知末案例   /   餐饮空间   /   食堂   /   CHYBIK+KRISTOF


2020/08/18 17:27:05
CHYBIK+KRISTOF 事务所最近赢得了新捷克林业委员会大楼的竞标。事务所基于布尔诺地区,由一群年轻朝气的设计师们组成。中标项目是一栋森林边界的两层建筑,按竞赛要求,此建筑大量使用木材为建造材料。建筑的设计理念是将森林景观与五指大楼相融合,自然小径环绕建筑形成不同的外部景观。项目包括建筑,景观和室内将由多位设计师联合设计。
A project designed by a team under the direction of the Brno based young architecture studio CHYBIK+KRISTOF has recently won the international competition for the new administrative centre of the Czech Forestry Commission in Hradec Králové. The winning proposal is a two-storey building on the edge of an existing forest, that uses wood extensively as construction material – as requested within the competition. The concept is based on incorporating the forest landscape into a five-finger building to create new relations between the inside office and the outside forest landscape. A nature trail surrounding the building allows to explore the different forest ecotypes, designed by Tomas Babka and breathe.earth.collective.
2016年夏季,新的捷克林业委员会大厦项目展开了两轮国际竞标。此项目是要扩建总部大楼以满足日益增长的需求。建筑位于赫拉德茨-克拉洛韦西南市郊,这里有捷克最受欢迎的林地之一。有超过四十家来自捷克,西班牙,奥地利,波兰,斯洛伐克,法国,美国和荷兰的事务所参与竞标,比赛的评委会包括Dorte Mandrup-Poulsen, Dietmar Eberle, Miroslav Šik等人。其中五家事务所进入了二轮竞标。获胜者CHYBIK+KRISTOF事务所以及合作设计师K4, Ivo Stolek, Jan Stolek, Tomas Babka 和breathe.earth.collective以非常规的入口设计赢得了评委会的芳心。这个独特的入口设计让建筑脱离行政大楼的束缚,展现公共开放的特性,展现未来建筑风采。除此之外,评委会还赞扬了事务所将建筑与自然融合的设计手法,这种正面开放和模块化的建造方式令室内平面设计充满可能性。
In summer 2016, a public two-round international architecture competition was announced, looking for a design for the new administrative centre of the Czech Forestry Commission that should substitute the existing insufficient headquarter buildings on the south-western outskirts of Hradec Králové – a place next to one of the most sought-after forests in the Czech Republic. More than forty architectural firms from the Czech Republic, Spain, Austria, Poland, Slovakia, France, United States, and Netherlands took part in the competition with its international jury consisting of Dorte Mandrup-Poulsen, Dietmar Eberle, Miroslav Šik amongst others. Five of these teams were selected to complete their proposals in the second round. The winning entry presented by CHYBIK+KRISTOF Architects & Urban Designers in collaboration with K4, Ivo Stolek, Jan Stolek, Tomas Babka and the breathe.earth.collective prevailed by its unconventional approach which, according to the jury, makes the building an open public institution rather than an administrative building, fulfilling the vision of a future-oriented envoironment. In addition, the jury praised the sensitive way of incorporating the building in the natural surroundings, its open-fronts and the modularity of the construction, which enables a variability of the interior layout.
▼建筑与景观相融合的设计手法, incorporating the building in the natural surroundings
功能与外观 Functions and typology
The office sections are divided into five „fingers“ representing five independent administrative units forming an angle of 45° and converging in the central courtyard towards which the main entrance is orientated. The open front’s defining features comprise two protruding volumes – a conference hall and a cafeteria and canteen – which form the central meeting area of the building. All social functions are concentrated here, like a meeting room and a library.
The nature trail on the outside of the building starts on the roof with a presentation delineating the elements of sustainable forestry. The trail continues with a slide that takes visitors down to the courtyard and directs them along a winding pathway around the whole building. The central two-storey courtyard is lit by roof skylights and is complemented with supporting columns reminding the visitors of tree trunks that give the impression of a clearing in the middle of a forest. The program provided by the visitors’ centre may be seen as an added value of the design of the administrative centre that accentuates its being open to the public.
▼环绕建筑外围的小径带领人在景观与建筑中穿行,the nature trail leading people moving between nature and the architecture
The office areas as such employs the urbanist concept of an office landscape and is interconnected with the exterior. Corridors are virtually missing in the particular units. Instead, sub-centres with central staircases, storage areas and kitchenettes (which can be used for a number of activities from business meeting to informal gatherings/break-out activities) are inserted. The modularity of the construction enables both the division of the office area into enclosed units and the creation, by removing the non-load-bearing elements, of an open space area with subcentres. The segmentation of the ground plan ensures that all areas can offer sufficient amounts of daylight. The sub-basement is designed to provide additional functions such as parking spaces, wellness and fitness centre, depositories, and places with supplies for the cafeteria/canteen.
▼由屋顶向下伸展的弯曲坡道增加空间灵动,the curved stairs creates a lively atmosphere
▼垂落的树干给人置身森林的感受, tree trunks that give the impression of a clearing in the middle of a forest
▼主楼梯位于子中心,central staircases are designed in sub-centres
▼屋顶天窗引入自然光照,the roof skylight letting in the natural light
景观规划概念 Landscape concept
An integral part of the proposal is the concept of the landscape and vegetation which CHYBIK+KRISTOF Architects & Urban Designers developed in cooperation with landscape architect Tomáš Babka, and the Austrian, breathe.earth.collective, who have been known for their remarkable work on the Austrian Pavilion at the Expo in Milan ‘breathe.austria’.Together they developed the concept to improve the relation between the outside and the inside within an immediate proximity to the building. The five major sectors are going to provide different local forest experiences, such as spruce, beech and fir, pine and birch, and oak and hornbeam forests, which refer to the basic types of forest found in the Czech Republic. The main entrance is designed to serve as a highly-presentable vision of a park in the future with fully-grown trees performing with technical adeabate cooling elements. The vegetation proposed is not a mere accompaniment to the design. It is rather meant to educate and recharge its visitors as well as the employees through the refreshing forest atmosphere.In the open courtyards the succession of the actual forests will be initiated through the provision of an intensive ground layer based on substrates, stones, shrubs and perennials. Considering the effort to install an instant forest landscape, the designers propose a development scheme of the forest. The upcoming 20 years the surrounding forest landscape will be constantly changing.
▼景观规划,landscape design
能源及可持续理念 Energy concept and sustainability
The administrative centre of the Czech Forestry Commission has been designed as an energy-efficient building which makes extensive use of wood as a building and aesthetic material. The above-ground part consists of a framework construction made of glued laminated timber profiles, columns are also made of glulam. Full facade elements and internal crossbars are made of compact wooden boards. The sub-basement and staircase cores are made of reinforced concrete. Wood pellet stoves are used to provide heating. Alternatively, boreholes can be used and photovoltaic arrays may be installed on the roof of the building and serve as renewable energy sources. In addition, the building is equipped with a controlled heat recovery ventilation system, systems to save drinking water, smart rainwater management systems, external shading devices and energy-efficient LEDs which, as a whole, make it a building with virtually zero energy consumption. Energy consumption and heat and water management data will be monitored closely and accessible to the public on the internet.
▼节能规划, energy-efficient
▼南立面图,south elevation
▼北立面图,north elevation
▼一层平面图,the first floor plan
▼二层平面图,the second floor plan
▼地下室平面图,basement plan
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