

东南角鸟瞰Southeast brid view西南角鸟瞰Southwest bird view主入口 Main entry青浦大剧院由BAU建筑城市设计与Carr卡尔建筑与室内设计、Marshall Day 马歇尔剧场灯光专项设计共同完成。The Qingpu Performing Arts Centre is designed by BAU Brearley Architects+Urbanists in collaboration with Carr Architecture and Interior Design and Marshall Day Accounstics.主入口街景Main entry street view东侧湖畔与水上戏台Lakeside entrance and Water stage东侧湖畔入口Lakeside entrance本项目位于依水而建的青浦区,与该地区悠久而丰富的文化遗产有密切的联系。青浦区位于上海西部,从水乡、古城、传统的砖瓦建筑和扇形屋顶开始,是围绕着水慢慢演变发展的。青浦演艺中心的建筑造型巧妙地借鉴了这些传统元素。青浦当地的手工艺品和玉璧、金器、陶土、漆器等传统技艺也在四个演出厅的室内设计中得到了呼应。The Qingpu Performing Arts Centre is profoundly connected to the long and rich cultural heritage of the area. Qingpu’s settlements evolved around water, starting with water towns, the ancient walled city, traditional brick construction, and the scalloped roof form. The architecture of the Qingpu Performing Art Centre derives its silhouette, iconography, and materiality by subtly referencing these elements. Qingpu’s local artefacts and traditional expertise in jade, gold, clay and lacquer, are echoed in the interior design of the four performance spaces.中央大厅Concourse音乐厅Concert hall音乐厅 - 夕阳时分Concert hall - Sunset view水,一直存在于青浦,环绕着这座建筑,映射出这座建筑引人注目的轮廓。建筑的公共空间与公园相互渗透,得力于所有的后勤卸货都放置于地下。Water, which is ever present in the Qingpu, surrounds the building, reflecting the building’s striking silhouette. The public spaces of the building seamlessly connect to the parks - made possible only because all loading and vehicle circulation is located underground.大剧院 - 表演模式Grand theather - Performing青浦演艺中心深深植根于当地的历史文化之中,与公园无缝衔接,是一座标志性的公共建筑,它以尊重和独特的现代设计手法理解、重新诠释当地的文化。Deeply rooted in the local history and culture and seamlessly connected to the park, the Qingpu Performing Art Centre is an iconographic landmark - a public building which firstly understands, then interprets and represents, local culture in ways that are both respectful and uniquely contemporary.黑匣子剧场Black Box Theater报告厅Lecture Hall展厅与文化体验中心Exhibition and Culture experience centreMasterplan总平面图Plans平面图
Sections剖面图Project Data项目信息Project Status: international competition项目情况:国际竞赛Location: Qingpu, Shanghai, China地点: 中国,上海,青浦Year: 2020年份: 2020Client: Shanghai Lake Dianshan Newtown Development Co., Ltd.客户: 上海淀山湖新城发展有限公司Construction Area: 76019m2建筑面积: 76019平方米Construction Cost: RMB 1.8 billion建设投资: 18亿人民币Typology: Culture类型: 文化建筑Program: 1200-seat Grand Theater, 800-seat Concert Hall, 500-seat Black-box Theater, 300-seat Lecture Hall, Exhibition Hall功能项目: 1200座大剧场、800座音乐厅、500座黑匣子剧场、300座报告厅、展览 BAU Project Team:BAU项目组成员:Architecture: James Brearley, Steve Whitford, Jens, Eberhardt, María Cala Gonzalez, Tammy Li, Liyao Hu, Xueyang Ding, Fonarri Chen, Nat Pornvarojanabun建筑设计: James Brearley, Steve Whitford,Jens Eberhardt, María Cala Gonzalez, 李旭丰, 胡丽瑶,丁雪杨,陈志勇,Nat Pornvarojanabun Landscape Design: Fang Huang, Pan Linlu景观设计: 黄芳,潘琳璐 Interior Design: Carr Architecture and Interior Design室内设计: 卡尔建筑与室内设计;Acoustic Consultant: Marshall Day Acoustics声学顾问: 马歇尔剧场声光专项设计Stage Consultant: Marshall Day Entertech舞台顾问: Marshall Day Entertech3D Rendering: BAU3D 渲染: BAU