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巴西 MINIMOD 度假小屋

2017/03/29 15:30:51
MINIMOD CATUÇABA不仅仅旨在成为一个为使用者提山野的景观体验的空间,同时也是当代对于度假小屋的重新诠释。MINIMOD 提供了传统建筑的替代方案:基于预制即插即用的逻辑,它融合了新型行业的优势。安静但不内向,其独特的巴西 CLT 木工技术将工业化产品的效率、新技术的可持续性与天然材料卓越的灵敏度相结合。
MINIMOD CATUÇABA is a primitive retreat with a contemporary reinterpretation, which more than an object aims to become an every-remote-landscape experience. MINIMOD presents an alternative to traditional construction: based on prefab plug&play logics, it incorporates the benefits that a newly-born industry has to offer. Quiet but not shy, its unique-in-Brazil CLT Wood-Technology combines industrialized products`efficiency and new technologies` sustainability with the sensitivity of the natural material par excellence.
▼ 田园牧歌中的度假小屋,the MINIMOD CATUÇABA located in the wild landscapes
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MINIMOD 探索性的设计开始于2009年,一直持续到现在。它的第一个原型是在阿雷格里港建造的,并被放置在南部野生景观中的湖泊附近。令人高兴的是,从那时起已经有很多新的场地进行了这样的探索。这两个项目都属于一个新一代的 MINIMOD,它探访了田园诗般的 Fazenda Catuçaba 地区。
MINIMOD exploration started in 2009 and still goes on. It`s very first prototype was constructed in Porto Alegre and installed near a lake in the southern wild landscapes. Happily, since then, quite a lot of new places have been explored. Both projects here presented belong to a new MINIMOD generation which inquires the idyllic Fazenda Catuçaba.
▼ 这一代的 MINIMOD 一共分为两个项目,there are 2 projects in the new MINIMOD generation
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这个旧的 Fazenda 位于圣保罗的东部,被沿海的山脉包围。起伏的景观和茂密的植被,它的迷人景色邀请着远道而来的游人。 Catuçaba 地区中的 MINIMOD 远离城市中心,寻求一个完美的地形。山顶上,一个小池塘的边缘,或者靠近溪流的谷底;每个度假小屋周边风景都赋予它们新的活力。
This old Fazenda is located in the east of São Paulo Estate surrounded by a chain of coastal mountains. With undulating landscapes and dense vegetation, its captivating views invites to be explored. Catuçaba’s MINIMODs move away from the old central house and seek the perfect terrain for being introduced. On top of a hill, on the edge of a small pond, near a stream or on the bottom of a valley; each adapts to its new landscapes to empower them.
▼ 旧的 Fazenda 被然海的山脉包围,the old Fazenda is surrounded by coastal mountains
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▼ 第一处独家小屋,the first one
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The first one, is located in a strategic position on top of a hill, taking a cross disposition on plan. Thus, each space of the shelter looks at a different cardinal point permitting a circular experience of the surrounding nature: dawn, day, sunset and night.
▼ 日落时的景观,view in the dusk
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The second one, it`s placed turning their backs to the road and opening itself to a small pond in the south of the fazenda, the retreat is hidden among the vegetation of the place. Using the same amount of modules that the cross, but organized in a linear way, it stays parallel to the hill slope which integrates through an expansion deck.
▼ 第二处景观小屋,the second one
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▼ 小屋的内部,the interior of the MINIMOD
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MINIMOD Catuçaba 的模块都在圣保罗大都会附近工业城镇中的工厂建成。这些模块会被运送至150公里以外的地方,在起重机的帮助下在现场安装。地理位置上,这两个第一代的 MINIMOD Catuçaba 位于相距1000米的地方。因此,他们采用不同的空间组合方式作为不同自然环境的响应。
Both MINIMOD Catuçaba have been built in a factory in an industrial town near São Paulo metropolis. They were transported separated by modules for over 150km, before being installed on site with the help of crane trucks. Geographically, this two MINIMOD Catuçaba first units are located in different places 1.000m away from each other. So they adopt different spatial configurations as a response for each situation.
▼ 景观小屋1平面,the Plan of the First MINIMOD
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▼ 景观小屋1剖面,the Section of the First MINIMOD
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▼ 景观小屋2平面,the Plan of the Second MINIMOD
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▼ 景观小屋2剖面,the Section of the Second MINIMOD
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Authors: MAPA Architects, Luciano Andrades, Matías Carballal, Rochelle Castro, Andrés Gobba, Mauricio López, Silvio Machado.
Project Team: Pablo Courreges, Diego Morera, Emiliano Lago, Mauricio Müller, Camilla Pereira.
Location: Fazenda Catuçaba, Catuçaba, SP, Brazil.
Year: 2015
Area: 42 sqm (each unit)
Lifestyle: Fazenda Catuçaba | E. Rengade
Other Colaborators:
Construction: CROSSLAM / CG Sistemas
Hydraulic Project: Eng. Júlio César Troleis
Electrical Project: Eng. Ari Martins Colares
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