“读懂一块待建的土地,是一种’顿悟’般的体验,需要理解诸如风、光、环境影响、文化等元素,但同时也要想象这块土地上未来可能呈现的生活情景 – 好比坐时光机到未来亲身体会一般。” –安托内.普雷多克
“Reading a site, with the prospect of building on it, is an all-at-once experience that involves understanding factors such as wind, sun, environmental impact, and cultural strata, but that simultaneously entails imagining the lives the site might lead—a kind of time-travel encounter.” — Antoine Precook
The sky-tree is an exploratory project to well mix the location with the geographic context. What is distinctive about it is not the arrangement of traditional functions or the consummation of interests, but the communion between the “pattern” and “motion” based on the site. It is to create the first TOD complex in Wuxi. As the first project on the top of subway station in Wuxi, Problems like severe earthing and planting situations, complex water discharge and drainage organization, load calculation and management, rooting methods of landscape structures basis, choice and maintenance of plant materials all have significant limitations. How to overcome the difficulties, how to establish an emotional connection between the building and the site, How to balance the dual needs of building commercial and residential formats on intensive sites are the most important challenge we may face.
▼鸟瞰图,aerial view
At the beginning of the project design, We abandon the tradition and pay more attention on the site itself and it might be in the future. We desire to express the characteristics of the site and the demand of user. Here, to survey this location anew, we discard the deductive design method and take on a metaphysical perspective. we continue the artistic conception of mountain and water. We create a large open lake in the center of the site and it will be the center stage which can hold various events. Combined with historical context to form a unique temperament, it fully activate the roof space and realize the dialogue of time and space from ancient to now.
▼围绕水景展开景观设计,unfolded the landscape with a lake in the center
设计主要由天空PARK,梁溪文化舞台,云顶活力栖居,多层次树谷四部分组成,分别打造:一个市民共享的场所,一个文化展演的舞台,一个健康活力的社区,一个立体交通的都会。从市政道路转进来,进入电梯大堂,映入天空树的案名。这里是集约化的的微缩城市与自然闲适生活的完美结合。我们用一个简洁精致 “漂浮的盒子”的概念引入城市绿化景观,暗喻“天空”,外挂树形图案的穿孔铝板暗喻“树”。运用现代东方的建筑美学,树影婆娑的幕墙肌理,假山真水的景观布局,呈现专注匠心的细部品格。
It is divided into the following parts: sky park, Liangxi cultural stage, vitality dwelling on the cloud, multi-level valley. We want to create a place which citizens can enjoy together, a stage for cultural performances, a healthy and vibrant community, a three-dimensional transportation metropolis. Enter through the road, enter the elevator lobby and you can catch the sight of the name of the project which is sky tree. It is the perfect combination of miniature city and natural leisure life. We use a simple and elegant concept of “floating box” into the urban landscape, it can be a metaphor for “sky”. The perforated aluminum which is shape of tree can be a metaphor for “tree”. We apply a series of design techniques to express our ideas , such as the modern architectural aesthetics of the East, the texture of the curtain wall which similar to the shadows of trees dance in the breeze, the landscape layout of the rockery and water and delicate detail design.
▼丰富的景观空间,a enjoyable space
Chao Ceng, A Chinese poet who said: Building stage can invite the moon, and Planting banana can invite the rain. Sky-tree is the main culture stage that combine the time and space, it’s similar with “Super bowl”. The culture stage integrate into the activity area between mountain and water space. It will provide an aggregation point for landscape.
▼立体文化戏台,the culture stage
在戏台的对面便是场地标志性构筑物—超级碗,作为“高品质生活圈”的聚集地,在这里,打造集SPA&瑜伽&健身等多功能聚合的地下会所,同时还能奢享约1300㎡地下泳池和屋面无敌亲水平台,尽揽“绿地 · 天空树”的绮丽景致。“超级碗”前的“数字水帘”,动感,时尚,更可作为求婚告白的背景,浪漫至极。
Opposite the stage is the iconic structure called “Super bowl”. It is a high-quality living gathering place and a multifunctional club which contains SPA & Yoga & Fitness. You can also enjoy about 1300 square meters underground swimming pool and roof invincible hydrophilic platform and the magnificent view at the same time. The digital curtain in front of the “Super bowl” can be used as a marriage proposal confession. It is extremely romantic.
▼与戏台呼应的超级碗建筑,view connection of the “Super bowl” and the stage
穿过电梯大堂犹如穿过岩洞而出,便展现出一派 “喧鸟覆春洲,杂英满芳甸 ”的生机景象。精致的蒲公英装置艺术跃然眼前,在这里,孩童们嬉戏成长,大人们休憩阅读,整个场地焕发着新的生命力。《桃花源记》中“夹岸数百步,中无杂树,芳草鲜美,落英缤纷。”的美景场面也不过如此,溪水边更设置了有趣的艺术装置,让亲子家庭在此流连忘返。
After through the elevator lobby like passing through a grotto. you can see a view of full of vibrant prosperity and delicate dandelion sculptures right before your eyes. Children are playing here and growing up, Adults can have a rest. The field is radiant with new vitality. It like the Beautiful scene from “the Notes on the Land of Peach Blossom” which is “Go hundreds of steps ,on scented grasses fresh and pleasing to the eye lay fallen blossoms in gay profusion. There are interesting art installations beside the brook. It is absolutely fascinating& you can’t tear yourself away.
▼蒲公英装置,the vibrant prosperity and delicate dandelion sculptures
▼溪水边的游乐装置,the installation for children
Detouring the dandelion grassland, you can see a view of tranquility and euphoria right before your eyes. We have set up a series of stone benches, planting pool , loungers and other facilities around the lake. On weekdays, With the sun shining down on the lake surface, the waves are shining. People walk around the lake ,then a vivid imaginary picture of someone setting sail, treading waves, steering away from reefs, travelling through rocks and watching the sunrise will conjure up. This imaginary picture is the guideline of expectations for this location and also a salute to the great geographic environment of Xuelang mountain and Taihu Lake in Wuxi. A tour of the location here is like a chant for a static pattern and the flowing motion within. During the holidays, the lake can be used as a stage for large events such as light show, musical fountain, business performances and so on. It will be a very popular place. As an important celebration square and Commercial Avenue, the xiangyun avenue shoulder the important role of gathering crowds and evacuating people. Citizens gathered here to participate in various celebrations, a variety of business experience, and enjoy the beauty of life.
▼一系列石凳,树池,躺椅等设施环绕湖边而设,a series of stone benches, planting pool , loungers and other facilities are placing around the lake
The ingenious details is crucial to visualize the scene in the designer’s mind and present the characteristics of the venue. The material, color, plants and paving have been carefully selected to achieve such a pure design. Life is a process, and the process is more meaningful, and the design is the same.
▼夜色景观,night view
▼总平面图,master plan