

Treehouse M is within a woodland resort at Anhui Province, not far from the Huang Mountain. It is envisaged as a weekend get-away for loving couples. The site is south facing, borrowing the splendid scenery from the Qiyun Mountain.
▼ 葱郁围裹,lush surrounding
The design conception departs from the traditional Chinese canopy bed, which always creates an intimate space within a room no matter its size. A room within a room. It is a private zone whenever the canopy is down, and at the same time, triggers endless imagination from the outside. It can be imaged that such kind of intimacy within mother nature is the best romance.
▼ 位于齐云山中的度假屋,the Treehouse M is located in a splendid scenery
▼灯影摇曳,lamp lights and shadows
▼ 地形关系,topographical relationship
▼ 从栈道走进,along the plank way
▼ 入口看向小径,entrance view
在风景之中休憩,是悠哉的,应当伴随着不刺目的光线和徐徐的清风。因此我们将屋面覆盖压低到视点的高度,下面是格栅在玻璃窗外形成的垂帘,暧昧的光和影交织而入。这里是阴翳的所在。沿栈道进入小屋,在入口两侧拖鞋更衣洗漱梳妆,之后便进入到中心的休憩空间, 再之后推玻璃门而出,又来到室外。但这一次是完全在山野之中却又全然私密的大露台,这里有一个宽敞的浴池。
Along the plank way upon entering Treehouse M, one finds the dressing room and washroom on each side. The main resting area is shady and airy, protected by the timber grilles which wrap up the entire house. Lights and shadows ceaselessly interweave. The bed is facing a spacious veranda, which unfolds itself with the mountainous scenery. Here is a bathtub, private yet fully exposed in the woodland.
▼ 伴随着景色展开,阴翳的所在,resting in the shade, unfolding with the scenery
▼ 置身于自然之中的私密,intimacy in mother nature
▼ 静默地掩映在树影之中,blended in the foliage
The structure is a mixture of steel frame and timber beams. Each unit is like an umbrella, that lifts to the treetop then opens up. The whole house is made of eight such structural units. The pitched roof looks familiar, yet different. Blending well with the foliage, the treehouse is a canopy bed resting in the room named nature.
▼ 托起到树冠高度,lifting to the treetop
▼ 借得山景片刻,伞形格栅结构,scenery borrowed, umbrella structure
▼ 伞形结构单元,umbrella structural unit
The umbrella structural unit is open, allowing various interpretations and combinations to suit different sites and uses, be it a waterside pavilion, or a colonnade, or a bridge, or a parasol. The rigorous structure is in favour of nuanced experience.
▼ 适应性类型,adaptive woodland typology
The standard size and length of timber beams further contributes to the efficiency of construction and possibility of reuse the materials. The module joints enable less time on site therefore less interference of the woodland’s ecological environment.
▼ 室内立面拼贴,interior collage
Location: Xiuning, Anhui, China
Type: resort
Floor area: 40+30sqm
Construction: timber+steel
Architectural Design: LanD Studio
Principal Architect: Pingping Dou
Design team: Yue Yang, Fei Fang, Shuguang Wang
Design phase: 06.2015-10.2015
Completion: 08.2016
Photography: Bowen Hou