当地室内设计师Ariel Okin展示了她是如何用The Shade Store的独特窗饰改造她的家庭住宅的。在家里呆了近两年的时间后,Ariel Okin都在考虑重新设计他们的生活空间,使之更加美丽和温馨。
Local transplant and interior designer Ariel Okin shows how she revamped her family home with unique window treatments from The Shade Store.After nearly two years spending more time at home,Ariel Okin’ve all put some thought into redesigning their living spaces to be more beautiful and homey.
Ariel Okin一家搬进来的时候,房间几乎是空白的。因此,Ariel Okin的任务是剥离过去15年的过时附加物,用经典的纺织图案、柔和的颜色和自然的纹理组合来取代它们,这就是她的风格。
When the Okins moved in, they pretty much had a blank.So Okin’s task became peeling back the dated additions of the last 15 years and replacing them with the mix of classic textile patterns, soft colors, and natural textures that defines her style.
沙发上的Sister Parish织物与Mainly Baskets Home的柳条家具和Cailini Coastal的条纹地毯的结合,使其全年都有一种微妙的沿海感觉。
The marriage of a Sister Parish fabric on the sofa with wicker furniture from Mainly Baskets Home and a striped rug from Cailini Coastal gives it a subtly coastal feel year-round.
Ariel Okin拆除了厨房的台面和后挡板,用Carrara台面和来自Cle Tile的干净的白色地铁瓷砖取代了这些台面和后挡板,后者立即对其进行了更新,Ariel Okin把厨房的橱柜重新刷成了亮白色。其结果是既漂亮又实用。
Ariel Okin removed the kitchen countertops and backsplash and replaced those with Carrara countertops and clean white subway tile from Cle Tile in the kitchen, which instantly updated it, and Ariel Okin repainted the kitchen cabinets in a bright white.The result is both pretty and functional.
在餐厅里,Ariel Okin首次展示了她即将与The Mural Source合作的产品线,该产品线将于今年秋天推出。它被设计师Caroline Gidiere为King's House设计的系列的图形地毯所抵消,该地毯旨在模仿彩绘地板的外观。
In the dining room, Okin debuted her upcoming line with The Mural Source, launching this fall.It's offset by a graphic rug from designer Caroline Gidiere's collection for King's House that's meant to mimic the look of painted floors.
来自Paloma & Co.的餐边柜和桌子是古董,餐椅也是如此,上面覆盖着来自Fabricut的高性能天鹅绒。 客厅的书架增加了纹理和色彩。
The sideboard (sourced from Paloma & Co.) and table are antique, as are the dining chairs, which are covered in a performance velvet from Fabricut.The living room's bookshelves add texture and color.
Interiors:Ariel Okin
Photos:Donna Dotan