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大连梭鱼湾足球场丨中国大连丨BDP Pattern

2022/05/15 22:51:18
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©BDP Pattern
近日,由BDP Pattern设计的大连梭鱼湾足球场目前已经完成屋面索结构的施工搭建,预计于2023年全部完工并投入使用。梭鱼湾球场之后将成为职业足球俱乐部的日常主场。
BDP Pattern’s design for Suoyuwan Stadium is now well underway with the first roof elements installed. The stadium is expected to be delivered in 2023, and will be a modern home for Dalian Pro FC and Venue for the Asian Cup .
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 ©Will Chen - Wanda
Thenew stadium is located on an incredible site on the waterfront of Dalian, amajor city and seaport in the south of Liaoning Province. It has a capacity of 630,000 seats and a GFA of 136,000 sqm.  The site is a reclaimed peninsula west of theport with dramatic views across the bay.
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A Landmark
The design has been inspired by the stadium’s unique location and the materials of the façade give a shimmering feel to the building, as the different ‘shells’ appear to float and twist within each other. At night the stadium is a spectacle of light, reflecting from the sweeping building form.
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©BDP Pattern
A Destination打卡地标球场设计的另一大特点是建筑外部结构螺旋上升,铺以1.6公里长的螺旋坡道,市民和游客可徒步而上抵达一个开放式的全景观海平台,将大连湾的美景以及球场边的体育公园尽收眼底。
The stadium features a 1.6km tourist walking route from the podium to the roof, providing spectators with a breath-taking view of Dalian Bay and the community sports and leisure park to the East of the building.
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©BDP Pattern
Thestadium comprises a community sports park featuring outdoor training pitchesthat support the club’s youth academy, cycle routes and a running track thatspirals up the stadium. These features will make the facility a major publicdestination and tourist area on the waterfront.
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©BDP Pattern
World Class非凡体验
BDP Pattern的坐席设计使梭鱼湾球场的观赛体验能达到世界顶尖水平,其坐席区C值最小为90,最大可达150+。(C值是前排观众视点与后排观众视线的高差,C值越大视线阻碍越小。)无论是体育赛事还是娱乐演出,球迷、观众们都能获得无与伦比的视觉盛宴。
The design of the seating bowl will provide the best watching experience for fans and spectators. The C-Value of the seating bowl varies from 90 to 150+. (C-Value is the vertical distance from a spectator's eyes to sightline of the spectator directly behind. The bigger C-Value the better view from the seat.)
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©BDP Pattern
The design of the Suoyuwan stadium is following the world-class professional football stadium standards. It can switch between the Chinese Super League mode and the international championship mode. Let’s look forward to the completion of this top-class stadium.
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