京都废墟风 Freitag 旗舰店 | 工业仓库与 DIY 工作坊的完美结合

2019/12/25 00:40:16
京都废墟风 Freitag 旗舰店 | 工业仓库与 DIY 工作坊的完美结合-0
With its first store in Kyoto, the Zurich-based bag manufacturing company now opens a new location in the country with which it shares a passion for the used, wabi-sabi aesthetic look.
The 80-sq.m store is modeled entirely on the industrial-style logistics warehouses at the company’s headquarters in Zurich. This is something visitors can feel and experience for themselves. Because, among other things, the store has its own workshop where they can fulfill their DIY ambitions and produce their own unique tarp miniatures.
The premises stock around 1,100 recycled, one-off bags. And just so visitors to the Kyoto store never forget the origin of every unique specimen, a highway-life-size mural of a truck dominates the outside of the new shop.
Photo credit; Daici Ano, Corsin Zarn
京都废墟风 Freitag 旗舰店 | 工业仓库与 DIY 工作坊的完美结合-5
京都废墟风 Freitag 旗舰店 | 工业仓库与 DIY 工作坊的完美结合-6
京都废墟风 Freitag 旗舰店 | 工业仓库与 DIY 工作坊的完美结合-7
京都废墟风 Freitag 旗舰店 | 工业仓库与 DIY 工作坊的完美结合-8
京都废墟风 Freitag 旗舰店 | 工业仓库与 DIY 工作坊的完美结合-9
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