

“Since it’s opened, you can see how the fabric of the trees have matured out on the dock. . . It’s really transformed that side. . . It’s a wonderful place to be.” – 2014 Awards Jury
“自从对外开放至今,人人都发现码头区内的树木越发繁茂……这里的变化着实令人瞩目……它已成为一处极好的绿地空间。” – 2014年奖项评审团
New York, NY |
Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates, Inc.
| Client: Hudson River Park Trust 更多请至:
Unscathed by Superstorm Sandy’s brackish inundation, Segment 5 is an enormously popular park in the formerly “parkless” Chelsea. The outward-looking centerpiece of the 5-mile Hudson River Park, itself a miracle of 30 years of public advocacy, Segment 5 is a resourceful and truly public space born of vocal neighborhood demand. It is a model for hurricane resilience and climate change adaptation, integrating creative engineering with a diverse range of uses and landscape types.
在飓风桑迪肆虐期间,哈德逊河公园第五段景观区遭到咸水淹没,但基本未被损坏,在往日公园绿地空间甚少的切尔西,哈德逊河公园第五段景观区便成为了当收到公众极大欢迎的公园场所。哈德逊河公园横贯5英里的区域,其核心区外延区域本身是在公众心目中维持30年的一个奇迹, 在周边民众需求呼声下,第五段景观区应运而生, 它是一处真正意义上的具有丰富的绿化资源的城市公共空。该景观区将创新性工程技术与多样化的用途和景观类型整合于一体,可以有效抵御飓风灾害和适应气候变化,可以说它是公共景观设施的一个典范。
▼EPS foam and lightweight fill minimize pile and deck loads and are weighted down by enough topsoil to ensure structural stability during floods. Planting and topography soften the transition to the skate park, barely visible in the background to the right.
Photo Credit: Elizabeth Felicella
▼ (Diagrams) Offers a Variety of Activities & Creates a Range of Landscape Types
Photo Credit: Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates
▼ (Diagrams) Reinvents A New Engineered River Edge & Demonstrates Hurricane Preparedness
Photo Credit: Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates
▼ Partially supported by a rebuilt pier structure, the lawn bowl’s casual elegance belies its structural complexity. Beneath the lawn depicted in this photograph, lightweight fill and EPS foam reduce pier loads while elevating trees (seen in the foreground) above extreme flood elevations.
Photo Credit: Elizabeth Felicella
▼ An effortlessly comfortable park, Segment 5’s reengineering is profound yet relatively invisible. Allowing for passive and active recreational opportunities at the water’s edge, the lawn bowl borrows the boundlessness of the Hudson River.
Photo Credit: Elizabeth Felicella
▼A gentle topographical rise at the edges of the lawn bowl yields opportunities for seasonal recreation in Manhattan. The bowl form acoustically and visually shelters the lawn from the loud 6-lane highway to the east and also elevates trees above flood risk.
Photo Credit: Elizabeth Felicella
▼ Plan
Photo Credit: Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates
▼ The landscape architect worked with their subconsultant marine engineers to repair 250 feet of historic sea wall and completely rebuild the pier structures (pictured above). The new piers are protected by a system of fenders designed to withstand the impacts of ice floes, waterborne debris, and runaway vessels.
Photo Credit: Alex MacLean
▼The rebuilt Pier 64 is ten feet higher at its far end than at the bulkhead line, creating a sloping landscape that establishes a sense of boundlessness. Trees and shrubs line the pier lawn’s border, framing a view of the New Jersey riverbank beyond.
Photo Credit: Andrzej Potasinski
▼Photo Credit: Toby Glanville
▼The 15,000 square foot skate park—one of New York’s most challenging—draws visitors from all over the city. Segment 5’s collage of program types serves the diverse population of the neighboring community and is a key achievement of its innovative design.
Photo Credit: Toby Glanville
占地15 000平方英尺的滑板公园是纽约最具挑战性之一的运动场所,吸引着全城游人前来体验。第五段景观区中设有各种不同类型的户外活动场地,满足其周边不同层次居民的多样化需求,这也是该项目创新设计的成功典范之一。
▼ Beyond the central lawn bowl lies a necklace of smaller-scale landscapes, including an entrance garden intended to soften the presence of the adjacent commercial sports complex, and a sculpture installation—“Stone Field”—realized collaboratively by the landscape architect and an artist.
