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Le Relais Boréale 酿酒厂改造丨加拿大蒙特利尔丨Atelier L’Abri

2022/12/08 10:13:36
Le Relais Boréale位于蒙特利尔的Mile-Ex街区,是啤酒爱好者的聚会和品尝之处。本项目是魁北克小型酿酒厂先驱Les Brasseurs du Nord的归乡之作,该公司35年前在该市酿造了第一批Boréale啤酒。希望将自己的的循环酿酒方法融入本项目,这个酿酒公司请来几个街区外的L’Abri团队,设计一个突出企业生态责任和传承当地专业知识的独特场所。
Located in the Mile-Ex neighborhood of Montreal, Le Relais Boréale is a meeting and tasting place for beer lovers. This is a homecoming for Les Brasseurs du Nord, a pioneer of microbreweries in Quebec, which brewed its first Boréale beers in the city 35 years ago. Longing to transpose their circular approach into the project, they brought in the L’Abri team, based a few blocks away, to design a unique venue highlighting eco-responsibility and local know-how.
▼室内空间概览,overview of the interior
Le Relais Boréale 酿酒厂改造丨加拿大蒙特利尔丨Atelier L’Abri-3
▼轴测图,axonometric drawing
Le Relais Boréale 酿酒厂改造丨加拿大蒙特利尔丨Atelier L’Abri-6
The microbrewery occupies a corner space within the Fabrik8 complex, a WELL-certified building. The project designed by L’Abri enabled the transformation of a commercial suite, made of concrete and glass, into an efficient brewhouse and a warm dining room that can accommodate 60 people. The layout takes advantage of the double-height location by creating a mezzanine above the cold chambers containing the beer barrels. The stainless-steel fermenters reside on top, in full view behind a large oak-framed glass wall. This strategy optimizes the production space and highlights the metal tanks and brewing activities day and night.
a view from the dining space to the large oak-framed glass wall
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Le Relais Boréale 酿酒厂改造丨加拿大蒙特利尔丨Atelier L’Abri-11
▼酿酒空间,the brewing space
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Le Relais Boréale 酿酒厂改造丨加拿大蒙特利尔丨Atelier L’Abri-14
On the tasting room side, the rounded corners of the counter soften its lines and allows for customers to sit in a social and fluid way. This long bar, with 16 rows of taps, is the welcoming point when entering the brewery. Towards the brewing room, visitors discover a large dark blue table, the emblematic color of Boréale. At the heart of the project, this unique piece of furniture invites people to meet and share by evoking the tradition of Biergartens. An outdoor terrace extends the activities of the brewery to the street.
▼吧台,the bar
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▼吧台近景,close shot of the bar
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Le Relais Boréale 酿酒厂改造丨加拿大蒙特利尔丨Atelier L’Abri-21
The use of natural materials, such as native wood, local granite, and lime plaster, as well as soft lighting, contribute to warming the atmosphere of the dining room. A selection of large plants, accompanied by a wall of climbing vines, pays hommage to the boreal forest and contributes to an organic, human, and social environment.
▼木质长桌,a long wooden table
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▼木质长桌近景,close shot of the long wooden table
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Putting forward an eco-responsible approach, the microbrewery has partnered with a company that recovers spent grains from brewing residues to transform them into flour for local bakeries. The project also features second-hand equipment, including brewing tanks and other materials. The design honours environmental considerations and prioritizes local manufacturing and sourcing.
▼桌椅近景,close shot of the table and seats
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Le Relais Boréale 酿酒厂改造丨加拿大蒙特利尔丨Atelier L’Abri-32
为了创造独特的家具和照明设备,L’Abri和Construction Modulor联合周边社区有相似价值观的艺术工匠。Studio Botté以升级再利用为核心创作,其设计和制作的灯光作品使用了来自蒙特利尔市的旧灯柱圆顶和酒瓶等元素。桌椅是木工Inat的手工作品,其蓝色部件和户外长椅的木材来自Bois Public,该组织回收和再利用倒下的蒙特利尔白蜡树作为木材。最后,柜台的花岗岩来自距离市区不到3小时车程的采石场。Relais Boréale凭借其本地化的设计,已成为该地区最新的本土旗舰店。
For the creation of unique furniture and lighting, the design-build team of L’Abri and Construction Modulor surrounded itself with artisans from the neighborhood who share similar values. Studio Botté, which creates luminous works from upcycled elements, designed and produced pieces that reuse, among other elements, old lamppost domes from the City of Montreal and liquor bottles. The tables and chairs are handmade creations by woodworker, Inat. The wood used for its blue pieces and the outdoor benches come from Bois Public, an organization that recovers and reuses wood from downed Montreal ash trees. Finally, the granite for the counters comes from a quarry less than 3 hours from the city. The Relais Boréale, with its ultra-local design, has thus become a new homegrown flagship in the neighborhood.
▼灯具近景,close shot of the lightings
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Le Relais Boréale 酿酒厂改造丨加拿大蒙特利尔丨Atelier L’Abri-37
▼一层平面图,first floor plan
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▼夹层平面图,mezzanine floor plan
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Le Relais Boréale 酿酒厂改造丨加拿大蒙特利尔丨Atelier L’Abri-43
Project: Le Relais Boréale
Location: Montréal, Québec, Canada
Client: Les Brasseurs du Nord
Architecture: Atelier L’Abri
Construction: Modulor
Project Team: Jade Lachapelle, Pia Hocheneder, Nicolas Lapierre, Francis Martel-Labrecque, Mik Kukulsky, Marilou Pasquier, Julien Latour
Collaborators: Élément Bois, Inat, Studio Botté, Flyss, Bois Public, Sistemalux, Planteca, Polycor, Céragrès, Ramacieri Soligo, House on the Rock, Bilodeau Inox, Atomic Soudure, LG2
Delivery: summer 2022
Photographer: Raphaël Thibodeau
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