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河岸印记 · 萨克拉门托 The Rivermark 社区景观设计

2016/12/28 20:11:14
Water Calculation and Poetic Interpretation by
Fletcher Studio
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The Rivermark公寓地处西萨克拉门托,位于萨克拉门托河边,为居民提供经济适用住房。景观建筑师根据Sierra丘陵地形以及早期电视游戏机中的结构和空间进行了设计。曾经有一款名叫《暴风雨》的开创性的电视游戏,其画面以令人激动的透视几何结构组成,建筑师从中获得了灵感。项目被严格地由东西向轴线开始划出两套网格,形式和材料随网格滑动,仿佛是不可见的微型地块在空间中移动。景观中的石块和混凝土座位在有顶过道上滑进滑出,模糊了室内外空间的界限。设计所面临的最大挑战之一是在有限的经济住房项目预算下为居民以高品质的材料创造富有设计感的功能空间。项目包含社区花园,雨水收集设施,一个攀岩墙,上升的草坪,公共艺术装置以及公共广场。
The Rivermark is located near the Sacramento River. It is a 100% affordable housing project in West Sacramento. The Landscape Architecture responds to the context of the Sierra foothill geology, and also the structures and spaces of early video game design. The design is also inspired by pioneering video games, such as Tempest, a pioneering video game that featured an exciting perspectival geometry. The project is divided into a rigorous two-foot grid, oriented on the east-west axis. Forms and materials slide and move along this grid, as if invisible tectonic “microplates” are moving along through the spaces. The landscape is a shifting of local stone boulders and concrete seatwalls that move in and out of the project breezeways, and blur exterior and interior space. One of the greatest design challenges, was in providing a high level of design, program, and material quality within the constraints of an affordable housing project budget. The project offers community garden plots, stormwater green infrastructures, a climbing wall, raised meadows, a public art installation and public plazas.
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The site design is inspired by the geology of the Sierra foothills and also by the video game Tempest. The entire project is divided into a linear two-foot grid oriented on the east-west axis. Landscape features shift along this grid, creating spaces for living. The landscape scope of work includes the streetscape, two public plazas, a central Court, an urban agricultural area, and a secret garden.
Photo Credit: Mariko Reed
The Rivermark位于西萨克拉门托的新桥地区,建筑中全部都是经济适用住房。项目所处的地区原为工业地块,在未来的高密度开发中它将处于核心位置。建筑紧邻萨克拉门托河,包含70套不同朝向的家庭公寓。萨克拉门托地区正处于高速发展中,该项目体现出了西萨克拉门托对工薪家庭生活环境的关注,对于设计师来说拥有很高的价值。
– 街景
– 入口广场
– 前厅
– 中部广场
– 中央庭院
– 攀岩墙
攀岩墙的形状从快乐分裂乐队的Unknown Pleasures专辑封面中获得灵感,并采用了Howard Johnson酒店式的配色。墙面由两个可以翻转钢框架单元组成,在形成多变的表面的同时,节省了安装费用。
– 艺术:云
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Drought tolerant plantings and street trees create a pedestrian scale sidewalk and set a standard for future development within the community. Mature Sycamore trees, which grow naturally along the adjacent Sacramento River, are planted both in the sidewalk and in stormwater chicanes within the street.
Photo Credit: Mariko Reed
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Left: Inspired by the geology of the Sierra foothills and the Sacramento region, the shifting pattern of the local boulders relates to the region’s tectonic activity. A small grove of Ginkgo trees offers shade and enclosure. Right: The shifting boulders also double as street furniture, offering the public places to relax.
Photo Credit: Mariko Reed
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Off-cuts from the boulders were honed and used as paving inlays to accent and extend the boulders into the space. These gestures are meant to be tracks, as if the boulders have been blown by the wind, or suggesting some mysterious dynamic.
Photo Credit: Mariko Reed
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The entire building has open hallways. If you are not in your unit, you are always outside. The boulders migrate through the light, corten steel perimeter into the common areas. Local riverrocks are inlaid into the paving beyond.