Photo Credit: Lexi Van Valkenburgh
▼ Salt-tolerant plants and wooden boardwalks suit the site’s estuarine ecology, making it resilient to major storm events. During Superstorm Sandy, this area lost no plants and suffered minimal damage despite being submerged under four feet of brackish water for several hours.
Photo Credit: Elizabeth Felicella
▼ The park’s spacious lawn accommodates hundreds of people, complementing the privately-owned Chelsea Piers Sports & Entertainment Complex to the south.
Photo Credit: Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates
For much of the twentieth century, municipal infrastructure—including warehouses, dock facilities, and rail lines—walled off New Yorkers from almost all physical and visual access to the Hudson River. As this industrial glacier receded and construction of the proposed Westway interstate along the Hudson was averted, the majesty of the river was rediscovered. Hudson River Park, which stretches five miles from Riverside Park to Battery Park City, is the result of thirty years of community demands, activism, and planning insisting on the recreational and public health benefits of a waterfront park. Over the course of the park’s nearly twenty-year construction, awareness of rising sea levels and the increased probability of extreme weather events challenged landscape architects to develop new design ideas in Segment 5, one the last and most important sections. Withstanding both the four-foot brackish inundation of Superstorm Sandy as well as the day-to-day impacts of intense public use, Segment 5 of Hudson River Park demonstrates how landscape architects can lead a collaborative design process to create resilient urban open space in the context of climate change.
Segment 5 was completed in 2010 after eight years of often-contentious public participation and review. From the beginning, the designers benefitted from the input of community members and park advocates. These activists’ aggressive advocacy and legislative campaign resulted first in the creation of the Hudson River Trust in the early 1990s. The Trust created a trailblazing new governance structure for urban park making, and the Master Plan for the park, by Quennell Rothschild Partners, received a merit award in Planning from the ASLA in 1998. Segment 5 was one of the last of the seven segments built. Centrally located in the previously parkless neighborhood of Chelsea and at the widest point in Hudson River Park, Segment 5 fulfills many of the community’s goals and aspirations for open space and access to the boundlessness of the river.
The design team for Segment 5 worked closely with the public client as well as with state and city agencies to develop a plan that meets the varying needs of the neighborhood, the overall Hudson River Park system, and the city and state as a whole. The landscape architects chose to add to the creative team a public garden designer, an artist, and a leading national skate park designer, who together helped provide a diversity of design ideas at different scales for different experiences.
The Segment 5 site is wider than the typical cross-section west of the West Side Highway. Two preexisting piers frame the site, extending the city grid out into the river. In the center of the site, a broad lawn was created where a third pier once existed, providing a sweeping, boundless view of the river rare for Lower Manhattan. The 3 acre central lawn supports pick up sports, large outdoor yoga classes, and everyday hanging out. A dramatic landform bowl shelters the lawn from the West Side Highway and helps define a series of adjacent smaller-scale areas for more active use, including a bikeway, a sculpture garden, a carousel, and a world-class skate park.
In addition to providing the Chelsea neighborhood with needed parkland, Segment 5 establishes a high standard for durable and sustainable waterfront park design, fully addressing the realities of rising sea levels and extreme weather events. The landscape architects worked closely with marine engineers to demolish, repair, and reinforce 250 feet of sea wall and to rebuild the pier structures. The piers are protected by fenders designed to withstand the impacts of runaway vessels, ice floes, and waterborne debris. EPS foam and lightweight aggregate fill allow a range of topography with minimal deck and pile load, while heavier top soil holds the sub-surface material in place. This creative engineering ensured that the buoyant foam did not burst through the landscape during the flood conditions of Superstorm Sandy, as happened at many other sites. It is worth noting that these strategies originated nearly a decade before Sandy powerfully demonstrated the importance of resilience to brackish flooding in New York’s infrastructure.
The landscape architects planned Segment 5 of Hudson River Park as one of New York’s first efforts to prepare for rising sea level. All the park’s most sensitive infrastructure components, including pumps and key mechanical and electrical services, were placed in elevated positions within protective structures to accommodate more frequent inundation. These strategies were tested during Superstorm Sandy, when 60 percent of Segment 5 was inundated with as much as four feet of brackish water. Aside from minor damage to some vegetation, the park’s design and construction allowed it to survive virtually unscathed. Segment 5 is a model for collaborative, sustainable, and compelling design that satisfies a present need for engaging public open space while meeting the continually evolving demands of climate change.
Michael Van Valkenburgh Associates, Inc.