

MVRDV:MVRDV与房地产开发商Groupe Giboire的联合建筑师ALL一起完成了位于法国雷恩西部两条河流交汇处的Ascension Paysagère住宅综合体。这座12层高、10550平方米的组合建筑占据了雷恩市中心和外围之间至关重要的过渡空间,在城市向外扩展的背景下带来了急需的密度,提供了138套不同大小和价格区间的住宅——包括37套社会住房——以及绿色临水环境中的商业空间和宜人的新公共空间。
MVRDV:MVRDV, along with co-architects ALL for real estate developer Groupe Giboire, has completed Ascension Paysagère, a residential complex at the confluence of two rivers in the west of Rennes, France. Occupying a crucial transitional space between the Rennes’ centre and its outer reaches, the 12-storey, 10,550-square-metre complex brings much-needed density in the context of the city’s outward growth, providing 138 homes in a variety of sizes and price ranges – including 37 units of social housing – as well as commercial spaces and pleasant new public spaces in a green waterside environment.
2018年,法国杂志《l’Express》称雷恩为法国最宜居的城市,加上2017年法国新高铁的开通,这种吸引力导致了当地人口的持续增长。市中心的许多历史建筑使得这种扩张压力向外转移,要求周边地区要么向外延伸到乡村,要么——最好是——以一种友好的密集化方式向上发展。Ascension Paysagère的位置正好位于Ille河与Vilaine河交汇处,对面是Jardin de la Confluence绿色漂浮公园,位于现已成为步行街的Mail François Mitterrand大道尽头,其高度显眼的位置需要一个典型的方法进行处理。
In 2018, French magazine l’Express called Rennes the most liveable city in France and, combined with the arrival of a new TGV connection in 2017, this attractiveness has led to a continued population growth. The many heritage buildings in the city’s centre have shifted this expansion pressure outwards, requiring the periphery to grow either outwards into the countryside or – preferably –upwards with a pleasant approach to densification. Positioned precisely where the Ille River joins the Vilaine, across from the green floating park of the Jardin de la Confluence, at the end of the nowpedestrianised thoroughfare of Mail François Mitterrand, Ascension Paysagère’s highly visible location required an exemplary approach to this perimeter densification.
Ascension Paysagère的设计从地质构造中获得灵感。该项目由两栋弯曲的建筑组成,一大一小,建筑做退台处理。在河边以及建筑底层,建筑都是低矮的,与城市广阔的底层环境相呼应。而在相反方向,设计使建筑逐渐抬升呈现为三座山峰的形状,达到了场地中心最高的12层。这些逐渐后退的设计所创造的露台上摆放着绿植盆栽,将河岸的葱郁的绿意向上延伸到公寓,甚至建筑的最顶端。
Ascension Paysagère takes inspiration from geological formations. The project comprises two curving buildings, one large and one small, with gradually receding slopes. By the river, and at points where the project approaches its neighbours, the buildings are low, acknowledging the expansive, low-rise context. Elsewhere, however, the design gradually steps up into three peaks, reaching the maximum 12-storey height in the centre of the site. The terraces created by these gradual step-backs are decked with pots filled with greenery, extending the lush atmosphere of the riverbank upwards to the apartments even at the very top of the building. On the western corner of the larger block, in between the building’s two ‘peaks’, a garden including fruit trees emphasises this green approach.
▽建筑设计过程 The design process
The façade reinforces the connection to geology. It features both matte and glossy ceramic panels in five different tones of grey, arranged into stratified layers: dark and mostly matte near to ground level, and lighter and glossier at the top levels. At night, lighting reinforces this effect, with more lights integrated into the ceramic panels at the top of the building. As a result, the design seems as if it truly belongs – an outgrowth of the environment itself, which feels natural even as it significantly densifies this part of the city.
▽建筑瓷砖饰面色调排布图纸 Ceramic finishes
▽夜间照明示意 Signal in the night
MVRDV创始合伙人Nathalie de Vries说:“Ascension Paysagère项目帮助我们交付了一个我们想要实现的项目,它也正是这个地方所需要的。由于对面有河流和公园,这个地方为人们提供了一个居住的绝佳地点。我们面临的挑战在于让尽可能多的人住在这里,而不破坏这些良好的环境条件。我们通过创造两座建筑的组合来做到这一点,它们的轮廓像小山一样,分布着露台和阳台,为居民提供了良好的户外空间,也为植物和树木提供了较大的生长空间。”
“In Ascension Paysagère, we have delivered a project just as we hoped it would be, and exactly what is needed in this location”, says MVRDV founding partner Nathalie de Vries. “With the river and the park opposite, the site offers a wonderful location for people to live. The challenge was to allow as many people as possible to live here without destroying those qualities. We do this by creating an ensemble of two buildings with silhouettes like small hills, covered with terraces and balconies to allow the inhabitants nice outdoor spaces that are already provided with large pots for plants and trees.”
