知末案例   /   餐饮空间   /   咖啡店

乌克兰 DOBRO 咖啡厅

2018/06/06 06:50:57
乌克兰 DOBRO 咖啡厅-0
乌克兰 DOBRO 咖啡厅-1
The brand and interior design was based on the conception of the retail place to be the most kind and friendly coffee and cocktail bar in the city, and to create the mood of the other planet. So the space is divided into three parts: entrance veranda, main hall and bar. It creates different types of sitting zones and variety of light specters for them. The accent in materials orientated on broken tiles on the bar zone, abstract mural that delimits two sitting areas, and round gypsum light sculptures on the walls. And the supplement for the interior is minimalist style branding that continues laconic atmosphere of the design.
Designed by by
TAK office
Photography by Nastja Khmara
乌克兰 DOBRO 咖啡厅-6
乌克兰 DOBRO 咖啡厅-7
乌克兰 DOBRO 咖啡厅-8
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乌克兰 DOBRO 咖啡厅-11
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乌克兰 DOBRO 咖啡厅-22
乌克兰 DOBRO 咖啡厅-23
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