知末案例   /   娱乐空间   /   电影院   /   DP Architects

新加坡Cinema· Junior影院丨DP Design Pte Ltd

2021/01/29 06:59:16
亚洲观影体验的新定义| Redefining the movie-going experience in Asia
Cinemaxx Junior 是亚洲第一家新式影院,它打破了电影院的传统形象。在一个轻松愉悦的环境中,为儿童和家长提供了一个集视觉和运动娱乐为一体的混合体验。设计概念来源于设计师的细心观察,设计师发现带小孩的家庭在电影院观影时往往没有很好的观影体验。因为小孩子们会发出声音或动来动去,所以家长需要花大量的时间去照顾孩子,仅剩较少的精力观看影片。基于这些观察,设计师为拥有 3 到 10 岁小孩的家庭定制了一个新型的观影环境。这个空间可以同时满足小孩和大人的需要,将观赏电影和玩耍这两种娱乐方式完美地结合在一起。
Cinemaxx Junior is the first cinema of its kind in Asia and breaks new ground in the typology, offering a blended experience of visual and physical entertainment for children and their families in fun and cheerful surroundings. The concept of Cinemaxx Junior arose from the observation that families with young children often do not fully enjoy their first experiences together at the movies, where silence is expected and parents spend more time attending to their children than paying attention to what is happening on screen. This created a unique opportunity to custom-design a space dedicated to children aged 3 to 10 and their families, by bringing together the two enjoyable activities of movie-watching and playing in a cohesively-designed environment.
▼Cinemaxx 入口,Entrance to Cinemaxx Junior
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家庭娱乐新天地 – “尽享双重乐趣,三重欢乐”|Breaking new ground in family entertainment – “Double the Joy, Triple the Fun”
Cinemaxx Junior 的概念既新颖又振奋人心,与传统的电影观影方式截然不同的是,观众在该影院观影时可以自由活动。孩子们不再被困在座位中,而是可以来往于观影区和游戏区之间,与小伙伴们在安全而有趣的环境中嬉戏、交流和互动。由于这些游戏设施与观影体验紧密结合,家长们和监护人无需担心他们的小孩会影响到其他的观众,他们也能全身心地去观赏影片。
The concept of Cinemaxx Junior is both innovative and exciting. In a distinct departure from the traditional movie-going experience, Cinemaxx Junior redefines and expands on the movie experience by offering patrons the freedom to move around at will. Children are not constrained to assigned seats, but are instead encouraged to explore the play and screening areas while interacting and socialising with other children in a fun and safe environment. With the play element fully integrated with the movie experience, parents and guardians no longer have to worry that their child would disturb other visitors, which exponentially increases their enjoyment of the space as well.
▼与游乐设施相结合的儿童电影院,Enjoying movies in Asia’s first kids-friendly cinema integrated with a playground
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亲情粘合剂|Facilitate family bonding
在当今的城市环境中,特别是在亚洲国家,有着许多双收入家庭。工作占去了父母大部分的时间,陪伴孩子的时光变得异常珍贵。顺应这个趋势,Cinemaxx Junior 影院将两种不同的娱乐功能无缝衔接在一起。“整体大于其各部分的总和”,设计师通过设计混合功能空间给人们创造更好、更多元化的亲子环境。
在繁忙的生活中,人们通常无法抽出一整天的时间外出,所以该影院为客人定制了 3 小时的快乐时光。在电影放映前一小时,孩子们集中在游戏区玩耍,而在电影播放后的两个小时孩子们可以在观影和游戏两个区域中自由活动。影院同时为孩子们提供了特色餐点,给人们留下了温馨而难忘的回忆。
In today’s urban environment, especially in Asia where many families are dual-income, bonding time with their children is a precious commodity to many parents. In response to this trend, Cinemaxx Junior has been designed as a holistic concept seamlessly integrating two separate recreational functions into one enriched experience where “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts”. Where it is not always possible to carve out the time for full day outings, the space has been designed to accommodate manageable 3-hour blocks for users, offering a full hour of play time in the play area before the film starts in the screening area, after which children are free to move between the two areas. Special meal options for children are also offered, rounding off a memorable and fulfilling experience.
▼ 观影区,screening area
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▼ 游乐区,Play area
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非线性的循环设计|Non-linear Circulation Design
Upon entering the gate, children will enter a veritable garden of colour and delight. Appealing to the eyes and senses, there is no linear set path to enjoy the space – a child can choose to slide, climb, crawl, jump, swing from place to place or just spin lazily in a cocoon-shaped spinner.
