

In 2012, The Guangzhou Municipal Government determined to build a Cantonese Opera Art Museum to conserve and inherit the endangered Cantonese Opera in Liwan District, known as “Xiguan,” the revival area of Cantonese Opera in ancient Guangzhou. Cantonese Opera and Lingnan Gardens were deeply rooted in this district. Traditional landscape was a typical performance place of Cantonese Opera in the past.
▼鸟瞰图,aerial view
In order to investigate the existence of the real “Chinese opera cultural space ” in the perspective of GENIUS LOCI, The Art Museum of Cantonese Opera uses the important concept of Chinese traditional art “Rhythmic vitality (QiYun)” as the design spirit. The design proposal borrows the essence of the art of Cantonese opera and Lingnan garden, utilizing it in spiritual meaning and building performance between Cantonese Opera and Lingnan garden, and translating the construction entity into the garden space, achieving a contemporary dialogue across time and space of the two major cultural symbols in Lingnan.
▼中部园林夜景,night view of the Cantonese Opera Art Museum
▼从荔枝湾涌看粤剧艺术博物馆, a view from the Liwan River
时代造园 | Traditional garden in modern times
In the perspective of contemporary urban space, the design proposal has explored the relationship between traditional garden form and the needs of contemporary urban public life. Constructing a traditional garden in the high-density city center as an urban public space and the layout is compatible with the original urban tissue, promoting the openness and expanding the public participation of the traditional garden type museum. To build an important city landmark beside the Liwan Bay of Xiguan, which is located in the old city center of Guangzhou.
▼粤剧艺术博物馆中心晚沙湖园林景观,the Wansha Lake in the center
博物馆分为南北岸两个部分,北岸为博物馆提供办公服务配套设施,南岸为博物馆主体建筑以及园林的主体部分,建筑总体布局沿十字轴骨架排布,环绕中心晚沙湖,边界上的建筑采用合院式布局,错落别院声歌、普天叹曲、梨园种声、銮舆载乐、吉庆别馆、琼花畅曲六组院落空间。为应对用地限制,采用 “压边”布置的方法,将建筑沿基地边界布置,中间留出尽可能大的中心园林空间。小院之间院院相连又相对独立,合院中又布置小庭院,形成园林套园林的园中园格局。粤剧艺术博物馆功能定位为“展览、演出、教育、研究、公共参与、世俗生活”六大板块,纵轴的西侧为展览和大型演出空间,东侧为娱乐、临时展览和小型演出空间。功能架构的核心目标为传承与发展。
The space of the museum is articulated by a series of themed gardens. The main exhibition body occupies the north. Six different yards scatter over the southern part of the site, surrounding an artificial lake in the center. The flow of water strings up six gardens, making up an organic unity. The overall layout of the museum follows the skeleton of the geometric axis. The west of the longitudinal axis is for exhibition and grand performances while the east for recreation, temporary exhibition, and small-scale performances. The Cantonese Opera Art Museum is a mixture of cultural life, offering places for exhibitions, performances, education, and public activities in Guangzhou. The core objective of the functional setting is inheritance and development.
▼粤剧艺术博物馆与市民生活的连接,the connection between the museum and public life
活态传承 | Living Inheritance
The Cantonese Opera Art Museum design dramatizes the Lingnan Garden atmosphere by making use of traditional Cantonese wood carving, Chaozhou wood carving, brick carving, stone carving, clay sculpture, and Shiwan pottery sculpture and even contemporary art in a contemporary way without overshadowing any of the traditional Lingnan architectural crafts. Therefore, The Cantonese Opera Art Museum simultaneously conserves, exhibits and inherits the intangible cultural heritage, not only Cantonese Opera but also traditional culture, art, and crafts.
▼潮州木雕,Chaozhou wood carving
▼石湾公仔脊,Shiwan pottery sculpture
▼石雕,stone carving
imber construction with Cantonese wood carving and brick carving
▼木包钢结构建造的厅堂 wood clad steel structure
Respecting the environment and life style of locals, and the close relationship between Cantonese Opera and traditional landscape, the designers arranged the constructions along the Liwan bay north and South on both sides, and consider to inherit the culture of LingNan architecture and landscape insistently. All for featuring the gorgeous and extraordinary art , LingNan traditional architectural craft and Cantonese opera, providing a space for their Living inheritance.
▼园林中的粤剧场景再现,Cantonese Opera in the garden
▼布局及功能空间分布,layout and distribution of functional spaces
▼场地平面图,site plan
▼粤剧艺术博物馆三层空间系统,the three-layer space system
▼北立面图,north elevation
▼南立面图,south elevation
▼西立面图,west elevation
▼东立面图,east elevation
▼南北向剖面图,south-north section of south bank
▼东西向剖面图,east-west section of south bank
建设单位:广州市荔湾区文化广电新闻出版局 ;广州市荔湾区住房和建设局
设计师团队:华南理工大学团队:郭谦 高伟 庄少庞 孙立 许自力 李晓雪 黄凯 肖磊 卢颖梅 罗欣 孙帅 张梦凡 马佳怡 方正媛 万丰登 李腾
广东省建筑设计研究院团队:江刚 许滢 陈星 李宁 梁志豪 蔡淳镔 陈琼 黄洁华 潘旭丹 谢雪珍 过凯
Project:The Art Museum of Cantonese Opera
Client: Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Television and Culture of Liwan,Guangzhou. Housing and Construction Bureau of Liwan,Guangzhou
Architects: SCTU :Guo Qian,Gao Wei, Zhuang Shaopang, Sun Li, Xu Zili, Liao Xiaoxue, Huang Kai, Xiao Lei, Lu Yingmei, Luo Xin, Sun Shuai, Zhang Mengfan, Ma Jiayi, Fang Zhengyuan, Wan Fengdeng, Li Teng
Architectural Design and Research Institute of Guangdong Province :Jiang Gang, Xu Ying, Chen Xing, Li Ning, Liang Zhihao, Cai Chunbin, Chen Qiong, Huang Jiehua, Pan Xudan, Xie Xuezhen, Guo Kai
Architect team:
Architectural Design and Research Institute of SCTU(The Research Institute of Historic Environment Conservation and Regeneration, South China University of Technology), Architectural Design and Research Institute of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou Seer Design Institute Co.,Ltd.(Interior design)
Construction units: Dian Bai Er Jian Group, Landscape Architecture Corporation of China
Supervision units: Guangzhou Construction Engineering Supervision Co.,Ltd.
Location: 127, Enning Road, Liwan District, Guangzhou, Guangdong
Design Period:2013-2016
Site Area:11560m2
Gross Floor Area:17436m2
Video:Southern Metropolis Daily Management Co.,Ltd.
Guangzhou Liang Heng Yi Shu Culture Media Co.,Ltd.
The Research Institute of Historic Environment Conservation and Regeneration, South China University of Technology
Photographer:Zhang Chao Architectural photography studio, Guo Jing,Gu Yue Xiu Se