiny planet who are affected by a mental illness, and a suicide is committed every 40 seconds. Mental health disorder has become a serious and extremely costly global health problem, affecting people of different ages, cultures, and socioeconomic groups. In China, the lifetime prevalence rate of various mental disorders is 17.5%, meaning that nearly one out of every five people suffers from mental illness.
Patients of mental/psychological illness live shorter than healthy people ,and this life expectancy gap is as much as 20 years. Apart from suicide, the main reason causing the tragic is that they can’t receive fair and equal treatment and be treated with respect. What’s worse than diseases is the backwardness of social recognition and the infringement on human rights.
▼效果图,装置处于环境中,成为人们体验和思考的场所,renderings showing that the installation becomes a place for people to experience and think
John Hejduk (1929-2000),建筑理论家和历史学家塔夫里称他为“纽约五人”中最重要的人物,也被誉为当代美国建筑的“四教父”之一。
1967年他开始早期探索研究,利用几何形状来进行空间创造的练习,但是很快就转移到了探索建筑设计的新影响:心理学、神话和宗教。他画的图纸往往会通过一个黑暗的镜头展示建筑的主题,最有名的 “假面舞会”(1981年)的创作就是受到异化婚姻的启发。
JOHN HEJDUK 的作品具有戏剧性的张力。他将“建筑”注入性格,塑造为「角色」与城市、体验者对话。并透过「建筑」探索更深层次的哲学思考。受其启发,设计师希望创造一个「意识空间」,让空间体验者关注到一些常被忽略的社会现象以及思考和自省。
John Hejduk (1929-2000) – Architectural theorist and historian Mafredo Tafuri said that John Hejduk was the most important figure of the “New York Five”, and John Hejduk was praised as one of the “four founding fathers” of contemporary American architecture.
In 1967, he began his early exploratory research which involved the creation of space using geometric shapes, but he soon moved away to explore new influences in architectural design: psychology, mythology, and religion. His drawings often expressed themes of architecture through a rather dark lens, and his most famous work, the New England Masque (1981), was inspired by dissimilated marriage.
John Hejduk’s works often possess dramatic strength. He characterized architecture as vivid roles that can converse with the city and people, and tried to explore deeper philosophical questions through architecture. Inspired by John Hejduk, designer of this project wanted to create a “consciousness space” that can remind people of some serious social issues that are often-neglected and lead them to think and Introspect.
▼装置带来的社区重塑,the installation rebuilds the community
A design project cannot change the track of an era. Nor can it eliminate tragedies in the world. But at the very least, the designer hopes that, through the intuitive experience of NERVE , more people will pay more attention to the truth hidden under the hard shell of our era.
▼装置外观,坚硬封闭,external view of the installation with hard shells
NERVE 结构体外立面的主要材质为做旧钢板,与内部柔软的海绵材质形成对比。900根不同长度及方向的海绵是借由GH数位语言写出的结果。当触点靠近时,这些触角会随之改变形态,仿佛有生命的神经被靠近和触动。
The façade of NERVE is mainly built by steel plates, which are in strong contrast to the soft sponge material of inner space. 900 “Nerve antennae” of different lengths and directions, were created by digital language programed through “Grasshopper”. In the GH program, these “tentacles” change their lengths and shapes when a virtual cursor draws near, , just like live nerves that change when something is approaching them.
▼钢板外立面与内部海绵材质形成鲜明对比,contrast between the steel facade and the sponge inner space
NERVE 的外壳是黑漆漆钢板,密不透风,有如监狱和牢笼。它就像是当代人们必须戴上的面具,需要伪装自己,拒绝袒露内心的柔软,也害怕接受来自外界的阳光。侧壁小小的方洞,几乎是唯一可以窥视内外的窗口。
The “shell” of NERVE is made of black steel plates that are airtight as if it’s a prison or a cage. In the designer’s eyes, it’s just like the mask that people wear in modern days in order to disguise themselves, hiding their internal tenderness, and reject sunshine from the outside world. The small square hole in the wall is the only window that you can peek into the inner-space and outside.
▼密不透风的钢板犹如当代人的面具,the black cage is like the mask that modern people wear
The stage kicked off when you pass through the massive curtain. There are nearly 900 “Nerve antennae” made of sponge of different lengths and angles inside NERVE, and each antenna has in-laid sparkling optical fiber lights at the end. These red thorns surround a narrow, meandering path, imply a slightly dangerous journey. The ceiling mirror gives unlimited extension to the space. Standing inside this space, one may be puzzled: what kind of story is this space trying to tell?
▼进入红刺组成的内部世界,enter the inner space made of red antennas
在狭窄的走道中穿梭, 其中16根最长的触角末端安装了 Touch Bar 传感器,碰触到它们的时候,敏感的「神经」被触发,各种不同的声音传到耳边 —-警笛声、脚步声、气促的砸门声、喘息声… 这些看似平常的声音,会使一个精神障碍患者日常独自在家时进入极度紧张和恐惧的状态。
Shuttling through this narrow path, you can find 16 Touch Bar sensors installed on the ends of the 16 longest “Nerve antennae ”. The sensitive “NERVE” will be triggered when you touch them, and different sounds are released: alarm, footsteps, door knocking, wheezing, etc. These seemingly ordinary sounds could cause a mental disorder patient feel extreme tension and fear at home alone.
▼部分触角上装有传感器,会被人的行为触发,sensors installed on some of the antennas which could reflect to a touch by people
▼红色触角细部,details of the red antennas
▼通过数字化计算设置的触角,antennas distributed according to GH calculation
心绪未定,钻出黑匣子,顺梯子向上爬, 透过二楼的洞口,一个镜面展演室播放着装置的真相。触目惊心的片段,是大部分患有心理/精神障碍人群的现实。同样遭受着病痛,他们却常常难以得到理解、包容、和倾诉的出口。在这个社会中被梳离,嘲笑和指责。
Walking out of the “black box” with undetermined mood, when you climb up the ladder on the back of NERVE, you will find a mirror media room on the second floor. The video shows the truth of this installation. Those terrifying scenes are the reality that most psychological/mental disorder patients have to grapple with. They suffer not only from illness but also from people’s misunderstanding, intolerance, and refusal to listen. They are marginalized, mocked, and accused in society.
▼镜面展演室,mirror media room
NERVE 不能给出答案,但每个人都会有自己的答案。
NERVE 的原本的意思是「神经」 ,但设计师更喜欢它的另外一个注解 —-「勇气」。
“What can we do?”
“What if I become one of them someday? Will I be abandoned just like them?”
“NERVE” cannot give you the answer, but everyone has its own answer.
“NERVE” originally means the nervous system, but the designers prefer another definition of this word – courage.
▼立面及剖面图,elevations and section
Opening time: 2017.11
Design team: ISENSE DESIGN
Chief designer: Sissi Bu
Participating designer: Skiven Shi, Chris Zhu
Photographer: Kai Wang
Project area: 4 ㎡
Exhibition Host: Guangzhou Design Week 2017
Cooperating Brand: Xin Zhong Yuan Ceramics