

Foster + Partners赢得了萨勒曼国王国际机场总体规划设计竞赛,该机场将提升利雅得作为全球物流中心的地位,刺激交通、贸易和旅游业,并充当连接东西方的桥梁。
Foster + Partners has won a competition to design the masterplan for King Salman International Airport which will boost Riyadh’s position as a global logistics hub, stimulate transport, trade and tourism, and act as a bridge linking the East with the West.
▼项目鸟瞰,Bird eye view of the project
▼项目总体规划平面图,Aerial view of the masterplan for King Salman International Airport
萨勒曼国王国际机场预计将成为世界上最大的机场之一,占地面积约57平方公里,拥有6条平行跑道,包括以哈立德国王命名的现有航站楼。它还将包括12平方公里的机场配套设施、住宅和娱乐设施、零售店和其他物流房地产。该机场计划在2030年接待多达1.2亿旅客,到2050年接待 1.85 亿旅客,处理350万吨货物。
King Salman International Airport is expected to be one of the world’s largest airports covering an area of approximately 57 km², allowing for six parallel runways and including the existing terminals named after King Khalid. It will also include 12km² of airport support facilities, residential and recreational facilities, retail outlets, and other logistics real estate. The airport aims to accommodate up to 120 million travellers by 2030 and 185 million travellers, with the capacity to process 3.5 million tons of cargo, by 2050.
▼由机场跑道看相航站楼,Airside taxiway to aircraft stand
The airport will become an aerotropolis centred around a seamless customer journey, world-class efficient operations, and innovation. Riyadh’s identity and the Saudi culture will be taken into consideration in the airport’s design to ensure a unique travel experience for visitors and transit travellers.
▼旅客到站大厅,Arrival high street
With sustainability at its core, the new airport will achieve LEED Platinum certification by incorporating cutting edge green initiatives into its design and will be powered by renewable energy.
▼连接整体项目的景观环线,The masterplan is connected by the landscaped Wadi Loop
▼休息厅可以看到飞机起飞景观,Airside departures dining with view to aircraft stand