

继完成深圳前海一线海景地标 - 恒裕前海金融中心 –之后,2020 年 Farrells 法雷尔再次受恒裕集团委托,着手柏悦湾商务中心综合体的全阶段立面设计,即从概念到落地全过程参与。
Following the completion of the landmark towers in Shenzhen Qianhai - Hengyu Qianhai Financial Centre - Since 2020 onwards, Farrells has been commissioned by Hengyu Group to lead the elevation design of this multi-faceted mixed-use development Hengyu Bay View Business Centre, from concept to construction stage.
The architectural expression turns the complexity of mixed-use functions into harmony, with the sleek form from a distance and the richness of the textured detailing up close, creating a sophisticated and luxurious new urban landmark in the core area of Nanshan.
这座垂直综合体总面积 370,610 平方米,包括 4 座 200 米高塔楼,底部配备零售、休闲等商业设施及社区幼儿园。与此同时,北大及清华两所顶尖学府同时入驻,开设光华管理学院及粤港澳研究中心,旨在创造一处汇聚新锐精英的现代活力社区。
With a GFA of 370,610sqm, the project comprises four towers of 200-metre high and a mixed-use podium complex. Retail and leisure functions are integrated into podium levels as well as a kindergarten. Meanwhile, two top academic institutions, Peking University and Tsinghua University, will also moved in, creating a modern-day vibrant working and living community.
200m 高塔群组 完善南山天际线
柏悦湾商务中心位于深圳繁华的南山中心区,处在深圳湾、前海湾、蛇口湾三湾交汇的中间点,并位于 9 号线南油西地铁口上盖。
Hengyu Bai Yue Wan Business Centre is a mixed-use development located in Shenzhen’s bustling Nanshan District. It sits on top of the Nan You Xi of Line 9, and is located in the super bay center where Shenzhen Bay, Qianhai Bay and Shekou Bay meet.
南北两组塔楼的标准层分别为 1,100 平方米与 1,800 平方米,包含多种户型。多种平面变体使塔楼需要精准的立面设计以实现造型的整体协调。
The typical floor area of south two towers are 1,100sqm and 1,800sqm for north two towers. The various flat mix on tower plan requires precise elevation design to achieve an overall harmonious form.
北侧塔楼 ©Farrells
The architectural expression of 4 towers complement each other in design – unified by similar façade articulation defined by its striking verticals, immediately guiding our sight up to the majestic rooftop feature. The façade takes on a modern and timeless design that integrates functional qualities into part of its sleek yet textured aesthetics – where louvres seamlessly find its way into the façade to screen off the MEP equipment.
For 2 southtowers, recessed balconies provide residents a private area for fresh air and views to the surrounding mountainous landscape – enhancing the connection between architecture, humanity and nature. Where towers meet the ground, the entrances are stately yet inviting – with its large glazing area framed by an earthy tone stone-clad portal frame and polished bronze metallic trim details.
横向线条编织裙房多种功能 ©Farrells
The retail, leisure and clubhouse in the podium forms a new living and social focal point for those who work and live here and for the neighbourhoods. A special feature of this mixed-use development is the presence of top academic institutions, including the Peking University’s Guanghua School of Management and the Hong Kong and Macau Research Centre of Tsinghua University.
The podium design is characterized by its fluid lines and built on the concept of accentuating its horizontality – integrating multi-level public passageways, outdoor green terraces and interconnected atriums – creating interactive spaces and enhanced people-oriented spatial experiences. Intricately crafted and detailed, the podium architecture is an interplay and expression of flat, concave, convex and recessed horizontal panels that come together to form a textured ribbon effect.
The variation of different materials of the building reveals a unique design aesthetic, like a frozen gorgeous movement woven into the urban symphony. Visually, it guides people into the building, to feel the silky architectural language, to explore and discover different functional spaces in the project, and to experience the unique charm of the building.
In addition, the development also provides academia facilities that shall become a future campus extension to Peking University and integrates a kindergarten into a part of the podium. Located in Shenzhen’s bustling Nanshan District, the urban campus creates new opportunities and sets new precedence in China as a sustainable and resilient campus model. The academia extensions are quintessential in bringing new synergetic possibilities and value to the development – introducing youthfulness and energy to the area.
北大光华管理学院的总建筑面积为 8,000 平方米,为使用者提供了多元的设施以及足够的公共空间用于会议和互动。大学部分建筑通过体块叠合穿插的形式和丰富的材质色彩,展现出独特性与城市标识性。垂直装饰条在视觉上将大学部分拉高,使其与商业裙楼的水平元素表达形成了鲜明的对比。细密的垂直幕墙构件顺应塔楼的方向,带来整体统一的建筑语言及和谐的体量连接。此外,其白色和灰色金属面板在建筑立面内形成了积极的对比,整体上亦与相邻塔楼的玻璃和铝饰面形成了鲜明的对比。
The Peking University block boasts a GFA of 8,000sqm – offering a wide range of facilities along with adequate communal spaces for meetings and interactions. The university block projects a distinguished identity and urban presence through its interlocking rectilinear form juxtaposed with a rich palette of materiality. Vertical fins further heighten and enhance the various volumes at the university block to give it a recognized contrast to the horizontal expression seen at the retail podium. The finely spaced fins draw parallels with the assertive verticals of the towers – providing an architectural continuity and detailed articulation for the development. Moreover, its white and grey metal panels create a positive contrast within the building façade, and also with the glass and aluminium finishes of its neighbouring towers.
The project is currently in the construction phase and the superstructure is rapidly gaining its urban presence within the district. On-site works is close to top-level and the towers are gradually taking shape, which will eventually shape the skyline of Nanshan.
更多关于这个综合开发项目的消息将陆续公布。柏悦湾商务中心预计将于 2024 年竣工。
More news on this mixed-use development will be announced. Hengyu Bai Yue Wan Business Centre is expected to be completed in 2024.
Farrells 项目董事 Julia Lou 领导此项目自概念设计至落地的设计全程,其他主要项目组成员有:Benjamin Lau, Jacky Lok, Tolis Apostolidis, Victor Ioan Pricop, Joyce Lau, Tyler Fong, Wendy Zhe Wang, Luo Xiaoxiao, Wang Shuwei, stella He, Lauren Fung.
未标注©Farrells 的图片由业主方授权发布;用于销售的效果图请以业主发布为准。
业主:深圳市恒裕实业 (集团) 有限公司
设计单位:TFP Farrells 法雷尔
设计范围: 外立面设计全程