Photo Credit: Mariko Reed
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Within the building. “The Cloud” is a custom sculpture suspended from the ceiling of the central lobby. The landscape architects worked with a local artist, developed the parametric scripting, fabrication, and installed the project.
Photo Credit: Mariko Reed
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This plaza serves as a public extension of the community room. Large doors open out into a simple space that is adjacent to the public sidewalk.
Photo Credit: Mariko Reed
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The space is intended to provide much needed open play, and tricycle space for young growing bodies to explore.
Photo Credit: Mariko Reed
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The Central Court includes two meadows, garden plots (at the rear), a climbing wall and three plazas. The plantings at the podium reference the diverse agriculture surrounding the site and are arranged in rows on a strict axis. Balconies, decks, and patios surround the Court, creating a continuum of private to public space.
Photo Credit: Mariko Reed
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The central court is designed as a series of urban tidepools arranged along a varied geometric topography of custom concrete benches and dramatic plantings. The structures can accommodate formal amphitheater seating as well as casual and unstructured play.
Photo Credit: Mariko Reed
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Children and families play in the tidepool, and also have informal gatherings in the two meadows.
Photo Credit: Mariko Reed
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Tapered steel light poles connect this public space to the building balconies, and bring the stars down to the space at night.
Photo Credit: Mariko Reed
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空间限制让设计师灵光一现,决定向上建造而不是向外扩张。攀岩墙的形状从快乐分裂乐队的Unknown Pleasures专辑封面中获得灵感,并采用了Howard Johnson酒店式的配色。
The spatial limitations of the play area inspired the designers to build up instead of out. The climbing wall draws topographic inspiration from the iconic cover of the Joy Division album Unknown Pleasures, overlaid with a color scheme that references Howard Johnson motels.
Photo Credit: Mariko Reed
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Custom perforated screens open out to the neighborhood beyond. Open air hallways further this sense of permeability and blur the boundary between interior and exterior space. The parapet wall extend upward to from a distant view, and to respond to the iconic Tower Bridge.
Photo Credit: Mariko Reed
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One of two small meadows offer a soft place to rest and to play. The form and varying heights of the concrete walls was further developed with the parametric program Grasshopper.
Photo Credit: Mariko Reed
The Rivermark building is a 100% affordable housing project in West Sacramento’s new Bridge District. Situated on a disused industrial lot at the heart of future dense development. The building offers 70 affordable, and transit oriented, family apartments in close proximity to the Sacramento River. We are proud to have worked on a project that expresses West Sacramento’s commitment to keeping working families in a rapidly the changing Sacramento area.
The building is divided into two residential “bars” that relate to each other across a central courtyard and are joined by open-air breezeways. Along the north façade, the building features five levels of housing, with ground-level homes that open directly onto the sidewalk via stoops.
The one acre site was an open field at the beginning of the project, with views of many local landmarks including the Tower Bridge, and downtown Sacramento. The landscape scope of work included the design of everything in the exterior, of the building envelope. It also included the design of the buildings open breezeways. The scope of work included the streetscape, a public entry plaza, the public middle court and a large community courtyard.
The landscape, primarily draws inspiration from the geology of the Sierra foothills, which exhibit a dramatic and dynamic geology. Fault lines and fissures that shift and pull in fascinating ways. The design is also inspired by pioneering video games, such as Tempest, a pioneering video game that featured an exciting perspectival geometry.
The project is divided into a rigorous two-foot grid, oriented on the east-west axis. Forms and materials slide and move along this grid, as if invisible tectonic “microplates” are moving along through the spaces. One of the greatest challenges, was in providing a high level of design, program, and material quality within the constraints of an affordable housing project budget.
– The Streetscape
Drought tolerant plantings and street trees create a pedestrian scale sidewalk and set a standard for future development within the community. Mature Sycamore trees, which grow naturally along the adjacent Sacramento River, are planted both in the sidewalk and in stormwater chicanes within the street.
