

Flash club is a night club situated in Bansko, Bulgaria. Its area spreads around 465.00 Sq.m. / 5005.22 sq. .
We found inspira on in the aesthe cs of the science fic on movie Tron: Legacy, a sequence of the old movie Tron. The materiality of the design is achieved by light and reflec ons. The force of the sound, the flash of light, the transfusion of spaces. The circle became our engine. We connected spa ally every fiber of the club. The flow of spaces is comprehensible and logical. The space of the club changes constantly by the movement and presence of people inside. The ceiling and walls reflect and refract the movement inside in different angles and projec ons, which gives a dynamic impression of the space. The amphitheatrical space of the VIP podiums are connected to the dry bar via and endless beam of light, graphically emphasizing their shapes in the infinitude. Through endless fleshes, the spotlights, hit every reflec ve surface and crea ng an endless parade of visual illusions and mystery. We made the space flow less by crea ng a sci-fi amphitheater, which unified the whole club. Con nuous surfaces and curves embracing the customers and welcoming the sound of music. The restrooms, themselves, are an endless highways of light. They were an essen al part of the design, where you get the feeling of infinity and teleporta on throughout space and me.
▽ 入口,entrance
▽ 主空间,club hall
▽ 主吧台,bar counter
▽ 主吧台顶部天花,ceiling
▽ 卫生间,restroom
▽ 平面图,plan
Address of the project: 2770 Bansko, Bulgaria Project: Flash Club
Studio Mode