

Society Particular
博物馆将作为城市的连接器,城市中心与港口网格在此交融。从市政厅到博物馆的轴线是南北方向最为重要的区域连接。这条跟随城市中心网格的轴线被屋顶木栈道从空间上强化与延长,连接Tahtitorni-nvuori 公园与滨海区域。
The museum acts as an urban connector in a place where two different urban grids merge into each other. The direction of the North-South axis from the City Hall to the Museum is the most important in terms of connectivity. This axis follows the central city grid and it is emphasized and extended by the slanted wooden deck which connects the Tahtitorninvuori Park to the waterfront.
Second important axis is the harbor grid along the waterfront. The volume along the harbor contains all public functions: cafe, restaurant and terminal activities. These activities support the liveliness of the waterfront and provides, magnificent views to the harbor. A passage through the building connects the waterfront with the soon-to-be extended promenade and Cruise Ship Terminal along it.
The intersection of the grids of the city and the harbor is characterized by the Museum. This landmark building reveals not only the uniquenessof the Guggenheim but also creates joyful experience during your visit in the museum because of numerous vistas to the city. The museum volume sensitively fits into Helsinki’s skyline and the surrounding buildings. The plinth is low in order not to block the relation of historical Park with the water.
The program is divided clearly into vertical volume of the museum and the open public and supporting programs in the plinth.
The entrance to the museum leads via sloped wooden deck through generous entry into the welcoming museum lobby where attractive auditorium-like meeting space with interactive high-tech ceiling is located. After the lobby the visitors can choose to ascend via escalator to themuseum exhibition spaces or go down to the plinth where all public functions are situated.
The museum volume consists of 4 levels of generous exhibition spaces that ensure both: extreme flexibility for curatorial freedom, and specificity of the space for memorable visitor experience
The arrangement of programs in the plinth is a free plan. The rational “boxes” of programs are freely distributed on the ground plan, creating diverse in-between spaces among them. The aim is free encounter among the users of different programs. It also ensures maximum flexibilityin the future.
The plinth consists of a regular concrete column grid and concrete slabs. The roof above large column-less spaces are further supported by concrete vaults and cone structures.
The museum consists of a multi-layer structure: ground floor concrete cone supports two space-frame levels with intermediate redistributive concrete vault structure in between. The cone and vault-like structures enable to use the levels for public performances. The column-less space-frame levels offer high flexibility for the galleries.
The sustainability strategy has 3 focal points:
1) Low carbon emission through construction: locally produced materials save transportation costs. Use of recycled materials.
2) Smart systems and advanced construction technologies: Energy saving: water harvest, integrated monitoring systems, efficient lighting system, high-quality thermal insulation, geothermal heating.
3) Sensible use of materials and planning principles: low maintenance cost, durable materials. Facade resilient against harbor pollution and harsh weather conditions of northern climate. Flexible and possibility of spatial change of any program in time.
Partner-in-charge/主管合伙人: Yong Cui (崔勇)
Associate-in-charge/主管经理: MindaugasGlodenis
Team Leader/设计组长: IgnasRackauskas
Team/团队: Kai Yu(余恺), Jingru Zhang(张景茹),Alan Hackl, Gabriele Matuzeviciute
Copyright Society Particular, 2014. All rights reserved.
Society Particular