▼孩子们可以选择滑行,攀登,爬行或跳跃于不同的游戏设施中,a child can choose to slide, climb, crawl, jump, swing from place to place
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▼ 两个蚕茧形的小座椅,Quiet time in the Cocoon Spinner
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从游戏区到观影区有许多有创意的出入口,需要孩子们去探索和发现。其中一个最刺激好玩的入口是爬到黄色‘Wall- o-lla’楼梯的顶点,通过一个管道滑梯到达观影区屏幕下方的彩色海洋球池中。
There are also multiple points of entry into the screening area from the play area, and a variety of ways to reach them. One of the most exciting ways to enter would be to climb up the yellow ‘Wall- o-lla’ to reach the tube slide, which lets children slide into a colourful ball pit right below the movie screen.
▼ Wall-o-lla 连接着放映区的管道,Wall-o-lla with tube slide connection to screening area with regular entrance door below
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Given the high ceiling of the play area, the design optimised the opportunity to create multi-level experiences by introducing a mezzanine level and a bridge structure that serves as support for the climbing tree and connects to one of the entrances to the screening area.
▼ 夹层中的 Wall-o-lla,Wall-o-lla at Mezzanine Floor
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▼ 通过 Wall-o-lla 穿墙而入的儿童们,Children preparing to slide into the screening area through the interconnected Wall-o-lla
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The bridge also leads to the longest of the 4 tube slides, mounted on a wall right within the screening area. The progressive approach to play and emphasis on tactility and social interaction fully immerse children in the space while the non-directional circulation and programmatic paths encourage freedom of expression and independent thought, leading to new experiences.
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定制设计 | Customised Design – Designed with Purpose
电影院最多可容纳 106 个人,大概是 30 户家庭。座位的外形旨在吸引儿童,共有四种不同座椅以明亮大胆颜色的防污渍乙烯基面料装饰布置。座位设计轻松休闲,有豆袋、躺椅、沙发和常规座椅。非传统的座椅以促进家长和儿童间的感情为目标,他们可以在豆袋中抱着儿童一起看电影,如同在家给孩子讲睡前故事一样。
The cinema accommodates 106 people at full capacity, translating to approximately 30 families per session. The seating configuration was specially designed to appeal to a child’s sensibilities, with four types of seats upholstered in stain-resistant vinyl fabrics in bright and vibrant colours. The seating design encourages informality, with bean bags, loungers, sofa beds and standard cinema seats. The non-conventional seats were also designed to foster parent-child bonding where, for example, parent and child could choose to cuddle at the beanbags while watching the movie, much like how a parent would cuddle their child while telling them bed-time stories at home.
▼ 定制的多彩明亮座椅吸引儿童的注意力,Seats are specially customised in various colourful ways to appeal to young children and their families
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Extensive thought was put into the selection and design of the diverse range of play equipment to achieve a good balance of high physicality and low-impact activities for children to choose from. The design of the washrooms was also catered for children, with majority of the fixtures installed at child-friendly heights, and spacious nursing and changing facilities are also provided.
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声光安全设计 | Lighting, Sound and Safety Design
Comprehensive and in-depth consideration was given to the design in terms of function, aesthetics, range of play equipment and lighting, with safety at the forefront so as to provide a fun diverse environment for children to enjoy while giving parents peace of mind. Considering the high level of activity expected in the screening area, lighting and sound design had to cater for this very different scenario with a general increase in illumination and decreased volume levels. Specifically, special attention was paid to address safety concerns and ensure optimal viewing conditions. Indirect lighting was also incorporated into the padded wall panelling in the form of whimsical lollipop-like trees to provide a diffused glow along the platform steps. Generous leg room provided along each platform allowed for a safe passageway for running children.
▼衬垫墙板上面棒棒糖状的树形装饰后面有间接照明,其散射光照亮了楼梯平台。Indirect lighting was also incorporated into the padded wall panelling in the form of whimsical lollipop-like trees to provide a diffused glow along the platform steps.
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In the play area’s layered ceiling feature panels, a mixture of diffused cove lighting, wide-angle downlights and non-directional track-lighting were used to avoid excessive glare while maintaining a dynamic lighting atmosphere within the space.
▼ 云形天花板,’Cloud’ feature ceiling
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Cinemaxx 不仅仅是一个游乐场和电影院,这两者无缝巧妙的融合使一家人在这里愉悦的相处,并让人在儿童的欢声笑语中也能很好的观赏电影。
Cinema Junior is without doubt much more than its prescribed function of a playground and a cinema; the seamless and skillful blending of the two results in a celebration of family and togetherness, and redefines the movie experience amidst a chorus of children’s joyous laughter.
▼平面图,Floor Plan
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▼ 节点平面图,Annotated Plan of Spaces inside Cinemaxx Junior
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Project Credits
Year of Completion : 2016
Area: 750 sqm
Client: PT Cinemaxx Global Pasifik
Interior Design: DP Design Pte Ltd
Project Team Members: Mike Lim, Leong Wei Lin, Dessy Budhianto, Florian Lei Bautista, Faye Lee, Calliope Lee, Riri Damayanti, Truong Tuan Phuong
Playground Supplier: Playpoint Singapore Pte Ltd
Playground Consultant:Carve
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