Every apartment is provided with an outdoor space – either a terrace, a balcony, or a loggia. Each of these comes complete with custom plant pots fitted with automatic irrigation as well as a dedicated water tap to help residents care for their piece of the landscape. The terraces create a village-like atmosphere that allows residents to greet their neighbours above and below.
在地面层,建筑的曲线定义了一系列公共空间,两个街区之间有一条绿色步行街,水边有一个广场,通向Le Bacchus,这是一家餐厅和剧院,被更大的建筑的曲线所包围。大型建筑的入口有三条吸引人的木质通道,通道贯穿建筑,创造了宽敞的会议空间,并提供了通往剧院餐厅后方隐蔽花园的视野。在场地的入口处,一个经过翻新的税务局被纳入了城市规划,使公共广场成为三个建筑时期的混合体。
At ground level, the curves of the buildings define a series of public spaces, with a green pedestrian street between the two blocks and a plaza at the water’s edge that leads to Le Bacchus, a restaurant and theatre that is embraced by the curve of the larger building. The entrances to the larger building are found in three inviting, wood-clad passages that punch through the building, creating generous meeting spaces and providing views and access to a secluded garden at the rear of the theatre-restaurant. At the entrance to the site a former renovated tax office is included in the urban plan, making the public square a mix of three architectural periods.
The project uses a variety of approaches to ensure sustainability and social responsibility. Densifying an urban area reduces the city’s need to expand into the surrounding landscape, and the parking garages include a total of 210 square metres for bicycle parking, including dedicated spaces for cargo bicycles and electric charging stations to encourage more sustainable transport options. The 34 apartments in the smaller building are completed to Passivhaus standards, giving them the potential to use dramatically less energy than typical apartments. Many of the apartments are double or even triple aspect, with windows on multiple sides of the building to allow cross ventilation and excellent natural light conditions inside.
A diverse range of apartment types is spread throughout the building, including 37 homes for social rent and 42 for sale as affordable housing, ensuring that the project offers something for people of all income levels and family sizes. The communal spaces in the buildings feature high-standard finishes and are open to all residents, treating every occupant equally regardless of the price or type of their apartment.
▽各类住房组合分布图 Variety of housing types
凭借绿色的环境、临水的位置和优美的户外空间,Ascension Paysagère还将进一步增强雷恩的宜居性,并作为一个典范,展示这座城市如何满足其当前的住房需求。
With the green surroundings, the location on the water, and the beautiful outdoor spaces, Ascension Paysagère is poised to further add to the liveability of Rennes, and can serve as a demonstration of how the city can meet its current housing demand.
▽建筑设计图纸 Design drawings
项目名称:Ascension Paysagère
地点:法国 雷恩
客户端:Groupe Giboire
创始合伙人:Nathalie de Vries
合伙人:Bertrand Schippan
MVRDV法国总监:Nicolas Land
设计团队:Catherine Drieux, Antoine Muller, Mickael Pors, Quentin Rihoux, Roxana Aron, Boris Tivarski, Maxime Cunin, Jean-Rémi Houel, Anne-Sereine Tremblay, Marie-Aline Rival, Evguenia Zioga, Javier Cuenca Solana, Nicolas Land, Charlotte Kientz, Sylvain Totaro, Gabrielle Evain, Manon Vajou,
Khanh-Duong Pham, Mélanie Rolland
版权所有:MVRDV Winy Maas,Jacob van Rijs,Nathalie de Vries
环境顾问:Franck Boutté
照片:© Ossip van Duivenbode
Project Name: Ascension Paysagère
Location: Rennes, France
Year: 2022
Client: Groupe Giboire
Size and Programme: 10,550 m2 residential (138 homes – 37 social housing, 42 affordable housing, 59
market rate) + commercial spaces
Sustainability certification: Passivhaus (34 apartments)
Architect: MVRDV
Founding Partner in charge: Nathalie de Vries
Partner: Bertrand Schippan
Director MVRDV France: Nicolas Land
Design Team: Catherine Drieux, Antoine Muller, Mickael Pors, Quentin Rihoux, Roxana Aron, Boris Tivarski, Maxime Cunin, Jean-Rémi Houel, Anne-Sereine Tremblay, Marie-Aline Rival, Evguenia Zioga, Javier Cuenca Solana, Nicolas Land, Charlotte Kientz, Sylvain Totaro, Gabrielle Evain, Manon Vajou,
Khanh-Duong Pham, Mélanie Rolland
Copyright: MVRDV Winy Maas, Jacob van Rijs, Nathalie de Vries
Co-architects: ALL
Environmental advisor: Franck Boutté
Structural Engineer: SERTCO
Contractor: Sogea
Project coordination: OBI INGENIERIE
Cost Calculation: CDLP
Photographs: © Ossip van Duivenbode