

“The project features such an elegant use of native plants. There is balance here between design and nature. It’s more about site and
horticulture. It’s very subtle and beautifully done.”
– 2014 Awards Jury
– 2014 Awards Jury2014奖项评委会
Woodland Rain Gardens by
Jeffrey Carbo Landscape Architects
Preservation and enhancement of this site’s forest, and the use of native materials, with innovative and visible rain water collection systems, define and organize these gardens, by highlighting water collection strategies. An intensely collaborative process from inception allowed our firm and project architect to work simultaneously, allowing a dialogue through planning, design resolution and construction of all site and garden elements.
Simple curbing contains permeable and loose limestone within the drive and auto court. Stone walls contain terraced lawns for flexible use. Low horizontal walls are intended to frame the verticals of the pine and hardwood forest beyond.Photo Credit: Rebecca A. O’Neal Jeffrey Carbo Landscape Architects
▲ 微妙的低调入口。穿过安装在低矮石墙上的铜门,越过晒着暖阳的草丛,到达蕨类植物生机勃勃的树荫下。
Low walls of limestone rip-rap mark the entry with gates constructed of metal and copper. Masses of grasses fill sunny areas and transition to ferns and under stories in shady areas. Our intent was for the entry to be visible, yet subtle.
Photo Credit: Rebecca A. O’Neal
Jeffrey Carbo Landscape Architects
The curvilinear drive is intended to be functional, and artful, while providing uninterrupted access over the ravine, where water levels can rise as much as 8’ in intense rains. Adjacent trees were preserved by minimizing site grading.
Photo Credit: Chipper Hatter Architectural Photography
Many varieties of native ferns, understory trees and shrubs were added along the drive and within the forest to stabilize eroding slopes.
Photo Credit: Chipper Hatter Architectural Photography
Steep slopes along the ravine were subtlety regraded and planted continuously through the forest with natives to stabilize erosion during high water events. The ravine became an enhanced natural feature visible from adjacent walking paths.
Photo Credit: Chipper Hatter Architectural Photography
The residence is set within approximately five acres of preserved pine and hardwood forests with interesting topography in rural northwest Louisiana. The plan depicts the drive, guest and service parking, small lawn terraces , garden rooms and the rain gardens.
Photo Credit: Jeffrey Carbo Landscape Architects
Roof drains from the residence and french drains in the lawn terrace are exposed in the top of the stone retaining walls. Rain water moves within a native rock filled stainless steel rill near a small herb garden. Our clients expressed an interest in water elements, yet challenged us to be imaginative, as they were concerned with the potential maintenance of traditional water features.
Photo Credit: Rebecca A. O’Neal
Jeffrey Carbo Landscape Architects
Lawn terraces gradually transition to a small seating area near the rill outfall and rain garden, exposing the retaining wall and landscape.
Photo Credit: Chipper Hatter Architectural Photography
Rain water spills over a ledge and into a rock trough, ultimately filling a geometric bog planted with native aquatics. In dry seasons, an automatic fill is activated and creates a similar effect. During intense rains, the bog overflows into a curvilinear rock rill, and ultimately to the ravine below.
Photo Credit: Ralph Lee Anderson
A grove of native fringe trees frame a loose aggregate path leading to the rear area gardens.
Photo Credit: Ralph Lee Anderson
▲ 地势较低的雨水花园处于后花园的树林中,这里有茂密的桦树,柳树,蕨类植物。桥对面的平台直接与主卧套房联系。
Rear garden terraces are framed by forest and lower rain gardens, filled with native birch, willow, fern and iris. Roof drains on the residence and french drains in the lawn terrace fill the space defined by low stone walls. Cypress logs were harvested from nearby river bottoms and milled to create the bridge that connects the terraces. The rain garden extends from forest edge to a large window in the master suite of residence.
Photo Credit: Rebecca A. O’Neal
Jeffrey Carbo Landscape Architects
The trough collects overflow and moves towards a rock and metal channel within the rain garden, and toward the forests and escarpment. This linear view occurs at the large windows in the master suite, and was our response to a specific client request, that directs views from an expanse of windows to sunrises in the east.
Photo Credit: Rebecca A. O’Neal
Jeffrey Carbo Landscape Architects
Stone slabs with grass gaps extend the porch area into the landscape and facilitate water percolation within paved areas.
Photo Credit: Gaiennie Kathryn Fine Photography
Rain water moves within the trough of perforated stainless steel and river rock. Water collects and drips like water through a large strainer, diffusing flow that ultimately collects at the base of the forest escarpment and into an existing bog.
