With its triangular shape, Kolding Campus will create a significant new landmark in Kolding. The building is located on the Grønborg grounds in the centre of Kolding close to the harbour, station and scenic attraction of the river. Kolding Campus will create a new central plaza by Kolding River and will thereby form a close interaction with the other educational institutions of the town, Kolding Design School and International Business College Kolding.
▼建筑外观,External View
▼建筑夜景,Night External View
立 面| Façade
The facade is an integrated part of the building and together, they create a unique and varying expression. The daylight changes and varies during the course of the day and year. Thus, Kolding Campus is fitted with dynamic solar shading, which adjusts to the specific climate conditions and user patterns and provides optimal daylight and a comfortable indoor climate spaces along the façade.
▼建筑的立面独特而富有变化,The facade is an integrated part of the building and together
The solar shading system consists of approx. 1,600 triangular shutters of perforated steel. They are mounted on the façade in a way which allows them to adjust to the changing daylight and desired inflow of light.When the shutters are closed, they lie flat along the façade, while they protrude from the façade when half-open or entirely open and provide the building with a very expressive appearance. The solar shading system is fitted with sensors which continuously measure light and heat levels and regulate the shutters mechanically by means of a small motor.
▼立面遮阳系统包含大约1600片三角形穿孔钢板,the solar shading system consists of approx. 1,600 triangular shutters of perforated steel
▼可以根据日照变化和需求的采光量进行调节,mounted on the façade adjust to the changing daylight and desired inflow of light
Inside in the five floor high atrium, the displaced position of the staircases and access balconies creates a special dynamics where the triangular shape repeats its pattern in a continuous variety of positions up through the different floors. The activities open up towards the town so that the campus plaza and the interior study universe become one interconnected urban space with a green park at the back and a common recreational town plaza at the front.
▼在五层通高的中庭内,楼梯错落有致,the displaced position of the staircases and access balconies creates a special dynamics
▼连接不同楼层连续变化的三角形平台,在垂直方向上形成丰富的空间效果,triangular shape repeats its pattern in a continuous variety of positions up through the different floors
可持续发展策略| Sustainability
SDU科灵校区是丹麦第一栋完全符合2015年建筑节能标准的大学建筑,其每年的能耗为36 kWh/m2。 设计中运用了可持续发展策略,建筑的几何形态让每平方米空间都得到充分利用,中庭的天窗保证阳光均匀遍布大楼的每个角落。
SDU Campus Kolding is the first university building in Denmark to fulfill the strong demands for energy consumption desribed in the building reg- ulations 2015. The energy consumption is 36 kWh/m2/year. The sustainable strategy has been integrated in the architectural design. The geometry ensures the best utilization of every square meter and the skylight in the atrium ensures a fair distribution of daylight to the entire building.
▼中庭的天窗保证阳光均匀遍布大楼的每个角落,Skylight in the atrium ensures a fair distribution of daylight to the entire building
The building has been part of a three-year development project which ex- amines how thermal properties of concrete can be increased – and the en- ergy consumption for heating and cooling thus reduced. In order to make optimal use of the thermal properties of concrete, the slabs are exposed where possible. This prevents large fluctuations in temperature and im- proves the indoor quality.
艺 术| Arts
德国艺术家Tobias Rehberger以“时间”为主题,创造了一系列和建筑融为一体的时钟,装饰在SDU科灵校区的立面,礼堂以及教室中。
German artist Tobias Rehberger has created the decorations for the SDU Campus Kolding. The decorations are centered on ‘time’ as a theme. They appear as building integrated clocks on the façade, by the auditorium and more classrooms.
▼总平面,Master Plan
▼平面图,Floor Plans
▼建筑细节,Detail Drawings
Location: Kolding, Denmark
Client: The Danish University and Property Agency
Gross floor area: 13,700 m2
Year of construction: 2012 – 2014
Type of assignment: First prize in international competition, 2008
Architect: Henning Larsen Architects
Landscape Architect: Kristine Jensens Tegnestue
Engineers: Orbicon