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441 设计工作室打造罗马尼亚 Bucharest Saint Roastery 咖啡厅,工业风中融入温暖元素

2019/05/24 04:18:35
441 设计工作室打造罗马尼亚 Bucharest Saint Roastery 咖啡厅,工业风中融入温暖元素-0
Recently 441 Design Studio designed a coffee shop and roastery in Bucharest, Romania.The studio took inspiration from the current coffee industry aesthetic, characterized by clean minimalism. With the thought of the coffee roasting process in mind and the roaster itself, the industrial look came almost involuntarily. Elements of oak were used in order to give some warmth to the space.The green chosen in the roasting area is not by chance. The color was originally found only on special ceramics, created by a thinly applied glaze that transformed iron oxide from ferric to ferrous iron as it fired in the oven.The name of the color is “Celadon”.For centuries, in China this hue of green was called “mi se”, meaning the mysterious color.
Interior design by 441 Design Studio
Photography by Vlad Creteanu
441 设计工作室打造罗马尼亚 Bucharest Saint Roastery 咖啡厅,工业风中融入温暖元素-4
441 设计工作室打造罗马尼亚 Bucharest Saint Roastery 咖啡厅,工业风中融入温暖元素-5
441 设计工作室打造罗马尼亚 Bucharest Saint Roastery 咖啡厅,工业风中融入温暖元素-6
441 设计工作室打造罗马尼亚 Bucharest Saint Roastery 咖啡厅,工业风中融入温暖元素-7
441 设计工作室打造罗马尼亚 Bucharest Saint Roastery 咖啡厅,工业风中融入温暖元素-8
441 设计工作室打造罗马尼亚 Bucharest Saint Roastery 咖啡厅,工业风中融入温暖元素-9
441 设计工作室打造罗马尼亚 Bucharest Saint Roastery 咖啡厅,工业风中融入温暖元素-10
441 设计工作室打造罗马尼亚 Bucharest Saint Roastery 咖啡厅,工业风中融入温暖元素-11
441 设计工作室打造罗马尼亚 Bucharest Saint Roastery 咖啡厅,工业风中融入温暖元素-12
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