Photo Credit: Chipper Hatter Architectural Photography
Red Maples provide seasonal interest and frame the edges of the terraces.
Photo Credit: Rebecca A. O’Neal
Jeffrey Carbo Landscape Architects
This residence in northwest Louisiana occupies a five acre parcel. The site is vegetated with wooded slopes of pine and a mix of native hardwoods. A ravine, the drainage corridor for approximately 100 acres of surrounding forest, runs north /south on the site’s western edge.
Water levels in the ravine can rise as much as 8-10’ feet above normal levels after intense rains. A steep river escarpment, formed by the former route of the nearby Red River, vegetated with a dense hardwood canopy, comprises a large area on the site’s eastern boundary.
Our clients, natives of this area, resided seasonally in England’s Cotswold region for over 20 years, before returning home and beginning this project. Our firm collaborated with the clients and architect for two years preparing the site master plan and construction documents. Our firm began planning by developing proposals for the location of the residence, ultimately recommending placement on a ridge near the site’s eastern boundary and near the river escarpment. This allowed filtered views of the residence through the pine and hardwood forest. We also developed schemes for the gated entry, drive access, as well as garden spaces adjacent to the residence, including walks, walls, terraces, parking/service areas and rain water collection systems as garden features.
The entry drive is an elevated, curvilinear stone structure suspended above potential high water levels, so as to not impede flow in the ravine during rain events. Most of the site’s existing forests were preserved, and supplemented with generous plantings of native ferns, shrubs and understories along slopes and visible edges for erosion control and interest from drive views. A walking path also meanders much of the site.
Lawn terraces as flexible play areas for the client’s grandchildren also help organize the garden rooms immediate to the residence, and give spatial clarity to the heavily tree canopied drive and forests. Architectural and site details were inspired by the stone cottages and low walls of the Cotswolds region, a request of our clients. We admittedly struggled with this aspect of the commission, as this was not consistent with a local materials vocabulary. However, we became more comfortable once our suggestion to use limestone rip-rap for the stone, as many
river edges throughout this region are stabilized by using this material. It made this application seem more local.
It was our desire from the project’s inception to preserve, and engage the forests, ravine, and escarpment with the clients program and preferences. Our design goals also included:
1| Create simple and relatively small and level garden rooms for play, defined by woodland edges, gardening venues, rainwater collection, and portals into forests.2| Showcase and make visible drainage systems and rainwater harvesting techniques for garden spaces surrounding the residence, (even though annual rainfall typically is approximately 60-70” inches, it has decreased by more than 25% over the last three years. It is our belief that the perception of water as a valuable commodity will increase, even in this environment.3| Choreograph an interesting and memorable entry and arrival sequence with an elevated drive to minimize site grading and disturbance in order to preserve tree canopies, all while slowly and ultimately revealing the residence and gardens upon approach.4| Accommodate client requested venues for herbs, perennials, and vegetables in an unobtrusive and simple way that were accessible and
easy to maintain, while not detracting from the proposed rain gardens.5| Subtlety regrade and vegetate ravine edges with natives to control erosion and preserve the ravine as a site amenity.
Many of our design decisions were guided by adapting native materials and precedents to recall and reconcile the client’s preference for a foreign landscape. We emphasized the use of low horizontal lines for hardscape and landscape features to allow the powerful vertical character of the forest to be amplified and dominant.
Many design aspects became as much about what we elected not to do, than we did, ……….. Constantly editing and distilling our ideas to the essentials, allowing the beauty of nature against minimal built components, in our opinion, would be compelling. The garden design is intentionally simple.
The rear rain garden became directed by the clients request for lawn, yet another request….. “bring the forest up to our bedroom window,so we can enjoy the wildlife and birds that it might attract”! This sunken garden with birch, ferns, iris, and beautyberry became the defining gesture, further educating and selling the client on the beauty and virtues of natives, while also being a working landscape that collected rain water from the residence’s rear roofs and the adjacent lawn terraces. This feature also directed views to sunrises in the east.
The plank bridge, of milled cypress logs, connected otherwise disconnected spaces and extended linear views from the master bedroom toward the escarpment. The clients deemed this an immediate success, as they did the drive entry, and have often told us they enjoy the drive as much as the house and garden spaces, recalling early meetings where we explained how the entry drive could be a beautiful experience. They confessed their initial doubts early in the process, yet the completed work, in their opinion, validated our early descriptions.