Based in Ho Chi Minh City, the bustling Vietnamese city formerly known as Saigon, TAP is a retail company which has successfully created a platform for the creative output of many local handicraft artisans. Following two shops in downtown shopping centres, TAP has taken its retail operations to a higher level by opening a standalone flagship store, also in the heart of the city. The company secured an 80 sqm. ground floor space of a former colonial residential building with a small front yard in a quiet alleyway off Ngo Thoi Nhiem Street, featuring a clean modern interior design by local design practice Sawadeesign. Given the fact that architectural restrictions apply, the shop sees cleverly constructed shelving attached to floor-to-ceiling steel rods which effortlessly extend indoors from a sleek canopy in the front yard, creating a U-shape trail through the TAP flagship store. Similarly to the building façade, the interior is dipped in a pristine white hue, except for the flooring made up of the same stone bricks outside, and which have been used to construct the sales counter as well. The new TAP store carries a wide range of products, including homeware, decorative objects, ceramics and lifestyle goods, all handcrafted in Vietnam.
Designed by
Images © Sawadeesign Studio
Photography: Quang Tran