– The Entry Plaza
The public plaza features large boulders local fieldstone, shifting within a Ginkgo grove. The boulders were sliced on the two-foot grid and arrayed across the hardscape in a shifting pattern that relates to the foothills and the region’s tectonic activity.
Off-cuts from the boulders were honed and used as paving inlays to accent and extend the boulders into the space. These gestures are meant to be tracks, as if the boulders have been blown by the wind, or suggesting some mysterious dynamic.
– The Vestibule
The entire building has open hallways. If you are not in your unit, you are always outside. The boulders migrate through the light, corten steel perimeter into the common areas. Local riverrocks are inlaid into the paving.
– The Middle Plaza
This community room opens onto a shared plaza along Bridge Street, creating a flexible, publicly accessible event space. The community room offers a TV lounge, lending library, teaching kitchen, seating nooks, and materials for play.
This plaza serves as a public extension of the community room. Large doors open out into a simple space that is adjacent to the public sidewalk. The space is intended to provide much needed open play, and tricycle space for young growing bodies to explore.
– The Central Court
The podium courtyard has a community allotment garden, a climbing wall, and smaller plazas. The concept for the plazas was to create an “urban tidepool”, a varied concrete wall system that offers amphitheater seating and unstructured play. The center “pool” is ringed by café lighting and topped with wires for climbing vines. The plantings at the podium reference the diverse agriculture surrounding the site, and so are arranged in rows, on a strict axis. Similar to the hardscape forms, the plant materials shift past each other in rows, blooming at different times, and offering nourishment birds and pollinators.
Children and families play in the tidepool, and also have informal gatherings in the two meadows. Tapered steel lightpoles connect this public space to the building balconies, and bring the stars down to the space at night.
The Central Court includes two meadows, garden plots (at the rear), a climbing wall and three plazas. The plantings at the podium reference the diverse agriculture surrounding the site and are arranged in rows on a strict axis. Balconies, decks, and patios surround the Court, creating a continuum of private to public space.
– The Climbing Wall
The climbing wall design draws topographic inspiration from the iconic cover of the Joy Division album Unknown Pleasures, overlaid with a color scheme inspired by Howard Johnson motels. The wall is comprised of two steel framed modules that can be inverted to provide surface variation, yet save cost in fabrication.
The project has an overall GreenPoint Rating of 155 points, exceeding California’s already sustainable site standards by 15%. The landscape is a strict Bay Friendly, low lifecycle cost project that features drought-tolerant plantings, water efficient irrigation and storm-water-management measures. Sustainable site materials used in the landscape include recycled-content steel and high fly-ash concrete.
– Art: The Cloud
Within the breezeway, “The Cloud” is a custom sculpture suspended from the ceiling of the central lobby. The landscape architects worked with a local artist, developed the parametric scripting, mounting, fabrication, and installed the project.
Lead Designer: David Fletcher, ASLA
Building Architect: David Baker Architects
Civil Engineer: Sandis
Landscape Contractor: Hemington Landscapes Inc.
General Contractor: Sunseri Associates
Product Sources [required for built projects]: SOILS
American Soil and Stone
Product Sources [required for built projects]: HARDSCAPE
American Soil and Stone
Product Sources [required for built projects]: LIGHTING
Product Sources [required for built projects]: FURNITURE
Fletcher Studio Custom Designed
Product Sources [required for built projects]: DRAINAGE/EROSION
American Hydrotech
Product Sources [required for built projects]: FENCES/GATES/WALLS
Custom Designed, fabricated by BOK Modern
Product Sources [required for built projects]: IRRIGATION
Sweeney and Associates
Product Sources [required for built projects]: PARKS/RECREATION EQUIPMENT
Fletcher Studio Custom Designed
Product Sources [required for built projects]: GREEN ROOFS/LIVING WALLS
American Hydrotech
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