

莱里达是加泰罗尼亚地区继巴塞罗那之后的第二大城市,山顶历史悠久的Seu Vella大教堂和Segre河分别标志了城市的最高和最低点。La Llotja剧场和会议中心坐落在Serge河岸,离市中心有一段距离。Mecanoo事务所将建筑安置在稍远离河道的地方,这样可以欣赏莱里达炫目迷人的景观。剧场分为三种尺度建造而成。建筑最大的区域连接了河道和山川。从城市尺度上来看,建筑和河道的比例相当。从沿街立面开卡,悬挑结构为建筑提供了保护,远离了日光和雨水的侵害。
The mountain with its historic cathedral Seu Vella and the Segre River marks the high point and low point of Lleida (Lerida), the second city of Catolonia, following Barcelona. La Llotja theatre and conference center sits on the banks of the Segre, somewhat outside the centre of the city. Mecanoo’s design interprets the landscape of Lleida as the exciting scenery before which the building has been placed, somewhat further from the river. The mise-en-scène is elaborated on three levels of scale. Regarded from the large scale of the region, the building forms a link between the river and the mountain. Viewed from the urban scale, La Llotja and the river form a balanced composition. At street level the cantilevers of La Llotja de Lleida provide protection from sun and rain.
▼从城市尺度上来看建筑和河道的比例相当,Viewed from the urban scale, La Llotja and the river form a balanced composition.
The large stone edifice seems to have sprouted from the Spanish earth. The building’s horizontal form provides a large garden on the roof, while under the cantilevers begins a square for events, with the stairs of the adjacent building serving as a tribune. Parking has been created underground with the loading area for trucks on the ground level, the same level where the theatre stage, dressing rooms and restaurant kitchen are found. Small trucks can load and unload on level -1.
▼宏伟的建筑如同从西班牙大地上破土而出的天然巨石,The large stone edifice seems to have sprouted from the Spanish earth
▼悬臂结构下的广场可举办各项活动,while under the cantilevers begins a square for events
In a light court in the centre of the building, a monumental staircase rises from street level to the multifunctional hall on the first floor. A ramp leads on to the foyer on the second level where there is a panoramic window looking out across the city and the river.
▼洒满阳光的中庭,a light court in the centre of the building
▼坡道通向位于二层带有全景窗的门厅,A ramp leads on to the foyer on the second level
剧场的入口同时也可以当做大会议厅使用,会议室和小会议厅位于门厅。剧场营造了一种果园的气氛,墙壁使用深色木材质以几颗灯光树装饰,天花板数千个树叶形灯光照亮了剧场。小会议厅与多功能厅中间的倾斜看台被一道玻璃墙分割开来,但保留了两者的视觉联系。通过建筑内部的走廊可以到达媒体室,VIP室,和会议中心,他们位于建筑靠近城市中心的一侧。剧场和会议中心的功能布置逻辑虽难以察觉但功能极其强大。带有酒吧的餐厅坐落于La Llotja面对河道和广场的一侧。这个庞大的建筑由几个不同的体块组成,通过几个吸声的门厅连为一体。
The entrances to the theatre, which also serve as a large conference hall.The theatre has the atmosphere of an orchard with walls of dark wood in which trees of light have been cut out. Meeting rooms and a small conference room are located in the foyer. The latter is visually connected to the multifunctional hall by means of a raked tribune separated by a glass wall. The press office, VIP rooms and a meeting centre are situated on the city side of the building, accessed by an internal corridor. The entire functional logistics for the theatre and the conference centre are situated inconspicuously but extremely functionally. Restaurants with bars are located on the side of La Llotja facing the river and the square. The monolithic building is in fact composed of different pieces of buildings linked together by sound-absorbing foyers.
▼剧场的入口同时也可以当做大会议厅使用,The entrances to the theatre, which also serve as a large conference hall
▼剧场营造了一种果园的气氛,The theatre has the atmosphere of an orchard
▼墙壁使用深色木材质以几颗灯光树装饰,dark wood walls in which trees of light have been cut out
Materials ensure distinction and orientation in the interior. The exterior is of stone. Inside there are mainly white, plastered walls and either wooden or marble floors. The entrance hall and the multi-functional hall have a marble floor, while the foyer has a floor of mixed hardwood. Thousands of leaves on the ceiling light the hall. The colour palette of fruit is a theme that recurs in small details throughout the building. After all, the region of Lleida is famous for its fruit production.
▼建筑整体使用水果为主题的配色,丰富了其细节,The colour palette of fruit is a theme that recurs in small details throughout the building
▼坡道与天窗,Ramps and skylight
The roof is colourful: pergolas support a range of creepers and climbers like roses, jasmine and ivy. The garden with its mirador is not only pleasant but also useful since the roof cover keeps the building cool in the summer, provides a beautiful view for people living in the neighbourhood and serves an extra place for conference guests to sojourn.
▼屋顶夜景,Roof Top Night View